[Support] DZMS DayZ Mission System

Thanks for all the work going into this, I just have one issue. There are no markers on the map for the missions that are starting. I don't see any errors related to it in the RPT log i've posted. Can you tell me if you see anything that might be the cause.
16:49:16 "[DZMS]: Starting DayZ Mission System."
16:49:16 "[DZMS]: DZAI Found! Using DZAI's Relations!"
16:49:16 "[DZMS]: Mission and Extended Configuration Loaded!"
16:49:16 "[DZMS]: tavi Detected. Map Specific Settings Adjusted!"
16:49:16 "[DZMS]: Mission Functions Script Loaded!"
16:49:16 "[DZMS]: Major Mission Clock Starting!"
16:49:16 "[DZMS]: Minor Mission Clock Starting!"
16:49:16 "[DZMS]: Mission Marker Loop for JIPs Starting!"
16:53:55 "DZAI Monitor :: Server Uptime - 0 d 0 hr 5 min 59 sec. Active AI Units - 0."
16:53:55 "DZAI Monitor :: Static Spawns - 0 active static triggers. 0 groups queued for respawn."
16:53:55 "DZAI Monitor :: Dynamic Spawns - 0/0 (active/total). Air Patrols: 3/3 (cur/max). Land Patrols: 0/0."
16:54:39 "[DZMS]: Running Minor Mission SM5."
16:56:36 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,10,56]"
16:58:55 "DZAI Monitor :: Server Uptime - 0 d 0 hr 10 min 59 sec. Active AI Units - 0."
16:58:55 "DZAI Monitor :: Static Spawns - 0 active static triggers. 0 groups queued for respawn."
16:58:55 "DZAI Monitor :: Dynamic Spawns - 0/0 (active/total). Air Patrols: 3/3 (cur/max). Land Patrols: 0/0."
16:59:43 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty TP infront of you ON"
16:59:51 Server: Object 3:131 not found (message 91)
16:59:51 Server: Object 3:133 not found (message 91)
16:59:51 Server: Object 3:132 not found (message 99)
16:59:51 Server: Object 3:135 not found (message 70)
16:59:51 Server: Object 3:140 not found (message 91)
16:59:51 Server: Object 3:139 not found (message 99)
16:59:51 Server: Object 3:138 not found (message 91)
16:59:51 Server: Object 3:137 not found (message 99)
16:59:51 Server: Object 3:136 not found (message 94)
16:59:51 Server: Object 3:134 not found (message 70)
16:59:52 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty Teleported to [2144.72,7068.51,0](GPS:021185)"
17:00:08 "RUNNING EVENT: crash_spawner on [2014,2,15,11,0]"
17:00:08 UH1Wreck_DZ: MainTurret - unknown animation source MainTurret
17:00:08 UH1Wreck_DZ: MainGun - unknown animation source mainGun
17:00:08 UH1Wreck_DZ: Gatling - unknown animation source Gatling
17:01:36 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,11,1]"
17:01:43 "[DZMS]: Running Major Mission SM5."
17:03:55 "DZAI Monitor :: Server Uptime - 0 d 0 hr 15 min 59 sec. Active AI Units - 0."
17:03:55 "DZAI Monitor :: Static Spawns - 0 active static triggers. 0 groups queued for respawn."
17:03:55 "DZAI Monitor :: Dynamic Spawns - 0/0 (active/total). Air Patrols: 3/3 (cur/max). Land Patrols: 0/0."
17:06:36 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,11,6]"
17:06:37 "CLEANUP: Deleted 1 Animals out of 6"
17:08:56 "DZAI Monitor :: Server Uptime - 0 d 0 hr 21 min 0 sec. Active AI Units - 0."
17:08:56 "DZAI Monitor :: Static Spawns - 0 active static triggers. 0 groups queued for respawn."
17:08:56 "DZAI Monitor :: Dynamic Spawns - 0/0 (active/total). Air Patrols: 3/3 (cur/max). Land Patrols: 0/0."
17:11:37 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,11,11]"
17:11:38 "CLEANUP: Deleted 17 Loot Piles out of 31"
17:13:03 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty VEHICLEMarkers Activated"
17:13:05 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty VEHICLEMarkers Disabled"
17:13:07 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty WRECK Activated"
17:13:11 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty WRECK Disabled"
17:13:12 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty WRECK Activated"
17:13:20 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty Teleported to [2913.08,7007.45,0](GPS:029185)"
17:13:56 "DZAI Monitor :: Server Uptime - 0 d 0 hr 26 min 0 sec. Active AI Units - 0."
17:13:56 "DZAI Monitor :: Static Spawns - 0 active static triggers. 0 groups queued for respawn."
17:13:56 "DZAI Monitor :: Dynamic Spawns - 0/0 (active/total). Air Patrols: 3/3 (cur/max). Land Patrols: 0/0."
17:15:09 "RUNNING EVENT: supply_drop on [2014,2,15,11,15]"
17:15:29 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty WRECK Disabled"
17:15:42 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty DEADMarker Disabled"
17:15:44 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty TentMarker Activated"
17:15:44 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty TentMarker Disabled"
17:15:45 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty DEADMarker Activated"
17:15:46 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty VAULTMarker Disabled"
17:15:47 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty PlayerMarkers Activated"
17:15:48 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty PlayerMarkers Disabled"
17:15:48 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty VEHICLEMarkers Activated"
17:15:51 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty VAULTMarker Activated"
17:15:51 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty VEHICLEMarkers Disabled"
17:16:37 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,11,16]"
17:16:55 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: Frosty ZedShield Disabled"
Last edited:
Thank you very much!

