[Support] ESS

This is my

private ["_currentSex","_dragee","_hasPistol","_hasPistolAmmo","_itemNew","_model","_myModel","_pistols","_pistolAmmo","_primaryWep","_qty","_unit"];

classfill = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "spawn\classfill.sqf";
classpick = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "spawn\classpick.sqf";
classSelect = [];
waitUntil {count classSelect != 0};

_model = classSelect select 1;
_myModel = typeOf player;
_itemNew = "Skin_" + _myModel;
_currentSex = getText (configFile >> "CfgSurvival" >> "Skins" >> _itemNew >> "sex");
if (_currentSex == "female") then {
    if ((classSelect select 0) == "Bandit") then {_model = "BanditW2_DZ";} else {_model = ["SurvivorWcombat_DZ","SurvivorWdesert_DZ","SurvivorWurban_DZ","SurvivorWpink_DZ","SurvivorW3_DZ"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;};
if (classSelect in donorListClasses) then {_model = classSelect select 1;};

[dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,_model] spawn player_humanityMorph;
waitUntil {typeOf player != _myModel};
{player addMagazine _x;_qty=1;} count DefaultMagazines;
{player addWeapon _x;} count DefaultWeapons;

_hasPistol = false;
_pistols = ["Colt1911","glock17_EP1","M9","M9SD","Makarov","MakarovSD","revolver_EP1","revolver_gold_EP1","UZI_EP1","UZI_SD_EP1","Sa61_EP1"];
{if (_x in _pistols) then {_hasPistol = true;};} count (classSelect select 3);
if (_hasPistol) then {{player removeWeapon _x;} count _pistols;};

_hasPistolAmmo = false;
_pistolAmmo = ["15Rnd_9x19_M9","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","20Rnd_B_765x17_Ball","30Rnd_9x19_UZI","30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD","6Rnd_45ACP","7Rnd_45ACP_1911","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov","8Rnd_9x18_MakarovSD"];
{if (_x in _pistolAmmo) then {_hasPistolAmmo = true;};} count (classSelect select 2);
if (_hasPistolAmmo) then {{player removeMagazines _x;} count _pistolAmmo;};

{player addMagazine _x;_qty=1;} count (classSelect select 2);
{player addWeapon _x;} count (classSelect select 3);
if ((classSelect select 4) != "") then {player addBackpack (classSelect select 4)};
dayz_myBackpack = unitBackpack player;
if (isNull dayz_myBackpack) then {player addBackpack DefaultBackpack;} else {
    {dayz_myBackpack addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 1];_qty=1;} count (classSelect select 5);
    {dayz_myBackpack addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 1];_qty=1;} count (classSelect select 6);
_primaryWep = (classSelect select 3) select 0;
player selectWeapon _primaryWep;
reload player;

_unit = vehicle player;
_dragee = "Survivor1_DZ" createVehicleLocal (getPosASL vehicle player);
_dragee allowDamage false;
_dragee attachTo [_unit,[0.1, 1.01, 0]];

It sometimes goes back to laoding screen when a player select a class. He can move his player but has to relog to get back in. When he is in. He is in debug and no spawn selection
^ Looks like this is what you are trying to do:
_l3rarrayMags = [

_l3rarrayWeps = [

_l3rMags = _l3rarrayMags call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_l3rWeps = _l3rarrayWeps call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

["* Level 3 Recon *","Sniper1_DZ",_l3rMags,_l3rWeps,"DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",[],[],3,0]

Yep, thats pretty much what i'm trying to do.
but using the select random like that, the game could then give you rsass pmags for the svd?. etc.
the playerbase in my server #1 where i use your spawn/loadout select tend to whinge and bitch at the smallest things. that would be a freaking headache. haha.
thats why i was trying to bundle it all into one array for select random.
need help and losts of it i'm setting up the ess-enhanced-spawn-selection script on a dayz.st Overwatch server running 0.2.5

