any way you could send me a non evo debug?
cause im running regular mod 1.8 and i dont think it has money :p
however you see my structure and should be able to work it out, just need the correct defines:

if (IsDebug == 1) then
                  hintSilent parseText format["
            <t size='1.3' color='#FFFFFF'>EvolutionZ</t><br/>
            <t size='1.2'font='TahomaB'align='left' color='#14fb06'>Player Online:</t><t size='1.2'font='TahomaB'align='right'color='#14fb06'>%1</t><br/>
            <t size='1.2'font='TahomaB'align='left' color='#13ee67'>Website:</t><br/><t size='.9'font='TahomaB'align='right'color='#13ee67'>%2</t><br/>
            <t size='1.2'font='TahomaB'align='left' color='#13ee67'>TS3:</t><t size='1.2'font='TahomaB'align='right'color='#13ee67'>%3</t><br/>
            <t size='1.2'font='TahomaB'align='left'color='#13eedb'>Health:</t><t size='1.2' font='TahomaB'align='right'color='#13eedb'>%4 Percent</t><br/>
            <t size='1.2'font='TahomaB'align='left'color='#13b4ee'>Level:</t><t size='1.2' font='TahomaB'align='right'color='#13b4ee'>%5</t><br/>
            <t size='1.2'font='TahomaB'align='left'color='#1367ee'>Exp:</t><t size='1.2' font='TahomaB'align='right'color='#1367ee'>%6\%7</t><br/>
            <t size='1.2'font='TahomaB'align='left'color='#6d13ee'>Money:</t><t size='1.2' font='TahomaB'align='right'color='#6d13ee'>%8</t><br/>
            <t size='1.2'font='TahomaB'align='left'color='#6d13ee'>Money in Bank:</t><t size='1.2' font='TahomaB'align='right'color='#6d13ee'>%9</t><br/>
            <t font='TahomaB' align='Center' size='1.2' color='#FFBF00'>[%10]</t><br/>
            <img size='5.5' image='%11'/><br/>
            <t size='1.2'font='TahomaB'align='left' color='#3fa77d'>Humanity:</t><t color='#3fa77d' size='1.2'font='TahomaB'align='right'>%12</t><br/>
            <t size='1.2'font='TahomaB'align='left' color='#3fa77d'>MiniGame Timer:</t><t color='#3fa77d' size='1.2'font='TahomaB'align='right'>%13</t><br/>
            <t size='1.2'font='TahomaB'align='left' color='#3fa77d'>Zombies Left:</t><t color='#3fa77d' size='1.2'font='TahomaB'align='right'>%14</t><br/>
            <t size='1.2'font='TahomaB'align='center'color='#2ECCFA'>Fps: %15</t><br/>",
            (count playableUnits),
            (gettext (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeof vehicle player) >> "displayName")),
            (player getVariable["humanity", 0]),
            (round diag_fps)];
Not sure if removing the
_vehicle_1861 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createVehicle ["Land_Terrace_K_1_EP1", [6549.4756, 7696.2095, 9.022356], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _vehicle_1861 = _this; _this allowdamage false;
  _this setDir 25.455843;
  _this setPos [6549.4756, 7696.2095, 9.022356];
from minigame.sqf broke my minigame but now players cant enter, they dont get the option in scroll menu anymore. As far as i know the Land_Terrace_K_1_EP1 in the minigame.sqf is only the layout of the minigame arena and has nothing to do with the actual init/menuitem of the script, am i correct?
Since we are on the topic of debug monitors think guys could help me out? I've tried to edit it myself but I can't get anything to work out. I'm only using the levels and kill streak from dayz of glory but I had to use the debug monitors to get that to work. I want to edit this one to remove the money stuff and add in some features from the one below. I see that they are in completely different formats and have no clue what to do. Ignore the // on a few of the lines I tried to comment them out so they wouldnt show but that didnt work as well
hintSilent parseText format ["
            <t size='1.3' color='#FFFFFF'>DayZ of Our Lives</t><br/>
            <t size='1' color='#ff8800'></t><br/>
            <t size='.90' align='left' color='#ff8800'>Website: </t><t size='.90' align='right' color='#ff0000'>%11</t><br/>
            <t size='1' align='left' color='#ff8800'>TS: </t><t size='1' align='right' color='#ff0000'>%12</t><br/>
            <t size='1' align='left' color='#ff8800'>Health: </t><t size='1' align='right' color='#ff0000'>%6 Percent</t><br/>
            <t size='1' align='left' color='#ff8800'>Level: </t><t size='1' align='right' color='#ff0000'>%2</t><br/>
            <t size='1' align='left' color='#ff8800'>Speed: </t><t size='1' align='right' color='#ff0000'>%9 KPH</t><br/>
            <t size='1' align='left' color='#ff8800'>Exp: </t><t size='1' align='right' color='#ff0000'>%3\%1</t><br/>
            //<t size='1' align='left' color='#ff8800'>Money: </t><t size='1' align='right' color='#ff0000'>$%7</t><br/>
            //<t size='1' align='left' color='#ff8800'>Money in Bank: </t><t size='1' align='right' color='#ff0000'>$%10</t><br/>
            <t size='1' align='left' color='#ff8800'>Time to Restart: </t><t size='1' align='right' color='#ff0000'>%5 Min</t><br/>
            //<t size='1' align='left' color='#ffff00'>MiniGame Timer: </t><t size='1' align='right' color='#ff0000'>%13</t><br/>
            <t size='1' align='left' color='#ffff00'>Zombies Left: </t><t size='1' align='right' color='#ff0000'>%14</t><br/>
            <t size='1' color='#ff8800'>Press Tab To Toggle Debug Monitors</t><br/>
            <t size='1' color='#ff8800'>Scroll lock for server info</t>",
            (round My_speed),