Open DZMSFunctions.sqf and find
sleep 2;

and add this directly above it.
diag_log format["[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[%1,%2] / noWater?:%3 / Height:%4", _posX, _posY, _noWater, _tavHeight];

Your rpt when a mission runs will probably start spamming something like this, just let it go for 5 minutes or so and then send me the rpt.
[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[32243,234234] / noWater?:true / Height:100
Ok, just pasted that line where you said to put it like below. Will report back in a little.
            diag_log format["[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[%1,%2] / noWater?:%3 / Height:%4", _posX, _posY, _noWater, _tavHeight];
            sleep 2;
Here is the RPT log, haven't seen a line yet that has "nowater" in it.

18:17:30 "[DZAI] DZAI loading completed in 0.0439911 seconds."
18:17:31 "DEBUG VEIN: Too many objects at [14175.2,17962.3]"
18:17:35 "DEBUG VEIN: on road [12972.1,12792.6]"
18:17:36 "DEBUG VEIN: on road [9492.31,5036.5]"
18:17:53 "DEBUG: Too many at [12751.5,11782.2]"
18:17:56 "DEBUG: Too many at [14983.1,9881.42]"
18:17:57 Cannot create entity with abstract type GAZ_Vodnik_DZE (scope = private?)
18:17:57 Cannot create non-ai vehicle GAZ_Vodnik_DZE,
18:17:57 "PUBLISH: Attempt <NULL-object>"
18:17:57 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:308:13:GAZ_Vodnik_DZE:0:0:[159,[0,0,0]]:[]:[]:0.0922199:000159:""
18:17:57 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:57 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:57 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:57 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:57 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:57 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:57 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:57 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:57 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:58 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:58 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:58 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:58 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:58 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:58 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:58 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:59 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:59 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:59 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:59 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:59 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:59 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:59 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:17:59 "Total Number of spawn locations 10"
18:17:59 "DZAI Scheduler is running required script files..."
18:17:59 "[DZAI] DZAI finished building weighted weapongrade tables in 0.0039978 seconds."
18:18:08 Error in expression <esList set [_index, AllowedVehiclesList select _lastIndex];
18:18:08   Error position: <select _lastIndex];
18:18:08   Error Zero divisor
18:18:08 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 255
18:18:08 Error in expression <ect _lastIndex];
AllowedVehiclesList resize _lastIndex;

