Vanilla DayZ 2017 Weapons/Items ?

I can't remember the bliss tablesnames, but your statement should be like this (you might need to change the the bliss names)

select player_uid, inventory from character table where inventory like 'CZ550';
In searching the database by Survivor table > inventory looking for M14_EP1 there are 3 players that have IDs that are greater than the IDs number in the Profile table. The profile table only has 1,181 IDs (in order of player connection for the first time) and there are 3 people that have IDs of 1236,1279, and 1325.

Also when searching the Unique IDs key of these people, they seem to match players with either starter gear or legit gear.

I assume this is a form of Spoofing inventory? Should I always just look at the Unique ID key and ignore the ID key?



Actually, in looking at some of these player's names based of the Unique ID it looks like some of the players I've already banned for having the M14...I guess I should just stick to looking at the U-ID.