[Support] DZMS DayZ Mission System

Hey Vampire, I have if finaly working now :) thanks so uch for your help, and id also like to think iv learned a little something lol.
just one quick question,
if i added more sounds would i expand that code to
sounds[]={alert,start,stop} or sounds[]={"alert","start","stop"}
Hey Vampire, thank you for your awesome Scripts! They are working like a charme :)

At least, i have a little question about the NPC Gear. To make the missions a little bit more attractive to the players, i have added the itemMixedOil to the gear of DZMSGear0 in DZMSAIConfig.sqf. Now i would like to add more DZMSGear Groups to decrease the chance of getting the itemMixedOil.

Is there a way to add more Groups or let the itemMixedOil spawn in the Missioncrates? I would like to receive a chance of 10%/Mission to get 1 itemMixedOil. All I could found for the crates were weapons but I think this would cause errors when spawning them.

Thank you for your time :)
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Hey Vampire, thank you for your awesome Scripts! They are working like a charme :)

At least, i have a little question about the NPC Gear. To make the missions a little bit more attractive to the players, i have added the itemMixedOil to the gear of DZMSGear0 in DZMSAIConfig.sqf. Now i would like to add more DZMSGear Groups to decrease the chance of getting the itemMixedOil.

Is there a way to add more Groups or let the itemMixedOil spawn in the Missioncrates? I would like to receive a chance of 10%/Mission to get 1 itemMixedOil. All I could found for the crates were weapons but I think this would cause errors when spawning them.

Thank you for your time :)

Not sure if this will work but you could try it:

DZMSGear0 = [

_aigearArray = [DZMSGear0,DZMSGear1,DZMSGear2,DZMSGear3,DZMSGear4];
_aigear = _aigearArray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;  
_gearmagazines2 = _aigear select 0;
_gearmagazines = _gearmagazines2 call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_geartools = _aigear select 1;
I have done this differently and it works....

    _aigearArray = [DZMSGear0,DZMSGear1,DZMSGear2,DZMSGear3,DZMSGear4,DZMSGear5,DZMSGear6,DZMSGear7,DZMSGear8,DZMSGear9,DZMSGear10,DZMSGear11,DZMSGear12,DZMSGear13,DZMSGear14,DZMSGear15,DZMSGear16,DZMSGear17,DZMSGear18,DZMSGear19];

DZMSGear0 = [

DZMSGear1 = [

DZMSGear2 = [

DZMSGear3 = [

Make sure the amount of DZMSGear arrays matches in both files or you will spam the rpt with errors. So, in my example above you need to go up to DZMSGear19 in DZMSAISpawn.sqf. This way you only have to change those arrays.

Good luck :)
My bad completely misinterpretted what he meant haha... what i said wouldn't work unless you created multiple arrays inside that first array for each fo the DZMSGears.

You could just change the _aigearArray in DZMSAISpawn and duplicate them...
_aigearArray = [DZMSGear0,DZMSGear1,DZMSGear2,DZMSGear3,DZMSGear4,DZMSGear1,DZMSGear2,DZMSGear3,DZMSGear4,DZMSGear1,DZMSGear2,DZMSGear3,DZMSGear4];

This way it just adds bulk to the randomization reducing the chance DZMSGear0 gets selected. Pretty much the same thing as what @ReDBaroN posted just doesn't requre creating more DZMSGears.
Nice inkko, that works nicely if you don't want so many gear sets.

Dovev, in my example above each gear has a 5% chance of being picked. If you wanted to get the same result using inkko's method, just put your mixoil in gear0 and make sure gear0 is only in the aispawn array once and that there are another 19 different gear options in there.

Probably easier this way rather than to work out 20 different gear sets unless you specifically wanted to micro to that level.

We have sort of answered your crate question as well. Just increase or duplicate other items in the crate array except the items you want to be rare.
Hi Vamp I used to use you're DZMS for my old cherno map server when I had it and now I have reopened a dayz overpoch+Origins Taviana server I have you're script installed and working and its as good as I remember it been.

However I am faced with a pretty annoying problem. Basically I changed the map markers and for some strange reason there is a mission that only have text and no marker... I changed from the red grid circle to a nice green solid circle for the major missions and a blue one for the minor missions... it seems something is getting confused and they keep changing from green and blue then to no marker at all and just leaves text on the map... any ideas?


