Update to download was made and I removed the spawn.sqf and fixed the instructions with correct call of init so people dont get mixed up.
I think the second debug really lagged it. I honestly dont script, so I have no clue what caused it. I reverted back to 1.0 and Im at 60fps. Also, for the second debug, ALT might not be the best key because I use it a lot to look around.
I think the second debug really lagged it. I honestly dont script, so I have no clue what caused it. I reverted back to 1.0 and Im at 60fps. Also, for the second debug, ALT might not be the best key because I use it a lot to look around.

in the newest version i released on line 752 where

if ((_this select 1) == 56)

if you change 56 to another key code it will change the required key.

ESC = 1
F1 = 59
F2 = 60
F3 = 61
F4 = 62
F5 = 63
F6 = 64
F7 = 65
F8 = 66
F9 = 67
F10 = 68
F11 = 87
F12 = 88
PRINT = 183
PAUSE = 197
^ = 41
1 = 2
2 = 3
3 = 4
4 = 5
5 = 6
6 = 7
7 = 8
8 = 9
9 = 10
0 = 11
ß = 12
´ = 13
Ü = 26
Ö = 39
Ä = 40
# = 43
< = 86
, = 51
. = 52
- = 53
POS1 = 199
TAB = 15
ENTER = 28
DELETE = 211
INSERT = 210
END = 207
PAGEUP = 201
CAPS = 58
A = 30
B = 48
C = 46
D = 32
E = 18
F = 33
G = 34
H = 35
I = 23
J = 36
K = 37
L = 38
M = 50
N = 49
O = 24
P = 25
Q = 16
U = 22
R = 19
S = 31
T = 20
V = 47
W = 17
X = 45
Y = 44
Z = 21
UP = 200
DOWN = 208
LEFT = 203
RIGHT = 205
NUM_0 = 82
NUM_1 = 79
NUM_2 = 80
NUM_3 = 81
NUM_4 = 75
NUM_5 = 76
NUM_6 = 77
NUM_7 = 71
NUM_8 = 72
NUM_9 = 73
NUM_+ = 78
NUM = 69
NUM_/ = 181
NUM_* = 55
NUM_- = 74
NUM_, = 83
STRGL = 29
STRGR = 157
WINL = 220
WINR = 219
ALT = 56
SPACE = 57
ALTGR = 184
APP = 221
Also, to when I remove the sound line out of the description, an error message pops up in game that i'm missing files

In the next update release i will make sounds toggable in settings but for you having more lag i dont see why that is and my server i have it on has 41 people and it is much improved so my questions is dayz.st?
here is a code i made for antihack witch can be called in mission file @ code link copy and paste and name it antihacks.sqf

Init call needs to look like this

custom_antihax = true; //Make this false to disable antihacks.
AH_AdminList = ["6864384", "116341702"]; //add admin uids here
[AH_AdminList,custom_antihax] execvm "antihacks.sqf";

or very similar.
If somebody in the Church and is trading with the NPCs and somebody give him a headshot, then he is not actually dieng. You just get a Disconnect like and can just reologg with damage, but you dont really die.
After some relogs and headshots i just respawnet fresh and the corpse disappears.

EDIT: How about to put Backpacks and Skins to the List of the Gun-Shop?

EDIT2: Seems like its not only in Churches. Another Player just tied in a Heli-Crash, Disconnect, Fresh-Spawn but no Corpse left

Sadly i have still some Problems with Desync and Laggs even with 1.01 =( Looks like i will have to wait a bit longer
If somebody in the Church and is trading with the NPCs and somebody give him a headshot, then he is not actually dieng. You just get a Disconnect like and can just reologg with damage, but you dont really die.
After some relogs and headshots i just respawnet fresh and the corpse disappears.

EDIT: How about to put Backpacks and Skins to the List of the Gun-Shop?

EDIT2: Seems like its not only in Churches. Another Player just tied in a Heli-Crash, Disconnect, Fresh-Spawn but no Corpse left

Sadly i have still some Problems with Desync and Laggs even with 1.01 =( Looks like i will have to wait a bit longer

I have it disconnect you when you die on purpose but to turn that off goto line 183 in debug2.sqf and quote that line out.