[SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

I do not understand that this is a problem .. we are talking about the varietal people (admins) they always spawn every shit again when they died .. and for that you punish the per snap back out? and the only fault of me after the rewrite of the snap pro is known is that the journal is not working
to the admins holding the godmode reauthorize when they leave the zone
as long as the player for the admin so is there not have these problems, I would not hang it on the error and fixed the things relate to the customer
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I do not understand that this is a problem .. we are talking about the varietal people (admins) they always spawn every shit again when they died .. and for that you punish the per snap back out?
ok i dont think english is your first language (no offense meant) i dont understand what your trying to say?

there is 2 seperate convosations going on here

1 to do with admin tools godmode and safezones (which i have fixed on github)

and 1 to do with snap_pro (which i cant fix soim reverting to the old snap build)

i dont use infifstar never have and never will

also it cleary states on the release page tha no support will be given if you modify the repack, now i do try to help but im not wasting time on something that is not part of the repack
ok 0.13 is not stable and im working on the bugs
admintools is not a priorty as the main help features work (teleporting, spawn items, unlock etc)
i will fix the god mode issue tonight (the latest git should already have it in it)
im reverting to the old snap build until i can fix snap_pro
this will fix a few other bugs caused by it as well

I agree lets have one working then one thats not.
I do not understand that this is a problem .. we are talking about the varietal people (admins) they always spawn every shit again when they died .. and for that you punish the per snap back out? and the only fault of me after the rewrite of the snap pro is known is that the journal is not working
to the admins holding the godmode reauthorize when they leave the zone
as long as the player for the admin so is there not have these problems, I would not hang it on the error and fixed the things relate to the customer
dont edit a post just post new :(

and the journal is not the only issue

DZGM right ctrl dosnt work, base build no longer lets you move up or down, the help menu (press INSERT) dosnt work

and the customer? mate no money no customer,
i do this for FREE and try very hard to give the COMMUNITY a great repack,

and as arrgonat and rude as it sounds i dont care what they want they get what i give them as i started the repack for myself
dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf copy this :

private ["_dikCode","_handled","_primaryWeapon","_secondaryWeapon","_nearbyObjects","_nill","_shift","_ctrl","_alt","_dropPrimary","_dropSecondary","_iItem","_removed","_iPos","_radius","_item"];
_dikCode = _this select 1;

_handled = false;

if (_dikCode in[0x02,0x03,0x04,0x58,0x57,0x44,0x43,0x42,0x41,0x40,0x3F,0x3E,0x3D,0x3C,0x3B,0x0B,0x0A,0x09,0x08,0x07,0x06,0x05]) then {
_handled = true;

_handled = false;

if ((_dikCode == 0x3E or _dikCode == 0x0F or _dikCode == 0xD3)) then {
if(diag_tickTime - dayz_lastCheckBit > 10) then {
dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_tickTime;
call dayz_forceSave;
call dayz_EjectPlayer;

// esc
if (_dikCode == 0x01) then {
DZE_cancelBuilding = true;
call dayz_EjectPlayer;
// Disable ESC after death
if (_dikCode == 0x01 && r_player_dead) then {
_handled = true;

// surrender
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "Surrender") then {

_vehicle = vehicle player;
_inVehicle = (_vehicle != player);
_onLadder = (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> (animationState player) >> "onLadder")) == 1;
_canDo = (!r_drag_sqf and !r_player_unconscious and !_onLadder and !_inVehicle);

if (_canDo and !DZE_Surrender and !(player isKindOf "PZombie_VB")) then {
DZE_Surrender = true;
_dropPrimary = false;
_dropSecondary = false;

_primaryWeapon = primaryWeapon player;
if (_primaryWeapon != "") then {_dropPrimary = true;};
_secondaryWeapon = "";
if ((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "Type")) == 2) exitWith {
_secondaryWeapon = _x;
} forEach (weapons player);
if (_secondaryWeapon != "") then {_dropSecondary = true;};

if (_dropPrimary or _dropSecondary) then {
player playActionNow "PutDown";
_iPos = getPosATL player;
_radius = 1;
_item = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder", _iPos, [], _radius, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_item setposATL _iPos;
if (_dropPrimary) then {
_iItem = _primaryWeapon;
_removed = ([player,_iItem,1] call BIS_fnc_invRemove);
if (_removed == 1) then {
_item addWeaponCargoGlobal [_iItem,1];
if (_dropSecondary) then {
_iItem = _secondaryWeapon;
_removed = ([player,_iItem,1] call BIS_fnc_invRemove);
if (_removed == 1) then {
_item addWeaponCargoGlobal [_iItem,1];
player reveal _item;

// set publicvariable that allows other player to access gear
player setVariable ["DZE_Surrendered", true, true];
// surrender animation
player playMove "AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon";
_handled = true;

if (_dikCode in actionKeys "MoveForward") exitWith {r_interrupt = true; if (DZE_Surrender) then {call dze_surrender_off};};
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "MoveLeft") exitWith {r_interrupt = true; if (DZE_Surrender) then {call dze_surrender_off};};
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "MoveRight") exitWith {r_interrupt = true; if (DZE_Surrender) then {call dze_surrender_off};};
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "MoveBack") exitWith {r_interrupt = true; if (DZE_Surrender) then {call dze_surrender_off};};

