temperature in chernarus


New Member
Does anyone know how to influence the temperature in the dayz mod on the chernarus map?

Let's say I would like the nights to be much colder, and also when it rains.

iow, the character in chernarus should see the temp erature icon drop much earlier, when it is night, or when it is raining.

Can this be done in the dayz code, or mission file? Or are these parameters related to the map?
dayz_code.pbo > compile > fn_temperatur.sqf

You would add a copy of it to your mission.pbo and then change your custom compiles to point to it.
The line would be player_temp_calculation.
Im looking at the fn_temperatur.sqf but having difficulty understanding how/where to make it a little colder. I dont run night time so i want my daytime to be cold like night. Plus i have it snowing so maybe similar to a rainy night.
Turn moving, and building down one or two, and possibly sun factor down one. If its too cold, turn it up again some.
Im not sure if Im doing something wrong? I thought it was my antihack blocking the fn_tempertur.sqf but I took my antihack off and when I try to install this it not only doesn't work but it causes my snow script to stop working.