[Support] DZMS DayZ Mission System

just to say the ai problem wasnt your code it was something i did wrong but i still dont get those guns in the rotation.

Um sorry man, but i must ask this:
You are surely looking at the correct place, aye? (Weapons Crate Boxes on the Major Missions)

Also you tryed it more then one time, as only 1 sniper rifle get's added to the crate?
- Increase the Amount, by opening DZMSBox.sqf add search for:
//load sniper
    _scount = count DZMSsniperList;
    for "_x" from 0 to 1 do {

- And replace with:
//load sniper
    _scount = count DZMSsniperList;
    for "_x" from 0 to 5 do {

If you want the AI to use the weapon add it to the Lists in DZMSAIConfig.sqf.
Um sorry man, but i must ask this:
You are surely looking at the correct place, aye? (Weapons Crate Boxes on the Major Missions)

Also you tryed it more then one time, as only 1 sniper rifle get's added to the crate?
- Increase the Amount, by opening DZMSBox.sqf add search for:
//load sniper
    _scount = count DZMSsniperList;
    for "_x" from 0 to 1 do {

- And replace with:
//load sniper
    _scount = count DZMSsniperList;
    for "_x" from 0 to 5 do {

If you want the AI to use the weapon add it to the Lists in DZMSAIConfig.sqf.

Thanks it works now :) had to increase the chances of it spawning.
I am having issues with getting this to run on my server. I have installed it following the directions and the in the RPT log there is no sign of it even starting.
I have look through this thread and have not found a solution, although I could be blind
I am having issues with getting this to run on my server. I have installed it following the directions and the in the RPT log there is no sign of it even starting.
I have look through this thread and have not found a solution, although I could be blind

Have you actually joined the server after installing it? It starts running 30seconds(ish) after the first person joins the server, and then runs until the server restarts.
Yeah I was driving around for a while and there was nothing added to the log for about 15 mins. Do you want me to put up my server.pbo?
I see what you did, but I just pulled the file from the epoch site and this is how it is.
// max number of spawn markers
        if(isnil "spawnMarkerCount") then {
            spawnMarkerCount = 10;
        actualSpawnMarkerCount = 0;
        // count valid spawn marker positions
        for "_i" from 0 to spawnMarkerCount do {
            if (!([(getMarkerPos format["spawn%1", _i]), [0,0,0]] call BIS_fnc_areEqual)) then {
                actualSpawnMarkerCount = actualSpawnMarkerCount + 1;
            } else {
                // exit since we did not find any further markers
                _i = spawnMarkerCount + 99;
        diag_log format["Total Number of spawn locations %1", actualSpawnMarkerCount];

    allowConnection = true;  
    sm_done = true;
    publicVariable "sm_done";
I did try the edited version that you made and there is still no entry of it starting after 10mins.
So I got the backup of my server when I just got it running, so it has no other mods installed. I added the line to the server_monitor as it says in the instructions. I forgot to add the DZMS folder so when I looked at the log it said that it couldn't find the dzmsinit.sqf. I went back and added the DZMS folder and tested again, and this time it did start without errors. It must be the admin tools that I added in or an error that I made. Thank you for your help!
Hi, since updating to arma 112555, I am getting these errors in my rpt:

23:18:20 Error in expression <{
_findRun = false;
if (_isTavi AND (_tavHeight <= 185)) then {
_findRun = fa>
23:18:20 Error position: <_tavHeight <= 185)) then {
_findRun = fa>
23:18:20 Error Undefined variable in expression: _tavheight
23:18:20 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\DZMSFunctions.sqf, line 107

and then under that, these are spammed a lot:

23:18:28 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
23:18:28 Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
23:18:28 Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
23:18:28 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 101

This has only started since updating to 112555 today.

Please help as I love the mission system and have been running it fine on 103718 for over a couple of months and my players love it too :)