//Prevent exploit of drag body
if ((_dikCode in actionKeys "Prone") and r_drag_sqf) exitWith { force_dropBody = true; };
if ((_dikCode in actionKeys "Crouch") and r_drag_sqf) exitWith { force_dropBody = true; };

_shift = _this select 2;
_ctrl = _this select 3;
_alt = _this select 4;

//diag_log format["Keypress: %1", _this];
if ((_dikCode in actionKeys "Gear") and (vehicle player != player) and !_shift and !_ctrl and !_alt && !dialog) then {
createGearDialog [player, "RscDisplayGear"];
_handled = true;

if (_dikCode in (actionKeys "GetOver")) then {

if (player isKindOf "PZombie_VB") then {
_handled = true;
} else {
_nearbyObjects = nearestObjects[getPosATL player, dayz_disallowedVault, 8];
if (count _nearbyObjects > 0) then {
if((diag_tickTime - dayz_lastCheckBit > 4)) then {
[objNull, player, rSwitchMove,"GetOver"] call RE;
player playActionNow "GetOver";
dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_tickTime;
} else {
_handled = true;
//if (_dikCode == 57) then {_handled = true}; // space
//if (_dikCode in actionKeys 'MoveForward' or _dikCode in actionKeys 'MoveBack') then {r_interrupt = true};
if (_dikCode == 210) then {
_nill = execvm "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\playerstats.sqf";

if (_dikCode in actionKeys "ForceCommandingMode") then {_handled = true};
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "PushToTalk" and (diag_tickTime - dayz_lastCheckBit > 10)) then {
dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_tickTime;
[player,50,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "VoiceOverNet" and (diag_tickTime - dayz_lastCheckBit > 10)) then {
dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_tickTime;
[player,50,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "PushToTalkDirect" and (diag_tickTime - dayz_lastCheckBit > 10)) then {
dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_tickTime;
[player,15,false,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "Chat" and (diag_tickTime - dayz_lastCheckBit > 10)) then {
dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_tickTime;
[player,15,false,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "User20" and (diag_tickTime - dayz_lastCheckBit > 5)) then {
dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_tickTime;
_nill = execvm "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\playerstats.sqf";

// numpad 8 0x48 now pgup 0xC9 1
if ((_dikCode == 0xC9 and (!_alt or !_ctrl)) or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User15")) then {
DZE_Q = true;
// numpad 2 0x50 now pgdn 0xD1
if ((_dikCode == 0xD1 and (!_alt or !_ctrl)) or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User16")) then {
DZE_Z = true;

// numpad 8 0x48 now pgup 0xC9 0.1
if ((_dikCode == 0xC9 and (_alt and !_ctrl)) or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User13")) then {
DZE_Q_alt = true;
// numpad 2 0x50 now pgdn 0xD1
if ((_dikCode == 0xD1 and (_alt and !_ctrl)) or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User14")) then {
DZE_Z_alt = true;

// numpad 8 0x48 now pgup 0xC9 0.01
if ((_dikCode == 0xC9 and (!_alt and _ctrl)) or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User7")) then {
DZE_Q_ctrl = true;
// numpad 2 0x50 now pgdn 0xD1
if ((_dikCode == 0xD1 and (!_alt and _ctrl)) or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User8")) then {
DZE_Z_ctrl = true;

// numpad 4 0x4B now Q 0x10
if (_dikCode == 0x10 or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User17")) then {
DZE_4 = true;
// numpad 6 0x4D now E 0x12
if (_dikCode == 0x12 or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User18")) then {
DZE_6 = true;
// numpad 5 0x4C now space 0x39
if (_dikCode == 0x39 or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User19")) then {
DZE_5 = true;

// F key
if ((_dikCode == 0x21 and (!_alt and !_ctrl)) or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User6")) then {
DZE_F = true;
if(!(isNil "DZE_SNAP_PRO_COMMAND_MENU")) then {

if(_dikCode == 0x0C) then {
_message = "SNAP PRO: now using COMMANDING MENU";
} else {
_message = "SNAP PRO: now using SCROLL MENU";
systemChat _message;
DZE_cancelBuilding = true;

if (_dikCode == 0x24) then {
createDialog "horde_journal_front_cover";
if (_dikCode == 0xD2) then {
_hndl = createdialog "help_dialog";

if ((_dikCode == 0xDB) or (_dikCode == 0xDC)) then {
if (tagname) then {tagname = false;} else {tagname = true;};

if (_dikCode == 0x9D) then {
if (dialog) then {closeDialog 0;groupManagementActive = false;} else {createGearDialog [player, "RscDisplayGear"];[] execVM "scripts\dzgm\loadGroupManagement.sqf";};
your player build is the same as the one already in the fixes folder (notepad ++ compare files)

(ive calmed down no.... yes have a temper :p )