Adds a marker for Major Missions. Only runs once.
DZMSMarkerLoop.sqf keeps this marker updated.
Usage: [coordinates,missionname]
DZMSMajCoords = _this select 0;
DZMSMajName = _this select 1;

_nul = createMarker ["DZMSMajMarker", DZMSMajCoords];
"DZMSMajMarker" setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";
"DZMSMajMarker" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
"DZMSMajMarker" setMarkerBrush "Solid";
"DZMSMajMarker" setMarkerSize [300,300];
_nil = createMarker ["DZMSMajDot", DZMSMajCoords];
"DZMSMajDot" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";
"DZMSMajDot" setMarkerType "Vehicle";
"DZMSMajDot" setMarkerText DZMSMajName;


Adds a marker for Major Missions. Only runs once.
DZMSMarkerLoop.sqf keeps this marker updated.
Usage: [coordinates,missionname]
DZMSMinCoords = _this select 0;
DZMSMinName = _this select 1;

_nul = createMarker ["DZMSMinMarker", DZMSMinCoords];
"DZMSMinMarker" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
"DZMSMinMarker" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
"DZMSMinMarker" setMarkerBrush "Solid";
"DZMSMinMarker" setMarkerSize [200,200];
_nil = createMarker ["DZMSMinDot", DZMSMinCoords];
"DZMSMinDot" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";
"DZMSMinDot" setMarkerType "Vehicle";
"DZMSMinDot" setMarkerText DZMSMinName;


Marker Resetter by Vampire
Marker Resetter checks if a Mission is running and resets the marker for JIPs

diag_log text format ["[DZMS]: Mission Marker Loop for JIPs Starting!"];

//Lets define these
if (isNil "DZMSMajCoords")then{DZMSMajCoords = [0,0,0];};
if (isNil "DZMSMinCoords")then{DZMSMinCoords = [0,0,0];};

//Lets start the timer
_run = true;
while {_run} do
[25,5] call DZMSSleep; // sleep 25 seconds
//If the marker exists (meaning the mission is active) lets delete it and re-add it
if (!(getMarkerColor "DZMSMajMarker" == "")) then {
deleteMarker "DZMSMajMarker";
deleteMarker "DZMSMajDot";
//Re-Add the markers
_nul = createMarker ["DZMSMajMarker", DZMSMajCoords];
"DZMSMajMarker" setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";
"DZMSMajMarker" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
"DZMSMajMarker" setMarkerBrush "Solid";
"DZMSMajMarker" setMarkerSize [300,300];
_zap = createMarker ["DZMSMajDot", DZMSMajCoords];
"DZMSMajDot" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";
"DZMSMajDot" setMarkerType "Vehicle";
"DZMSMajDot" setMarkerText DZMSMajName;
//Lets do the same for the minor mission
if (!(getMarkerColor "DZMSMinMarker" == "")) then {
deleteMarker "DZMSMinMarker";
deleteMarker "DZMSMinDot";
//Re-Add the markers
_nil = createMarker ["DZMSMinMarker", DZMSMinCoords];
"DZMSMajMarker" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
"DZMSMajMarker" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
"DZMSMajMarker" setMarkerBrush "SOLID";
"DZMSMajMarker" setMarkerSize [200,200];
_zip = createMarker ["DZMSMinDot", DZMSMinCoords];
"DZMSMinDot" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";
"DZMSMinDot" setMarkerType "Vehicle";
"DZMSMinDot" setMarkerText DZMSMinName;
//Now we wait another 25 seconds
is it possible to get this work with our GTX supported infistar version?
cause we dont have that AH and AHConfig files...only an settings and advanced file from infistar to configure..

but there is nothing in it with eg lbpicture and stuff, same problem as in the ESS, remember ebay? ;-)

@feiercrack Yes dude, I'm with Gtx also and this works.. I just buggered my map markers up a little some how... even though I just changed them from the red grid to the green solid, some how it broke... But yes this works fine with infistar :) no need to add filters they have already been added as standard so it seems :)
yeah, great, just found the correct place with an good install order..there is standing now that infistar has included all.
so there´s no need to edit those AH and AHConfigs...^^
Anyone no how to stop killed DZMS Ai disappearing so fast (few seconds) in dayz Seems DZAI AI have been doing the same thing as i run them as well, i appied the fix from the following forum thread and it worked fine but i dont really no how to apply it to DZMS, can anyone help?


Here´s a fix.

in DZMSAIKilled.sqf


if (DZMSCleanDeath) then {

directly above it, add:

_unit setVariable ["DZMS_deathTime",(diag_tickTime + DZMSBodyTime)];

in "sched_corpses.sqf" find:

if ((_x isKindOf "CAManBase")

change the line to:

if ((_x isKindOf "CAManBase") && (isNil {_x getVariable "DZMS_deathTime"})) then {

Works for me.
I had the bodies disappearing and a weird gear bug on the AI since 1.8.4 came out. I just ended up making the AI delete on death and drop their gear on the ground and drop a cross.
the more they patch dayz the harder it is to run your server the way you want to, you would think they are doing it for a reason :)
Anyone else having issues with the crates in DZMS missions not working? I am running 1.8.5 and I have tried several "unbanned" crates but still not working.

If someone could provide me with a class name of a crate that actually works that would be great. AmmoBoxBig seems to not work anymore after the latest update.

Anyone else having issues with the crates in DZMS missions not working? I am running 1.8.5 and I have tried several "unbanned" crates but still not working.

If someone could provide me with a class name of a crate that actually works that would be great. AmmoBoxBig seems to not work anymore after the latest update.