fnc_debug = {
    debugMonitor = true;
    while {debugMonitor} do
        _kills =        player getVariable["zombieKills",0];
        _killsH =        player getVariable["humanKills",0];
        _killsB =        player getVariable["banditKills",0];
        _humanity =        player getVariable["humanity",0];
        _headShots =    player getVariable["headShots",0];
        _zombies =              count entities "zZombie_Base";
        _zombiesA =    {alive _x} count entities "zZombie_Base";
        _banditCount = {(isPlayer _x) && ((_x getVariable ["humanity",0]) < 0)} count playableUnits;
        _heroCount  = {(isPlayer _x) && ((_x getVariable ["humanity",0]) >= 5000)} count playableUnits;
        _pic = (gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof vehicle player) >> 'picture'));
            if (player == vehicle player) then
                _pic = (gettext (configFile >> 'cfgWeapons' >> (currentWeapon player) >> 'picture'));
                _pic = (gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof vehicle player) >> 'picture'));
        hintSilent parseText format ["
        <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='center' color='#EE0000' >%1</t><br/>
        <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left' color='#EE0000' >Blood Left:</t><t size='1' font='Bitstream'align='right' color='#EE0000' >%2</t><br/>
        <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left' color='#104E8B' >Humanity:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='right' color='#104E8B' >%3</t><br/>
        <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left' color='#EEC900' >Heroes Killed:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='right' color='#EEC900' >%4</t><br/>
        <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left' color='#EEC900' >Bandits Killed:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='right' color='#EEC900' >%5</t><br/>
        <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left' color='#EEC900' >Zombies Killed:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='right' color='#EEC900' >%6</t><br/>
        <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left' color='#EEC900' >Head Shots:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='right' color='#EEC900' >%7</t><br/>
        <t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#EEC900' >Zombies (alive/total): </t><t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='right' color='#EEC900' >%9/%8</t><br/>
        <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left' color='#104E8B' >Current Bandit Count:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='right' color='#104E8B' >%11</t><br/>
        <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left' color='#104E8B' >Current Hero Count:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='right' color='#104E8B' >%12</t><br/>
        <t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#104E8B' >FPS: </t><t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='right' color='#104E8B' >%10</t><br/>
        <img size='3' image='%13'/><br/>
        <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='center' color='#104E8B' >Rules: Survive </t><br/>
        <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='center' color='#104E8B' >DayZ of Our Lives </t><br/>
        ",dayz_playerName,r_player_blood,round _humanity,_killsH,_killsB,_kills,_headShots,count entities "zZombie_Base",{alive _x} count entities "zZombie_Base",diag_fps,_banditCount,_heroCount,_pic];
    sleep 1;
[] spawn fnc_debug;

Edit: Also I've changed the dik codes that set the toggle key but I am still getting the command/status thing popping up when I try to hit space bar to build a object.
Last edited:
Not sure if removing the
_vehicle_1861 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createVehicle ["Land_Terrace_K_1_EP1", [6549.4756, 7696.2095, 9.022356], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _vehicle_1861 = _this; _this allowdamage false;
  _this setDir 25.455843;
  _this setPos [6549.4756, 7696.2095, 9.022356];
from minigame.sqf broke my minigame but now players cant enter, they dont get the option in scroll menu anymore. As far as i know the Land_Terrace_K_1_EP1 in the minigame.sqf is only the layout of the minigame arena and has nothing to do with the actual init/menuitem of the script, am i correct?

Try to add it back and just comment it out and see if that does anything for you.
Yea that's a bit strange, if I'm not mistaken those lines you removed are in the same format as adding buildings removing it should just delete that object. I've completely ripped the files apart and they work somewhat for me. I can't get the toggle to stop conflicting with epoch controls. I've changed the dik codes multiple times and it's still pulling up the command/status menu. I'm only using the kill streak and level system or I'd try to help you more.
ill figure it out its not on my priority list, i just wonder why one would make such a flawed script AND ingame design...


Change this code in Debug.sqf to be able to run minigame.sqf if you remove the flying crap above the arena and 1 north of stary trader city:

_checkingmini =  _pos nearObjects ["Land_Terrace_K_1_EP1",75];

change "Land_Terrace_K_1_EP1" to "Land_Misc_Cargo2D" so it looks like this:

_checkingmini =  _pos nearObjects ["Land_Misc_Cargo2D",75];
Last edited:
ill figure it out its not on my priority list, i just wonder why one would make such a flawed script AND ingame design...


Change this code in Debug.sqf to be able to run minigame.sqf if you remove the flying crap above the arena and 1 north of stary trader city:

_checkingmini =  _pos nearObjects ["Land_Terrace_K_1_EP1",75];

change "Land_Terrace_K_1_EP1" to "Land_Misc_Cargo2D" so it looks like this:

_checkingmini =  _pos nearObjects ["Land_Misc_Cargo2D",75];
Lol you saying something? I spent like a three whole hours typing 3000+ lines.... there will be errors and mistakes or bugs somewhere...
Lol you saying something? I spent like a three whole hours typing 3000+ lines.... there will be errors and mistakes or bugs somewhere...

haha ofcourse mate, im just saying. besides 1000 lines per hours is quite alot ;)
but you do agree that the flying objects look kinda meh right, and tieing the whole minigame to them is kinda meh? :)
haha ofcourse mate, im just saying. besides 1000 lines per hours is quite alot ;)
but you do agree that the flying objects look kinda meh right, and tieing the whole minigame to them is kinda meh? :)
your not understanding... there was a point to it ;)
_checkingmini =  _pos nearObjects ["Land_Terrace_K_1_EP1",75];
unless you can explain the logic in binding the minigame to this object? :)