Working House Lighting

Am sure that is in the house class and gets dealt with with the standard code. In chernogorsk east up the road from the supermarket is one of these, have seen it light up, not sure where the window is but it does light. Have you got lights anywhere ?
i have lights everywhere and I love it! Now if i could only get access to my hiveext so i could set 4hr day 2hr nights. Im building a trading post on the islands east of otmel complete with bridges, so im trying to narrow down buildings that light up with no zombie spwns.
Tried adding houses to the list it didnt work, couldve been my error I was rushed bc im testing on a live server. I just recopied your code and ill try again later. Whatever I did all the "houses" werent working but "misc" was working. Tested Land_NavigLight and it works under misc. Its a really tall light that shines up at an angle.
The landlight is a tall one and lights itself, make sure you have an ambient light source with it, as in the surrounding are should be lit. There is a post here somewhere about permanent moonlight. To get 4hr day / 2hr nights, the easiest way is to set your time to static in hiveext.ini, and set your start time to 2 hours before sunset. Then schedule your server restart every 6 hours..
This is nice, it's just a shame it doesn't work when you approach in vehicles, only on foot ;( the distance setting is a bit hit/miss but overall really nice work.
Noob with a silly question but forgive me since this is new to me. Where do I place this exactly? In my mission PBO? I have a .st server if that helps. Thanks in advance for the help.
anyone got the street lights to work? i got rmod on and i added street lights ids but none of them light up, everythg else works just fine..did i get them wrg? ids here "Land_PowLines_WoodL", "Land_PowLines_ConcL", "Land_lampa_ind_zebr", "Land_lampa_sidl_3", "Land_lampa_vysoka", "Land_lampa_ind", "Land_lampa_ind_b", "Land_lampa_sidl"
Noob with a silly question but forgive me since this is new to me. Where do I place this exactly? In my mission PBO? I have a .st server if that helps. Thanks in advance for the help.

Yarp... On .st control panel, download default. Extract .PBO - make edit - pack .PBO: Upload

Done :)
Here is the updated version of the House Lighting Mission for dayZ:
//House / Building / Object Lighting for dayZ by axeman
while {alive player}
    if(daytime<6||daytime>17)//EDITABLE - Change the stop and start times for the script. No need to create lights in the day. If server set to Static time then assume time is 12.
    then {
    private ["_strMessage","_brightness","_objLightPoint","_awayx","_awayy","_lp","_test","_hcount","_animlightpoint","_switching","_switchpercent"];
    //These can be edited to change the behaviour and style of the lighting.
    //_range | Distance to scan for buildings / houses in metres.
    //_switchpercent | Percentage for reliability of power supply. eg. 65 will be 65% chance of lights coming on in each house (for lit house a 65% chance of second lights coming on if house has them) and 35% chance that lights will fail and flicker off.
    _switchpercent = 85;
    // _objHouse | The array of houses, generally non enterable, that have windows that light up. Add more custom buildings within the square brackets []. Must be contained in double quotes and separated by a comma.
    // House lighting does a special check to see if there is a window that is lit up before creating the ambient light point. Check the building config and ensure your house has a class of 'Lights_1' before adding here. If not sure use one of the next arrays (Industrial or Misc)
    _objHouse = nearestObjects [player, ["House","Land_HouseV_1I2"], _range];
    // _houseColour | Set the colour for the house lighting
    _houseColour=[1, 1, 1];
    // _objIndustrial | The array of industrial buildings to add a light source to. Add more custom buildings within the square brackets []. Must be contained in double quotes and separated by a comma.
    // No checks are done on this beyond looking for an existing lighpoint and animating that. Add any object here to emit an industrial light..
    _objIndustrial = nearestObjects [player, ["Land_Shed_wooden","Land_Ind_Garage01","Land_Ind_Workshop01_01","Land_Ind_Workshop01_02","Land_Ind_Workshop01_03","Land_Ind_Workshop01_04","Land_Ind_Workshop01_box","Land_Ind_Workshop01_L","Land_stodola_old_open","Land_stodola_open"], _range];
    //_indColour | Set the colour for the industrial building lighting
    _indColour=[1, 1, 0];
    // _objMisc | The array of misc. objects to add a light source to. Add more custom buildings within the square brackets []. Must be contained in double quotes and separated by a comma.
    // No checks are done on this beyond looking for an existing lighpoint and animating that. Add any object here to emit an misc light..
    _objMisc = nearestObjects [player, ["Land_A_FuelStation_Build","Land_Hlidac_budka","Land_A_FuelStation_Shed","Land_Mil_Barracks","Land_Mil_Barracks_L","Land_Mil_Barracks_i","Land_Mil_ControlTower","Land_a_stationhouse","Land_sara_hasic_zbroj","Land_sara_domek_zluty","Land_pumpa"], _range];
    //_miscColour | Set the colour for the misc. building lighting
    _miscColour=[1, 0, 0];
        _switching = random 100;
            [_miscColour,0.01,[3, 3, 3],[_x],0] call fnc_lightpoint;
        } forEach _objMisc;
        _switching = random 100;
            [_indColour,0.01,[3, 3, 3],[_x],0] call fnc_lightpoint;
        } forEach _objIndustrial;
        _switching = random 100;
        _switching2 = random 100;//Second random to mix it up, eg. some houses have two lots of windows that light up..
        _lightstate = _x animationPhase "Lights_1";//Current Lightstate of windows IMPORTANT first run lights are off !
            if(_lightstate==0) then
            [[_x]] call fnc_lightson;
            [_houseColour,0.01,[5, 5, 5],[_x],1] call fnc_lightpoint;
            if(_lightstate==1) then
            [[_x]] call fnc_lightfail;
        } forEach _objHouse;
      // hint format ["All buildings within %1 metres dealt with.",_range];
        //sleep 0.5;
        //Switch glowing windows on in houses that have them
        _building = _this select 0 select 0;
            if(_switching <_switchpercent) then
            _building animate ["Lights_1",1];
                if(_switching2 <_switchpercent) then
                _building animate ["Lights_2",1];
            sleep 0.1;//REQUIRED
        //flicker lights off (for houses with glowing windows only) Runs after all other light sources have been switched on.
        _building = _this select 0 select 0;
            _animlightpoint = nearestObject [_building, "#lightpoint"];
                for "_s" from 1 to 5 do {
                        for "_l" from 1 to 2 do {
                        _building animate [format ["Lights_%1",_l],0];
                        for "_l" from 1 to 2 do {
                        _building animate [format ["Lights_%1",_l],1];
                _animlightpoint setLightBrightness _brightness;
                _sleeptime=(random 100)/800;
                sleep _sleeptime;
                for "_l" from 1 to 2 do {
                _building animate [format ["Lights_%1",_l],0];
            _animlightpoint setLightBrightness 0;
            //hint format ["Failing light for:%1 | Last Sleeptime:%2",_building,_sleeptime];
            sleep 6;
        //Create a lightpoint when called
        //eg. [_indColour,0.01,[3, 3, 3],[_x],0] call fnc_lightpoint;
        // array is [colour array,brightness,ambience array,this building / house object, run check to see if window lit first(for houses only)]
        _building = _this select 3 select 0;
        _doCheck =  _this select 4;
        if(_doCheck==1&&_building animationPhase "Lights_1"<1)then{
        //hint format ["Do Check:%1 | Light Phase:%2",_doCheck,_building animationPhase "Lights_1"];
        //sleep 0.5;
            _lightColour = _this select 0;
            _lightBrightness = _this select 1;
            _lightAmbient = _this select 2;
            _objLightPoint = nearestObject [_building, "#lightpoint"];
            _xpos = getPos _building select 0;
            _ypos = getPos _building select 1;
            _lightposX = getPos _objLightPoint select 0;
            _lightposY = getPos _objLightPoint select 1;
                if((_awayx>1 or _awayx<-1)or(_awayy>1 or _awayy<-1))then
                    _lp = "#lightpoint" createVehicle [0,0,0];
                    _lp setLightColor _lightColour;
                    _lp setLightBrightness _lightBrightness;
                    _lp setLightAmbient _lightAmbient;
                    _lp setPos [getPos _building select 0,getPos _building select 1,-3];
                    _lp setDir getDir _building;
                    //sleep 0.5;
                _objLightPoint setLightColor _lightColour;
                _objLightPoint setLightBrightness _lightBrightness;
                _objLightPoint setLightAmbient _lightAmbient;
                //sleep 0.5;
            //hint format["X:%1 | Y:%2 | AwayX:%3 | Building:%4 | Lightpoint:%5 | Switching:%6 | ",_xpos,_ypos,_awayx,_building,_objLightPoint,_switching];
            //sleep 0.5;//for hint

