[SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

ok i have fixed locked vehicle so its not possible to salvage and destroy them:

1. go inside the fn_SelfAction.sqf and replace the code on line "~1156 //Repairing Vehicles" with this:

    //Repairing Vehicles
    if ((dayz_myCursorTarget != _cursorTarget) and _isVehicle and !_isMan and _hasToolbox and (damage _cursorTarget < 1) and !_isDisallowRepair) then {
    _hasKey = _ownerID in _temp_keys;
    _oldOwner = (_ownerID == dayz_playerUID);
    if(!locked _cursorTarget) then {
    if (s_player_repair_crtl < 0) then {
    dayz_myCursorTarget = _cursorTarget;
    _menu = dayz_myCursorTarget addAction ["Repair Vehicle", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\repair_vehicle.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, true, false, "",""];
    _menu1 = dayz_myCursorTarget addAction ["Salvage Vehicle", "fixes\salvage_v.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, true, false, "",""];
    s_player_repairActions set [count s_player_repairActions,_menu];
    s_player_repairActions set [count s_player_repairActions,_menu1];
    s_player_repair_crtl = 1;
    } else {
    {dayz_myCursorTarget removeAction _x} forEach s_player_repairActions;s_player_repairActions = [];
    s_player_repair_crtl = -1;

2. create now a file in the fixes folder and name it to "salvage_v.sqf" and insert this:

    private ["_part","_cancel","_color","_percent","_string","_handle","_damage","_cmpt","_vehicle","_hitpoints"];

    // [ _trader_id, _category, _action ];
    // _activatingPlayer = _this select 1;

    _vehicle = _this select 3;

    {dayz_myCursorTarget removeAction _x} forEach s_player_repairActions;s_player_repairActions = [];
    // dayz_myCursorTarget = _vehicle;

    //_allFixed = true;
    _hitpoints = _vehicle call vehicle_getHitpoints;
    //diag_log format["DEBUG SALVAGE: %1", _hitpoints];
            _damage = [_vehicle,_x] call object_getHit;
            _part = "PartGeneric";

            //change "HitPart" to " - Part" rather than complicated string replace
            _cmpt = toArray (_x);
            _cmpt set [0,20];
            _cmpt set [1,toArray ("-") select 0];
            _cmpt set [2,20];
            _cmpt = toString _cmpt;
            if(["Engine",_x,false] call fnc_inString) then {
                    _part = "PartEngine";
            if(["HRotor",_x,false] call fnc_inString) then {
                    _part = "PartVRotor"; //yes you need PartVRotor to fix HRotor LOL

            if(["Fuel",_x,false] call fnc_inString) then {
                    _part = "PartFueltank";

            if(["Wheel",_x,false] call fnc_inString) then {
                    _part = "PartWheel";
            if(["Glass",_x,false] call fnc_inString) then {
                    _part = "PartGlass";

            // allow removal of any lightly damaged parts
             if (_damage < 1 ) then {
                    // Do not allow removal of engine or fueltanks
                    if( _part == "PartGlass" or _part == "PartWheel" or _part == "PartEngine" or _part == "PartVRotor" or _part == "PartFueltank" or _part == "PartGeneric" ) then {

                            _color = "color='#ffff00'"; //yellow
                            if (_damage >= 0.5) then {_color = "color='#ff8800'";}; //orange
                            if (_damage >= 0.9) then {_color = "color='#ff0000'";}; //red

                            _percent = round(_damage*100);
                            _string = format["<t %2>Remove%1 (%3 %4)</t>",_cmpt,_color,_percent,"%"]; //Remove - Part
                            _handle = dayz_myCursorTarget addAction [_string, "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\salvage.sqf",[_vehicle,_part,_x], 0, false, true, "",""];
                            s_player_repairActions set [count s_player_repairActions,_handle];

    } forEach _hitpoints;

    if(count _hitpoints > 0 ) then {
            _cancel = dayz_myCursorTarget addAction ["Cancel", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\repair_cancel.sqf","repair", 0, true, false, "",""];
            s_player_repairActions set [count s_player_repairActions,_cancel];
            s_player_repair_crtl = 1;

thats all. now you can salvage/repair ALL parts only from unlocked vehicles (engines, fuelpats etc...)

for the locked vehicle godmode follow this:

3. create a new file in fixes and name it to "local_lockUnlock.sqf" and insert this:

private ["_vehicle","_status"];
_vehicle = _this select 0;
_status = _this select 1;

if (local _vehicle) then {
    if(_status) then {
        _vehicle setVehicleLock "LOCKED";
        _vehicle setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled",true,true]; //<<its disable lift/tow locked veh. with R3F
        _vehicle allowDamage false;
    } else {
        _vehicle setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";
        _vehicle setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled",false,true];  //<<its disable lift/tow locked veh. with R3F
        _vehicle allowDamage true;

