Script Restriction #1 The Seagull


Valued Member!
Sooo I was wondering if anyone else has been having this problem, it hits our server hard sometimes. I was wondering if this could be caused by some of the scripts ive been adding off here, or if its just a normal bug

Im running panthera 1.8

Tried the fixes you see on forums everywhere, which is just to blank it out, but this just causes players to actually spawn in as seagulls. Anyone got an idea if we can fix this through a script?
are you running anything that is eating up your groups ? > 140 west groups and you get the seagull issue ...
Im fairly new to the arma 2 scripting. I know the dayz skins are assigned to the west but im not to sure what you mean by greater than 140 west groups. We have 50 player slots, and they are usually full. So does this include viehcles that are set to west aswell? we do have alot of them.

For example we have around 160-170 viehcles probably set to west, aswell as the 50 players, so thats like max 220 things set to west

I am going to try taking out any skin that isnt west and see if this will help with the problem. But we have been having it for quite awhile even before I put in the scripts to unlock skins.

Then maybe try cutting down on a few viehcles, unless there is something else you can suggest.

Thanks Sarge, youve given me somewhere to start anyway, any further advice would be very helpful.