Followed the instructions exactly and all we get is waiting for host. can you come to our TS and I can give you a copy of our Pbo's ts canucksdirect.com thanks
Is the older version no longer supported? Personal preference, I like the scroll wheel option :)

EDIT: Nm i had a . before the init heh drrr
Last edited:
hey Ebay what Am i doing wrong here tring to add bases and uids help please
donorListBase = [
"38071814", //pandaman's
"108020678", //twist's

donorListBases = [
[2324.2893,15365.067,0], //pandaman's
[2325.2893,15365.067,0], //twist's

donorListClass = [
"38071814", //pandaman's

donorListClasses = [
["pandaman's Loadout","Bandit1_DZ",["100Rnd_762x51_M240","100Rnd_762x51_M240","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","ItemAntibiotic","ItemBloodbag","ItemEpinephrine","ItemMorphine","Skin_Sniper1_DZ","ItemBandage"],["Mk_48_DZ","M9SD","Binocular_Vector","NVGoggles","ItemCompass","ItemHatchet","ItemKnife","Itemmatchbox","Itemetool","ItemWatch","ItemGPS"],"DZ_Backpack_EP1",["20Rnd_762x51_DMR","20Rnd_762x51_DMR"],["DMR"],0,0],
["twist's Loadout","Bandit1_DZ",["100Rnd_762x51_M240","100Rnd_762x51_M240","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","ItemAntibiotic","ItemBloodbag","ItemEpinephrine","ItemMorphine","Skin_Sniper1_DZ","ItemBandage"],["Mk_48_DZ","M9SD","Binocular_Vector","NVGoggles","ItemCompass","ItemHatchet","ItemKnife","Itemmatchbox","Itemetool","ItemWatch","ItemGPS"],"DZ_Backpack_EP1",["20Rnd_762x51_DMR","20Rnd_762x51_DMR"],["DMR"],0,0],
Ebay, seriously awesome work. In the interest of making this crazy good spawn menu better I have a couple of exploits that my players have found that maybe you can think about:

1. After a player dies and respawns, they have less spawn points to select from. This is awesome and probably my favorite part of the scripts. My players found an exploit though. If they hit esc (on a less then great pc) all the points show on the screen which lets them go anywhere even after they have died a hundred times. Any way to fix that?

2. After you die a bunch of times do the spawn points have a worse case minimum amount? I heard that eventually there aren't any points. I actually haven't been able to replicate this yet though.

3. How do you turn off the "random" functionality? I commented out the button in the hpp file but I figuring there's probably a better way. I like forcing players to the outer points that keep dying.

4. Can you tie classes to spawn points? Or humanity levels?

Thanks man!
1. After a player dies and respawns, they have less spawn points to select from.
2. After you die a bunch of times do the spawn points have a worse case minimum amount? I heard that eventually there aren't any points. I actually haven't been able to replicate this yet though.

This is becuase of the body check. If your dead body is about 1000m (not sure) from a spawn point. It disables the point. You can disable it easily by removing the check in spawn.sqf

4. Can you tie classes to spawn points? Or humanity levels?

You can tie classes to humanity levels. I dont think its possible to tie spawns to classes.

3. How do you turn off the "random" functionality? I commented out the button in the hpp file but I figuring there's probably a better way. I like forcing players to the outer points that keep dying.

Commenting the 2 classes in hpp is the only solution.
1. After a player dies and respawns, they have less spawn points to select from. This is awesome and probably my favorite part of the scripts. My players found an exploit though. If they hit esc (on a less then great pc) all the points show on the screen which lets them go anywhere even after they have died a hundred times. Any way to fix that?

Thanks man!

Players on my server have found the same exploit a fix would be awesome.

Keep up the good work :)
Ebay I did what you said and now my server's broken! Where is the police station btw? I looked for "police station #" in the script and it's not in there?!?

jk! heh.

But seriously, your posts are missing a very important item! There no way to buy you beers for this awesome script! seriously great job!