[SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

I might have re uploaded the wrong file to the server....I do that at times....will look in the right folder and compare...I am gonna bet I put the backup copy back on the server
Robin u tried sauerland overpoch origins combo ?? I love the freaky cars of origins .. would be great on sauerland.. that place is already pretty messed up like it should be after apocalypse .. unlike reg dayz all clean and tidy
I might have re uploaded the wrong file to the server....I do that at times....will look in the right folder and compare...I am gonna bet I put the backup copy back on the server
ok in your init you need to have
spawnShoremode = 1; // Default = 1 (on shore)
dayz_paraSpawn = true;
Your also calling
execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\init\ESSfloor.sqf";
At the bottom of your server_functions
And change
dayzPlayerLogin2 = [_worldspace,_state,_randomSpot]; //line199
dayzPlayerLogin2 = [_worldspace,_state];
Also find:
if (_randomSpot) then {
    if (!isDedicated) then {
    if(isnil "spawnArea") then {
        spawnArea = 1500;
    if(isnil "spawnShoremode") then {
        spawnShoremode = 1;
    _worldspace = [0,[-7245.377,19535.367,0]];
and replace with
if (_randomSpot) then {
        if (!isDedicated) then {
        //Spawn modify via mission init.sqf
        if(isnil "spawnArea") then {
                spawnArea = 1500;
        if(isnil "spawnShoremode") then {
                spawnShoremode = 1;
        _spawnMC = actualSpawnMarkerCount;

        //spawn into random
        _findSpot = true;
        _mkr = "";
        while {_findSpot} do {
                _counter = 0;
                while {_counter < 20 && _findSpot} do {
                        // switched to floor
                        _mkr = "spawn" + str(floor(random _spawnMC));
                        _position = ([(getMarkerPos _mkr),0,spawnArea,10,0,2000,spawnShoremode] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos);
                        _isNear = count (_position nearEntities ["Man",100]) == 0;
                        _isZero = ((_position select 0) == 0) && ((_position select 1) == 0);
                        //Island Check          //TeeChange
                        _pos            = _position;
                        _isIsland       = false;                //Can be set to true during the Check
                        for [{_w=0},{_w<=150},{_w=_w+2}] do {
                                _pos = [(_pos select 0),((_pos select 1) + _w),(_pos select 2)];
                                if(surfaceisWater _pos) exitWith {
                                        _isIsland = true;
                        if ((_isNear && !_isZero) || _isIsland) then {_findSpot = false};
                        _counter = _counter + 1;
        _isZero = ((_position select 0) == 0) && ((_position select 1) == 0);
        _position = [_position select 0,_position select 1,0];
        if (!_isZero) then {
                //_playerObj setPosATL _position;
                _worldspace = [0,_position];
dayz_paraSpawn = true; assumes you want to para in, main one is spawnShoremode otherwise you will alsways be in debug.
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Robin u tried sauerland overpoch origins combo ?? I love the freaky cars of origins .. would be great on sauerland.. that place is already pretty messed up like it should be after apocalypse .. unlike reg dayz all clean and tidy
Hard pressed getting this working well (for others) let alone adding a 3rd in the mix. I think simply you just add the server files and then this allows you to call the vehicles. (add @Dayzorigins in yur startup params)
Hard pressed getting this working well (for others) let alone adding a 3rd in the mix. I think simply you just add the server files and then this allows you to call the vehicles. (add @Dayzorigins in yur startup params)

was just asking :) lol if you had done it

Is the zuppa single currency I sent u link to the one using ??
With the CAGN safe zones, i have changed the antispam to false, as dying at stary trader was/is a huge problem.

Now however it seems to have completely killed the trader godmode function. This is what i changed.

AGN_safeZoneAntispam = false; // puts a time limit on God mode when trying to leave and enter a safe zone rapidly

Any ideas as to why this might be happening, no RPT errors to report.
Would removing/commenting out this:

//antispam timer
if ( AGN_safeZoneMessages ) then { systemChat ("[AGN] Antispam - You must wait 2 Minutes before godmode is reapplied!.");};
sleep 60;
if ( AGN_safeZoneMessages ) then { systemChat ("[AGN] Antispam - 1 minute remaining.");};
sleep 60;

from the timer.sqf do it??
Has anyone installed zupas currency script (no banking) to the repack? I've started installing it to build overpoch 128

I think i've missed a step, or something simple. Couldn't for the life of me find it tho. The issue i'm having is that the traders don't require the player to have coins, and they don't give them out either. The prices in the trader menu shows 800 (blank) instead of 800 Coins, every other part of the script appears to have gone in and i'm not getting any RPT errors. (I would ask on the epoch forums but my account is still waiting approval *since november)

Any idea? or has anyone encountered this issue before?