Search results

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    Custom loadouts?

    I see the db has the tabs but when I set someone up, not seeming to work. Anyone have custom loadouts working on your server?
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    DayZ Overwatch - TPG (0.1.9) [Regular] [DAY] [Custom Antihack]

    DayZ Overwatch - TPG (0.1.9) [Regular] [DAY] [Custom Antihack] Keywords: 50 slots, stable with timed reboots, located in a Virginia Datacenter, dedicated box with dedicated admins and over 160+ vehicles (sometimes 200 or more depending on chance.) Experienced server...
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    Filter help - Kicking for publicvariable #0 "player#######"

    13.07.2013 11:29:33: ]TPG[*Dagger ( 42909e951f54b3536a735a262cfb50b4 - #0 "player11699526" = <NULL-object> 13.07.2013 11:33:21: NF Quaf ( 20bb06b340d72b1a8aac4d66f3d2d8c6 - #0 "player70491334" = <NULL-object> 13.07.2013 11:33:24: ]TPGr[slatts...
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    Sarge AI - line warning message/error

    2:26:26 Warning Message: File z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_cleanup.fsm, line 304: Config: '"' expected after //Clean groups { //diag_log ("CLEANUP: CHECKING GROUP WITH " + str(count units _x) + " UNITS"); if ((count units _x==0) && !(_x getVariable["SAR_protect",false])) then {...
  5. D

    No loot cleanup on bags?

    My RPT used to show it clearing loot bags, etc. Getting none of that now. Anyone else having the same thing?
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    Full moon nights - What's needed now? DayZ

    So, they locked the night in but I'm noticing that when my server auto reboots at night and comes back up, the sky is dark-- the stars are out, it is pitch black nearly and there is no moon at all. Anyone else finding this true/have worked out a fix to it? Can I bypass this in my...
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    Anyone played with this? It's in variables. I've bypassed and upped it from 69 or 67 whatever it was by default to 75, seems to not have made a difference.
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    Ai - vehicles + Ai battling in NW corner?

    Hi, I spawned ina t the NW corner after adding this map in and all the Ai in the server are fighting over what looks to be vehicles. Are these AI or server vehicles? Also, how do I disable this? I love the idea of vehicles for them but I mean holy crap. I'd love for them to steal vehicles...
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    [request] Spawning vehicles - damaged - db_spawn_vehicles

    Does anyone have a way here to spawn vehicles fully screwed up within reason? I've changed # Generate parts damage my $health = "[" . join(',', map { (sprintf(rand(), "%.3f") > 0.2) ? "[\"$_\",1]" : () } split(/,/, $vehicle->{parts})) . "]"; The >0.2 influences how much/if...
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    Helicopter pilot loot

    Hi Sarge, I've mentioned this before but I'd love to be able to offer my players a reward, ie, the body of the pilot who has his own loot settings on the helicopters and allot chances for that loot. Thanks.
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    Battleye scripts.txt bloating

    Hi Sarge, I followed your instructions and still get: Here is the pastebin of my scripts.txt I've tried adding the lines to stop this to a few lines above/below as I've gone through it as well. Any helps super appreciated. dayz_las" 24.04.2013 16:51:46...
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    Lag when server full - 40-50 players, weird action desync? basic.cfg

    The machine itself is not using more than 20% cpu at any given time (we run other servers) and are on a gb port from secured servers. Needless, the machine can handle it. For some reason however players are getting lag when picking up/using an action with an item. It takes a minute or so to...
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    Full moon nights - Randomly goes pitch dark with no moon in sky?

    Anyone else have this issue? I have dynamicweather with everything off in terms of overcast and the like but every 20-30 mins or so when the moon is meant to transition it just disappears and goes dark for my entire server. Is this just me, or? I'm not talking it gets dark-er. I am talking...
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    [Request] Leaderboard - comparative to old zombie leaderboards

    If anyone can remember olden days in DayZ you could hit I and it'd show whomever had the highest zombie kill count currently connected to the server. Does anyone have a script or have any idea as to how to implement this? Even just getting back the zombie kill count leaderboards would be...
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    Vehicles wrecked, red, get in first time/repair one thing all green

    We have this happening on our server. You look at it, get in, and it all goes green/driveable. Anyone know of a fix for this?
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    Way to make vehicles be more damaged - guaranteed two broken wheels and red engine for example?

    Is there a way to make vehicles be more damaged - guaranteed two broken wheels and red engine for example? Anyone who can help it's greatly appreciated. I want helicopters to spawn completely red everything with no fuel and for cars and the like (not motorcycles/bikes) to have red engines and...
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    Starting loadout help

    I want my players to startout with a makarov, beans, a soda, two clips of ammo and two bandages-- that is it. Anyone have the code for this? When I try to do it myself people can no longer spawn in.