Stash Boobytrap

Matt use the blast radius as a death zone, ie player within 10meters player dies. Use the radius parameter you are using for the explosion and then halfway though the explosion "setdamage player = 1"

Mind posting an example I can reference? Not good at this. Would like to add a uid function as well, probs using getvariable and playeruid and somehow setting it to not detonate for the person who sets it
Mind posting an example I can reference? Not good at this. Would like to add a uid function as well, probs using getvariable and playeruid and somehow setting it to not detonate for the person who sets it

I can probably set the getvarible and playeruid part up, not sure how to include it not detonating for it though.
Have to wait then sorry mate, I'm kinda in bed on my iPad. I just woke up. Will give you an example within the next two hours sorry bout the wait.
Matt use the blast radius as a death zone, ie player within 10meters player dies. Use the radius parameter you are using for the explosion and then halfway though the explosion "setdamage player = 1"

_trapBomb = "grenade" createVehicle getmarkerPos position_createBomb "setdamage player = 1";
Kinda... I would have used the heli crash explosion though. SetDamage player = 1
Umm... So yeah grab the heli crash explosion variable and then use that because you can adjust the radius
Kinda... I would have used the heli crash explosion though. SetDamage player = 1
Umm... So yeah grab the heli crash explosion variable and then use that because you can adjust the radius

No idea where to find that variable, so checking server_spawnCrashsite.
        waituntil {(_crashwreck distance _position) <= _exploRange || not alive _crashwreck || (getPosATL _crashwreck select 2) < 5 || (damage _crashwreck) >= _crashDamage};
            //Taking out the Tailrotor would be more realistic, but makes the POC not controllable
            _crashwreck setHit ["mala vrtule", 1];
            sleep 2;
            _crashwreck setdamage 1;
            _crashwreck setfuel 0;
            diag_log(format["CRASHSPAWNER: %1 just exploded at %2!, ", _crashName, str(getPosATL _crashwreck)]);
            //She cant survive this :(
            _helipilot setdamage 1;
Is the most that I see, would it be damage_crashwreck?

Didn't see _crashwreck setHit ["mala vrtule", 1];, So I would assume that "mala vrtule", 1 replaces grenade in my code.

Thanks for being patient with me dude :p
_trapBomb = ["mala vrtule", 10] createVehicle getmarkerPos position_createBomb "SetDamage Player = 1";
is what i've got now. And I couldn't find a way (neither could some other folk I asked) to add the trigger for humanity into it so only bandits set it off, so I instead changed to having it included in the addaction, meaning you have to be a bandit to use it

Should that createVehicle be setHit instead?
Will test now, but still not sure whether that createVehicle needs to be setHit or not

I will try _trapBomb = setHit ["mala vrtule", 10] createVehicle getmarkerPos position_createBomb "SetDamage Player = 1";

because atm it still isn't causing death
maybe createVehicle [["grenade", 10] position _createBomb, "SetDamage Player = 1", [], 0, "NONE"];
I cannot figure this out and am really tired right now. Incase anyone wants to work on them : (this is where the issues are) (the addaction and such for boobytrap.sqf is all the way at the bottom.)

Good luck, if no one decides to work on this through the night, i'll start up on it again tomorrow or this weekend. For reference : (its the code I modified for this, the only thing I can't get to work is the damn explosion and the kill)
If it makes it any easier, don't just let bandits be able to set it off. Survivors, Hero's should blow up as well imo.

Matt passed the project onto me, seems simple enough although I can't script at the moment meaning all four of my scripts are on hold because my screen died about 2 hours ago and I don't have the $120 AUD to replace it at the moment. Hint: donations are appreciated... pm me for details.
Matt passed the project onto me, seems simple enough although I can't script at the moment meaning all four of my scripts are on hold because my screen died about 2 hours ago and I don't have the $120 AUD to replace it at the moment. Hint: donations are appreciated... pm me for details.

If your anywhere near adelaide I have one you can use.