Just replace the old code, inchange_streetlights.sqf, with this
The code has been left with comments and commented out debug hints for now and I would rather get some feedback before making this the official release.

This version still does the normal house lighting and all of the checks and lights failing that come with it, but I have added the option of two new arrays, called industrial and miscellaneous.

This allows the addition of custom buildings and objects and the ability to edit the light colour for each. Personally, I can't see any difference in the light colour though I think that may be down to some graphics setting.

The top section has all of the editable bits in, just add your building class names into one of the arrays _objIndustrial or _objMisc. You can do this by adding it inbetween the square brackets [] making sure it is contained in double quotes and they are all separated with a comma. I would stick to these two and leave the original house array as these require a secondary class of Lights_1 to work fully..

Any problems or bugs please let me know, I look forward to hearing how you get on with it.. I am just about to update my server with it also.

not work
anyone got the street lights to work? i got rmod on and i added street lights ids but none of them light up, everythg else works just fine..did i get them wrg? ids here "Land_PowLines_WoodL", "Land_PowLines_ConcL", "Land_lampa_ind_zebr", "Land_lampa_sidl_3", "Land_lampa_vysoka", "Land_lampa_ind", "Land_lampa_ind_b", "Land_lampa_sidl"
The issue with the streetlamps is that they seem to be more than banned. From the client I can not even pick them up as nearby objects. Have just had a thought on that related to my AI stuff.

Am going to test searching for them server side :)
I have build a Medic Base and looking for a way to have it lit up at night anyone able to help with that ?
Find the classnames of the buildings you want lit and add them to one of the custom arrays in the edited version of the script..
This is nice, it's just a shame it doesn't work when you approach in vehicles, only on foot ;( the distance setting is a bit hit/miss but overall really nice work.
That is fixed on my new test version.. Surprisingly simple fix.. Post soon.
if (!isDedicated) then {
[] execVM "fixes\change_streetlights.sqf";

Correct WORKING *.*:

[] execVM "fixes\change_streetlights.sqf";

thanks to
Has anyone got Street Lights working alone i dont want house lights i asked this ages ago just wandering if anyones got this ;)
if (!isDedicated) then {
[] execVM "fixes\change_streetlights.sqf";

Correct WORKING *.*:

[] execVM "fixes\change_streetlights.sqf";

thanks to
What map and server build are you running this on, would be interested to fix for next version as it seems to works for everyone else..