if (count Allowed>
18:18:08   Error position: <resize _lastIndex;

if (count Allowed>
18:18:08   Error Zero divisor
18:18:08 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 257
18:18:08 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:18:08 "OBJECT PATCH :: Spawning in serverside objects... Reading from file CfgTownGenerator."
18:18:09 "[DZAI] Verified 107 unique classnames in 0.0360107 seconds."
18:18:09 Error in expression <esList set [_index, AllowedVehiclesList select _lastIndex];
18:18:09   Error position: <select _lastIndex];
18:18:09   Error Zero divisor
18:18:09 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 255
18:18:09 Error in expression <ect _lastIndex];
AllowedVehiclesList resize _lastIndex;

if (count Allowed>
18:18:09   Error position: <resize _lastIndex;

if (count Allowed>
18:18:09   Error Zero divisor
18:18:09 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 257
18:18:09 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:18:09 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:000159:""
18:18:09 "CUSTOM: Selected "66""
18:18:09 "PUBLISH: Created GAZ_Vodnik_DZE with ID "000159""
18:18:09 String STR_noviboc not found
18:18:09 "Taviana static spawn configuration loaded."
18:18:09 "DZAI Scheduler will continue tasks in 1 minute."
18:18:09 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,10,18]"
18:18:09 "ERROR: server_playerSync: Cannot Sync Player Frosty [7]. Position in debug! [126.249,157.387,45.7356]"
18:18:09 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
18:18:10 "[DZAI] 104 locations gathered in 1.40201 seconds."
18:18:14 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AmovPercMrunSnonWnonDfr.InterpolateTo: item count not multiple of 2 (is 17)
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AmovPercMrunSnonWnonDfr.InterpolateTo: Bad move
18:18:14 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AmovPpneMrunSnonWnonDl.InterpolateTo: item count not multiple of 2 (is 9)
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AmovPpneMrunSnonWnonDl.InterpolateTo: Bad move
18:18:14 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AmovPpneMrunSnonWnonDb.InterpolateTo: item count not multiple of 2 (is 9)
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AmovPpneMrunSnonWnonDb.InterpolateTo: Bad move
18:18:14 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AmovPpneMrunSnonWnonDbr.InterpolateTo: item count not multiple of 2 (is 9)
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AmovPpneMrunSnonWnonDbr.InterpolateTo: Bad move
18:18:14 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AmovPpneMrunSnonWnonDfr.InterpolateTo: item count not multiple of 2 (is 11)
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AmovPpneMrunSnonWnonDfr.InterpolateTo: Bad move
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic.ConnectTo: Bad move AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medicEnd
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic.ConnectTo: Bad move AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic0S
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic.ConnectTo: Bad move AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic0
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic.ConnectTo: Bad move AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic1
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic.ConnectTo: Bad move AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic2
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic.ConnectTo: Bad move AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic3
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic.ConnectTo: Bad move AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDr_medic3
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic.ConnectTo: Bad move AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDr_medic4
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic.ConnectTo: Bad move AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDr_medic5
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic.ConnectTo: Bad move AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic4
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic.ConnectTo: Bad move AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic5
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic.ConnectTo: Bad move AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDr_medic0S
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic.ConnectTo: Bad move AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDr_medic0
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic.ConnectTo: Bad move AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDr_medic1
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic.ConnectTo: Bad move AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDr_medic2
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic.InterpolateTo: Bad move AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic0S
18:18:14   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesZombie/States/AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic.InterpolateTo: Bad move AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDr_medic0S
18:18:16 Error: Bone leftshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton
18:18:16 Error: Bone rightshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton
18:18:16 Error: Bone rightshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton
18:18:16 Error: Bone leftshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton
18:18:16 Error: Bone rightshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton
18:18:16 Error: Bone leftshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton
18:18:16 Error: Bone rightshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton
18:18:16 Error: Bone leftshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton
18:18:16 Error: Bone rightshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton
18:18:16 Error: Bone leftshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton
18:18:16 Error: Bone rightshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton
18:18:16 Error: Bone leftshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton
18:18:16 Error: Bone leftshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton
18:18:16 Error: Bone rightshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton
18:18:16 Error: Bone leftshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton
18:18:16 Error: Bone rightshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton
18:18:16 "infiSTAR.de SignIn: Frosty(34173766)"
18:18:22 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
18:18:23 "OBJECT PATCH :: Serverside object patch completed in 14.636 seconds."
18:19:01 "[DZMS]: Starting DayZ Mission System."
18:19:01 "[DZMS]: DZAI Found! Using DZAI's Relations!"
18:19:01 "[DZMS]: Mission and Extended Configuration Loaded!"
18:19:01 "[DZMS]: tavi Detected. Map Specific Settings Adjusted!"
18:19:01 "[DZMS]: Mission Functions Script Loaded!"
18:19:01 "[DZMS]: Major Mission Clock Starting!"
18:19:01 "[DZMS]: Minor Mission Clock Starting!"
18:19:01 "[DZMS]: Mission Marker Loop for JIPs Starting!"
18:21:02 Warning: z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\razor.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 214, 349, 208
18:23:13 "DZAI Monitor :: Server Uptime - 0 d 0 hr 5 min 58 sec. Active AI Units - 0."
18:23:13 "DZAI Monitor :: Static Spawns - 0 active static triggers. 0 groups queued for respawn."
18:23:13 "DZAI Monitor :: Dynamic Spawns - 0/0 (active/total). Air Patrols: 3/3 (cur/max). Land Patrols: 0/0."
18:26:23 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,10,26]"
Ignore the last log, here is the latest. Just took longer than 5 minutes for those lines to show. Also how do I upload my RPT log on here instead of copy pasting? I rather put the whole file here for you to view.