4. now open the compiles.sqf and find:
local_lockUnlock =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_lockUnlock.sqf";

and replace it with:

    local_lockUnlock =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\local_lockUnlock.sqf";

DONE!! now your locked vehicles are in godmode and cant be destroyed :)
Nice, but is this God everywhere or just traders, just its a but OP if its god mode vehicles everywhere.
Godmode is only on LOCKED vehicles but everywhere... on our server new player join and destroy locked player vehicles :( so they are save but its like a rolling safe...
Ore smelting doesn't work? its saying crafting but then just gives bk everything used to smelt. also scrapyard above stary is very buggy! bumped into a wrecked tank spent my suv miles away plus me! please help???
Godmode is only on LOCKED vehicles but everywhere... on our server new player join and destroy locked player vehicles :( so they are save but its like a rolling safe...
2 problems with this
1. i lock my car the use it as a indestructible shield
2 i get my mate in my car and lock him in hes now invincible

ill see if i can modify the code so if another player is nearby the godmode wont activate (warning message will show) and also if a player is in a vehicle it cant be locked :p i will also make a check if vehicles is near plot pole then god mode is applied (these will prob be on/off options as well)
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Ore smelting doesn't work? its saying crafting but then just gives bk everything used to smelt. also scrapyard above stary is very buggy! bumped into a wrecked tank spent my suv miles away plus me! please help???
ill look into both bugs (added to bug list)
hahah nice :D i have change it to overpoch with custom loot and cars and traders

when you need a sql for the overpoch i have one for you ;)
can you send me the SQL so i can get started on this :p i will prob make a new overpoch traders as last time i did this it made the traders list huge :)

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Ore smelting doesn't work? its saying crafting but then just gives bk everything used to smelt. also scrapyard above stary is very buggy! bumped into a wrecked tank spent my suv miles away plus me! please help???
ok so smelting not working is a known epoch bug and will be fixed in see this thread on the epoch forums

ok so i gonna add thix fix from in for smelting ( ithink ther skipping and going for 1.0.6 :( )
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Everytime I try to join my server i keep getting kicked for battleye public variable restriction 0 I put the files you provided in its correct spot .... I think
ok gonna try a git hub again :p it has 0.13 on it (still in test phase) there are 2 version 1 with multi character and one with out, the multi character one is the most updated , i then move the fixes across to the non multi version
(i cleaned my git as i some how ruined it :p ) feel free to add pull requests and issue as i will check it often

Everytime I try to join my server i keep getting kicked for battleye public variable restriction 0 I put the files you provided in its correct spot .... I think
post the exact error, also the battle eye folder go in the main arma2 install folder (same place as the MPMission folder, @Dayz_Epoch folder, etc)
"You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: PublicVariable Restriction #0)
couldnt find the other thing you wanted
"You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: PublicVariable Restriction #0)
couldnt find the other thing you wanted
You don't have the battle eye files in the right spot, search your arma2 install folder for the battle eye folder and paste the files into there overwriting the old ones
When starting bec script i get this error " Error parsing the scheduler file, Junk after document element: line 23, column 4"

My file

<!-- *** RESTARTS *** -->

<!-- 5 min to the 06:00 restart -->

<job id="2">





<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 min.</cmd>



<!-- 06:00 restart -->

<job id="3">







ok so i couldnt help myself ive added a few new script to 0.13 :p

Base Jump - you deploy a parachute if you jump from 40 meters or higher :)
Service Points- repair/refuel/rearm vehicles (cost gold to repair and rearm)
Infected Camps - spawns random infected camps on the map
Weapon Mods - you remove paint/scopes/silencers from weapons and to others!
Black forest outpost - new custom location

changed to WAI 0.173 from epoch forums
CDC near balota now has a working trader (medical supplies)
Smelt ore - applied fix from epoch git
Salvage/repair - you can no longer repair/salvage locked vehicles
Debug toggle - debug toggle now works again
ok so i couldnt help myself ive added a few new script to 0.13 :p

Base Jump - you deploy a parachute if you jump from 40 meters or higher :)
Service Points- repair/refuel/rearm vehicles (cost gold to repair and rearm)
Infected Camps - spawns random infected camps on the map
Weapon Mods - you remove paint/scopes/silencers from weapons and to others!
Black forest outpost - new custom location

changed to WAI 0.173 from epoch forums
CDC near balota now has a working trader (medical supplies)
Smelt ore - applied fix from epoch git
Salvage/repair - you can no longer repair/salvage locked vehicles
Debug toggle - debug toggle now works again

I have installed the new pack on my server however i cannot load it. It seems to download the mission file and loads in on the loading screen for a while and just stops does nothing else. Server does not crash or anything. ? Known issue?
hey - found new bugs:
some players cant open the trader menu. after clicking the trader menu the menu open and close nearly at the same time.

after mining some ore the option is shown to short (the line flashes)

are there any news i can work with? in witch file the problem could be?