[Support] DZMS DayZ Mission System

Is it possible to run 2 DZMS at same time? I dont mean more than one mission. But system. What im looking for is one using random spawn locations and another system that uses static spawns for missions i have customized to my preference. Its kinda hard to take off in a C130 in alot of the random fields the missions spawn in =D. I have tried renaming and changing commands to point to a duplicated DZMS folder (DZMS2) with my custom mission with static locations set true and configured with no luck.
Did anyone find a Fix for the bugged AI Skill settings, it is ok taking a head shoot at a high loot mission, but kinda annoying when its just Medical loot missions
Did anyone find a Fix for the bugged AI Skill settings, it is ok taking a head shoot at a high loot mission, but kinda annoying when its just Medical loot missions

I was just looking in to it and it's all fine. Everything get's set and called correctly. You'll have to just edit the array of skills i.e.:

Which is found in ExtConfig -> DZMSAIConfig.sqf
// Array of AI Skills
DZMSSkills0 = [

DZMSSkills1 = [

DZMSSkills2 = [

DZMSSkills3 = [   

The Skill then get's set on ai create:

//Lets set the skills
    switch (_skill) do {
        case 0: {_aicskill = DZMSSkills0;};
        case 1: {_aicskill = DZMSSkills1;};
        case 2: {_aicskill = DZMSSkills2;};
        case 3: {_aicskill = DZMSSkills3;};

So you can set the skill level for each mission individually, if you read the comment here:

//DZMSAISpawn spawns AI to the mission.
//Usage: [_coords, count, skillLevel, unitArray]
[[(_coords select 0) + 0.0352,(_coords select 1) - 6.8799, 0],6,1,"DZMSUnitsMajor"] call DZMSAISpawn;

Let's take it appart:

//DZMSAISpawn spawns AI to the mission.
//Usage: [_coords, count, skillLevel, unitArray]
Hey Maddin, chrs for checking this out mate.
but i have lowered all AI skill settings in all 3 Skill levels (Below), still getting headshots from AI from an impossible range, it may call correctly, but has no bearing on the missions

// Array of AI Skills
DZMSSkills1 = [

DZMSSkills2 = [

DZMSSkills3 = [

Am i missing some thing here??
Hey Maddin, chrs for checking this out mate.
but i have lowered all AI skill settings in all 3 Skill levels (Below), still getting headshots from AI from an impossible range, it may call correctly, but has no bearing on the missions


Am i missing some thing here??

Are you sure it's a Headshot or could it might just be a powerfully weapon? If you get hit by a M107 (for example) it will be a Headshot because it's so much damage. Same with other good weapons, might also be a MK48 or M40A3.
Could be, i will keep an eye open on their weapons and report back.
Maddin, Big thanks for the reply mate :)

NP. You can also try to edit the AI Skill, but that would affect every AI Globally ->

In DZMSAISpawn.sqf search for and add:

    //Add the behaviour
    _unit enableAI "TARGET";
    _unit enableAI "AUTOTARGET";
    _unit enableAI "MOVE";
    _unit enableAI "ANIM";
    _unit enableAI "FSM";
    _unit setCombatMode "YELLOW";
    _unit setBehaviour "COMBAT";

   //Reset AI Skill
_unit setUnitAbility 0.5;
_unit setskill 0.5;

i did notice you have --["aimingAccuracy",0.90,1],
i have-------------------["aimingAccuracy",0.15],
why the additional,1??

It's an array. Max Range - Min Range. Means the Skill can get set from 0.90 to 1 randomly. Because i'm running on Sauerland i have pretty hard AI's due to the high Sniping Range ;P Otherwise people do Missions in like 3 Minutes i tried it myself and that causes an influance of Gold. Going to use other Spawn points to, but i'm currently working on DayZ Icons and a custom Select GUI Interface :p

Ah makes sense, appreciate the help bud, many thanks, still learning the code, but getting better. :)

NP: You see our TS details in that Screenshot above. I'll be going out with my pets now, but after i'll be available for any help you'd need :)
Vampire you seem pretty smart so my bud and i want to show you something that he was working on and if its possible to get working. Wayfar.de:9992 look for osmox
Hello there Vampire, when i edit the loot in the crates via the extconfig weapons sqf for example in the guns i add as50's and m107s ans such yet this brakes the gear and only loads smoke grenades into the crates? do you know why?

// Sniper Rifles
DZMSsniperList = ["SVD_CAMO","DMR_DZ","huntingrifle","M14_EP1","M24","M40A3","M16A4_ACG","m107_DZ","BAF_AS50_scoped"];
Hello there Vampire, when i edit the loot in the crates via the extconfig weapons sqf for example in the guns i add as50's and m107s ans such yet this brakes the gear and only loads smoke grenades into the crates? do you know why?

// Sniper Rifles
DZMSsniperList = ["SVD_CAMO","DMR_DZ","huntingrifle","M14_EP1","M24","M40A3","M16A4_ACG","m107_DZ","BAF_AS50_scoped"];

Array looks O.K. Maybe you have blocked those weapons in your Antihack (InfiSTAR?). And did you unpack the .pbo before editing?
Array looks O.K. Maybe you have blocked those weapons in your Antihack (InfiSTAR?). And did you unpack the .pbo before editing?

They arent blocked thats for sure. They worked in an old mission system i had and it is already unpacked for me, i use vilayer.
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maybe you have some classname issue. Check all of your weapon classnames in that file and compare them with the default classnames (database or somewhere else)