18:33:13 "DZAI Monitor :: Dynamic Spawns - 0/0 (active/total). Air Patrols: 3/3 (cur/max). Land Patrols: 0/0."
18:34:37 "[DZMS]: Running Major Mission SM5."
18:34:37 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10913.1,1527.64] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:34:39 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10537,1894.19] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:34:41 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10805.5,1578.77] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:34:43 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10609.7,6056.33] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:34:45 "[DZMS]: Running Minor Mission SM6."
18:34:45 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[12099.7,1134.41] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:34:45 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11454.5,431.048] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:34:47 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11267.3,408.413] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:34:47 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[9850.62,1346.24] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:34:49 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10816.9,648.226] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:34:49 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10658.2,1895.79] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:34:51 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11209.6,372.291] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:34:52 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10563.7,1834.21] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:34:53 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[13913.2,3044.85] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:34:54 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[8496.03,7786.48] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:34:55 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10269.7,5837.91] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:34:56 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[16796.3,6110.15] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:34:57 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[9267.9,1944.21] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:34:58 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11106.3,409.131] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:34:59 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10997,503.208] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:00 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10955.6,1529.08] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:01 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11114.4,493.519] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:02 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[12098.7,988.766] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:35:03 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[9142.41,5641.05] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:04 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[9554.15,1668.16] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:35:05 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10798.5,1625.25] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:06 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10240.1,911.127] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:35:07 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11946.7,708.697] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:08 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11113.4,443.432] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:09 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11177.5,417.891] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:35:10 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10546.1,5988.94] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:11 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[12038.3,1317.19] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:35:12 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11895.2,596.479] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:35:13 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10602.3,6101.88] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:14 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[9181.6,2021.29] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:35:15 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10582.7,1711.31] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:16 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11843.5,580.5] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:35:17 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10142.9,5802.15] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:18 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10550.1,6065.79] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:19 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10630.3,1815.74] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:20 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10456.8,6078.84] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:22 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11638.8,419.445] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:35:22 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[9343.89,5425.73] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:24 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10630.6,1708.54] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:24 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10629.2,5993.57] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:26 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11187.5,425.53] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:26 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[12059.3,1216.67] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:28 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[17296.8,8107.25] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:28 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[12080.3,902.866] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:35:30 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10823.6,1699.68] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:30 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11391.3,420.807] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:32 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10493.4,1802.49] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:32 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10786.4,1594.22] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:34 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[9228.65,5678.12] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:34 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[12139.2,1110.62] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:35:36 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11251.7,438.633] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:36 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10645.8,1674.59] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:38 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[17677.4,7264.84] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:38 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10637,696.154] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:40 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10529.2,5890.51] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:35:40 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[8402.65,3013.57] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:42 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11011.2,438.623] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:35:42 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10726.9,1791.47] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:44 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10831.1,1574.37] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:44 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10311.7,5877.58] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:46 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10299.6,859.207] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:35:46 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11954,745.71] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:48 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10433.9,775.859] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:35:48 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10620.9,6127.48] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:50 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11177.1,442.62] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:50 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10474,6051.04] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:52 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10700.5,657.122] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:52 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10426.9,6036.22] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:54 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[9493.28,1748.57] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:35:54 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10241.4,956.196] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:56 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10785.1,1603.85] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:56 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[8399.03,3044.33] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:58 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10230.1,5842.09] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:35:58 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11901.3,589.439] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:36:00 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[9310.78,1918.37] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:36:00 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[13600,9400] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:36:02 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10588.9,1907.53] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:36:02 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10617.3,1675.76] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:36:04 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[8774.12,5586.36] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:36:04 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10959.7,474.963] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:36:06 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10734.9,668.882] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:36:06 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10652.6,1809.47] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:36:08 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[9842.85,1355.78] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:36:08 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10593.1,750.98] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:36:10 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[17618.2,7265.36] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:36:10 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[13963.2,3162.29] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:36:12 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[9364.34,5400.23] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:36:12 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[9231.97,1965.7] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:36:14 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[9368.66,5442.76] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:36:14 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[12121,1163.33] / noWater?:false / Height:any"
18:36:16 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10568.8,1808.93] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:36:16 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10591.5,1755.93] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:36:18 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10861.7,1584.44] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:36:18 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10592.2,1886.3] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:36:20 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[10881,1543.51] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
18:36:20 "[DZMS]: DEBUG: Pos:[11385.2,422.495] / noWater?:true / Height:any"
Last edited:

