Recent content by Total

  1. T

    Infistar Antihack

    i don' know. I didn't buy it or anything, the owner did, and he's unable to so I was just looking for the variable fix. I'm just going to leave it to him to contact them and everything. Thanks though.
  2. T

    Need major help with scripting on my dayz server

    Hopefully someone running your version can help here. I'm sorry I can't help fix this issue. I'm pretty much out of ideas lol.
  3. T

    Need major help with scripting on my dayz server

    I'm pretty much out of options here lol. Do you have the most updated version?
  4. T

    Need major help with scripting on my dayz server

    Hm you only have a small part. I have to ask, does your server run?
  5. T

    Infistar Antihack

    Hey guys, I updated my server earlier today to Epoch So I went to put the Anthack in and I got kicked for variable #0. I know I have to add something to the filter in \CONFIGFILES\battleye\publicvariable.txt, but not of sure the exact line because the owner of my server has the...
  6. T

    Need major help with scripting on my dayz server

    That's odd as it is not a 3rd party script it's the init.sqf they gave you. Is there any way you can put your init.sqf here or upload it to
  7. T

    kh_actions.sqf vs fn_selfActions.sqf Help

    Exactly. The kh_actions is a script that you download for autorefuel, selfactions is for scroll wheel actions.
  8. T

    Need major help with scripting on my dayz server

    No problem, hope it all works out for you.
  9. T

    Need major help with scripting on my dayz server

    This is what your init.sqf should look like, roughly. I also have HFB, they're pretty good at replying to tickets, takes us inside 24 hours to get an answer. If your init.sqf doesn't look like this, I would definitely contact them.
  10. T

    Need major help with scripting on my dayz server

    That file should have close to 100 lines (For Epoch at least). Does your server run, also just making sure, you are looking in your mission.pbo right? If so you may need to look into contacting your server host for support.
  11. T

    Need major help with scripting on my dayz server

    There should be, it's around line 60. Here's mine just to help a bit. Just remember, mine won't look exactly like yours. //Load in compiled functions call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf"; //Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT...
  12. T

    Epoch Trader City God Mode

    Awesome glad you got it. Also glad you posted it here so other people can get theirs working lol.
  13. T

    Epoch Trader City God Mode

    Wish I could help with that, but I've only had hosts, never ran off my own pc. I would assume it'd be similar, but I don't wanna be the guy that broke your server lol. If you wait a little longer I'm sure Vampire or someone with more experience then me can help you.
  14. T

    Epoch Trader City God Mode

    This might be a bad question cause it sounds like you are, but are you running the server off your computer?
  15. T

    Please help to get my repair option working Epoch Taviana 1.0.4

    Hi, I don't have Taviana, but I know that if self blood is put in incorrectly it can break the Epoch features. The best way to check this is to go to your traders and see if you can get into their menu. If it is bloodbag I would take it out and follow Trainwrecks. I had this issue too first time...