You have an error in your server_functions.sqf
18:18:08 Error in expression <esList set [_index, AllowedVehiclesList select _lastIndex];
18:18:08   Error position: <select _lastIndex];
18:18:08   Error Zero divisor
18:18:08 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 255

An error in a file before DZMS is ran can cause DZMS to run incorrectly.
You have an error in your server_functions.sqf
18:18:08 Error in expression <esList set [_index, AllowedVehiclesList select _lastIndex];
18:18:08   Error position: <select _lastIndex];
18:18:08   Error Zero divisor
18:18:08 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 255

An error in a file before DZMS is ran can cause DZMS to run incorrectly.

I updated the RPT log in my last post. Those debug nowater lines showed up. Here is that error in server_functions.sqf line 255. I'm not sure what the error is.
// vehicle limit reached, remove vehicle from list
        // since elements cannot be removed from an array, overwrite it with the last element and cut the last element of (as long as order is not important)
        _lastIndex = (count AllowedVehiclesList) - 1;
        if (_lastIndex != _index) then {
            AllowedVehiclesList set [_index, AllowedVehiclesList select _lastIndex];
        AllowedVehiclesList resize _lastIndex;
I've been noticing the missions really favor Stary. I'm not sure exactly why, but on more than one occassion we've had stacked missions there, also clearing missions there seem to end in another spawning within eyeshot.
I updated the RPT log in my last post. Those debug nowater lines showed up. Here is that error in server_functions.sqf line 255. I'm not sure what the error is.

Looks like height is undefined, ill look at it.

I've been noticing the missions really favor Stary. I'm not sure exactly why, but on more than one occassion we've had stacked missions there, also clearing missions there seem to end in another spawning within eyeshot.

There currently isn't a distance check in the code. I plan to add it in an update this week.
13:23:01 "[DZMS]: Starting DayZ Mission System."
13:23:01 "[DZMS]: Relations not found! Using DZMS Relations."
13:23:01 "[DZMS]: Mission and Extended Configuration Loaded!"
13:23:01 "[DZMS]: sauerland Detected. Map Specific Settings Adjusted!"
13:23:01 "[DZMS]: DayZ Epoch Detected! Some Scripts Adjusted!"
13:23:01 "[DZMS]: Mission Functions Script Loaded!"
13:23:01 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSMajTimer.sqf not found
13:23:01 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSMinTimer.sqf not found
13:23:01 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSMarkerLoop.sqf not

I did a reinstall of evey thing I didn't see this error I did a restart of server I will send rpt file in about 1 hour
I not getting any marker or mission showing up on map

also get error

18:15:59 Error Zero divisor
18:15:59 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 263
18:15:59 Error in expression <ect _lastIndex];
AllowedVehiclesList resize _lastIndex;
if (count Allowed>
18:15:59 Error position: <resize _lastIndex;
if (count Allowed>
18:15:59 Error Zero divisor
18:15:59 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 265
18:15:59 "DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn"
18:15:59 Error in expression <esList set [_index, AllowedVehiclesList select _lastIndex];

don't know whats that about
Last edited:
Can you post an RPT of it running for an hour or so?

All Logs from DZMS:
 0:25:41 "[DZMS]: Starting DayZ Mission System."
0:25:41 "[DZMS]: Relations not found! Using DZMS Relations."
0:25:41 "[DZMS]: Mission and Extended Configuration Loaded!"
0:25:41 "[DZMS]: tavi Detected. Map Specific Settings Adjusted!"
0:25:41 "[DZMS]: Mission Functions Script Loaded!"
0:25:41 "[DZMS]: Major Mission Clock Starting!"
0:25:41 "[DZMS]: Minor Mission Clock Starting!"
0:25:41 "[DZMS]: Mission Marker Loop for JIPs Starting!"
0:41:54 "[DZMS]: Running Major Mission SM2."
0:42:02 "[DZMS]: Running Minor Mission SM2."

RPT Logs

Alot of shit logs... but all is working, only mission make problems
All Logs from DZMS:
 0:25:41 "[DZMS]: Starting DayZ Mission System."
0:25:41 "[DZMS]: Relations not found! Using DZMS Relations."
0:25:41 "[DZMS]: Mission and Extended Configuration Loaded!"
0:25:41 "[DZMS]: tavi Detected. Map Specific Settings Adjusted!"
0:25:41 "[DZMS]: Mission Functions Script Loaded!"
0:25:41 "[DZMS]: Major Mission Clock Starting!"
0:25:41 "[DZMS]: Minor Mission Clock Starting!"
0:25:41 "[DZMS]: Mission Marker Loop for JIPs Starting!"
0:41:54 "[DZMS]: Running Major Mission SM2."
0:42:02 "[DZMS]: Running Minor Mission SM2."

RPT Logs

Alot of shit logs... but all is working, only mission make problems

Are you also running Taviana?
Thank you Vampire

I looked at the code and did tests in the editor, there's no way that I can see that the height would be undefined.
I'm gonna have to say you need to look into those errors that happen before DZMS and get them fixed up first.
Newest update on the github should force missions to spawn at least 1km away from the last Minor and Major mission location.
I looked at the code and did tests in the editor, there's no way that I can see that the height would be undefined.
I'm gonna have to say you need to look into those errors that happen before DZMS and get them fixed up first.

Appreciate you trying, I have no idea what a zero divisor error is. So I'm just gonna wait till maybe someone can help with it.