SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

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Hello there, I was wondering if there was a way to change the number of AI spawns around the map and the amount that actually spawn as well, I scanned through the posts but cant see it anywhere.
Maybe I need to edit a file somewhere but not sure which one. If I can change their weapons would be cool too !

Many thanks again:)

Hey! Could someone tell me where can I change the AI skills? I already found the weapon list, the group size but I can't find that important one. Also is it possible to make the Ai running to the their next destination?
how do I make ais stop getting in random vehicles

I think you change this line in int_UPSMON.sql to something like 6000 they would never have a waypoint that far so they would never take a car

// Distance from destination for searching vehicles. (Search area is about 200m),
// If your destination point is further than KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist, AI will try to find a vehicle to go there.
KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist = 1600; // 700, 900

Also in UPSMON.sqf

this is theserach block I think I have not tested
if ((!_gothit && _targetdist >= ( KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist )) && _isSoldier && !_noveh) then {
if ( vehicle _npc == _npc && _dist > _closeenough ) then {
_unitsIn = [_grpid,_npc] call MON_GetIn_NearestVehicles;
if ( count _unitsIn > 0) then {
_GetIn_NearestVehicles = true;
_speedmode = "FULL";
_unitpos = "AUTO";
_npc setbehaviour "SAFE";
_npc setspeedmode "FULL";
_timeout = time + 60;
_vehicle = objnull;
_vehicles = [];
waituntil {vehicle _x != _x || !canmove _x || !canstand _x || !alive _x || time > _timeout || movetofailed _x}; 
if ( vehicle _x != _x && (isnull _vehicle || _vehicle != vehicle _x)) then {
_vehicle = vehicle _x ;
_vehicles = _vehicles + [_vehicle]
}foreach _unitsIn;
sleep 1;
_vehicle = _x;
_cargo = _vehicle getvariable ("UPSMON_cargo");
if ( isNil("_cargo")) then {_cargo = [];};
_cargo ordergetin true;
//Wait for other groups to getin
waituntil {vehicle _x != _x || !canmove _x || !canstand _x || !alive _x || time > _timeout || movetofailed _x}; 
} foreach _cargo;
//Starts gunner control
nul = [_vehicle] spawn MON_Gunnercontrol;
sleep 0.1;
// nul = [_x,30] spawn MON_domove; //!R just little kick to make sure it moves
} foreach _vehicles;
//Cheks if leader has dead until wait
_npc = [_npc,_members] call MON_getleader;
if (!alive _npc || !canmove _npc) exitwith {_exit=true;};
if ( "Air" countType [vehicle (_npc)]>0) then {
_rnd = (random 2) * 0.1;
_flyInHeight = round(KRON_UPS_flyInHeight * (0.9 + _rnd));
vehicle _npc flyInHeight _flyInHeight;
//If you just enter the helicopter landing site is defined
if (_GetIn_NearestVehicles) then { 
_GetOutDist = round(((KRON_UPS_paradropdist )  * (random 100) / 100 ) + 150);
[vehicle _npc, _TargetPos, _GetOutDist, 90] spawn MON_doParadrop; // org _flyInHeight
sleep 1;
//Execute control stuck for helys
[vehicle _npc] spawn MON_HeliStuckcontrol;
if (KRON_UPS_Debug>0 ) then {player sidechat format["%1: flyingheiht=%2 paradrop at dist=%3",_grpidx, _flyInHeight, _GetOutDist,_rnd]}; 
Ok If I reading the script (SAR_setup_AI_patrol_heli.sqf) correctly, I see that the AI is added to the turret
_man2heli moveInTurret [_heli,[0]];

and here

_man3heli moveInTurret [_heli,[1]];

but I never see any add to the turrets magazines with addMagazineTurrets(). So I am think that maybe why my heli never shoots at me.

any thoughts?

turrets get reloaded in the trace_from_vehicle script.
Hey! Could someone tell me where can I change the AI skills? I already found the weapon list, the group size but I can't find that important one. Also is it possible to make the Ai running to the their next destination?

Use ASR_AI to finetune the skills of the AI. They do run to theor next waypoint, as long as they havent spotted any enemy (=zed or player).

If they spot an enemy or are aware of an enemy, they will walk.
Update on the next release:

Severly stuck on the solution for enemy factions being able to share the same vehicle. Took me the last 3 days, and isnt solved yet. Update will need 2 wait until i sorted that one.

Sry for the delay guys.

For some reason the NPC's are spawning, but they dont shoot anything, and when killed they have no ammo, just their weapons and gear (compass, map, radio). It would appear as if theyre not getting ammo to shoot. What could be causing this? I haven't modified the files much except for the mere basics.
Use ASR_AI to finetune the skills of the AI. They do run to theor next waypoint, as long as they havent spotted any enemy (=zed or player).

If they spot an enemy or are aware of an enemy, they will walk.

Could you tell me where can I find that ASR_AI ?
I had to disable BattlEye on my server because of all the script errors. I did follow the guide and make edits. If anyone can be so kind as to post their error free SCRIPT.TXT so I can try it out, I would be grateful.

I would like to re-enable BattlEye.

Your script.txt is unique with your server, and is based on which pack you have used. Try posting which restrictions kicks you out of the server and the following log in the script.log file
For some reason the NPC's are spawning, but they dont shoot anything, and when killed they have no ammo, just their weapons and gear (compass, map, radio). It would appear as if theyre not getting ammo to shoot. What could be causing this? I haven't modified the files much except for the mere basics.

I am having the same issue, gave them custom skins and some rmod weapons and NONE of them are shooting, if i kill any it doesn't seem to bother them, i then loot the body and only basic gear and a primary ammo.

Would really like to know how to fix this. BTW everything else seems to work great, all spawns seem to work. Just this one issue.
a) Bandit AI are acting like real bandits - they shoot everything.

b) static AI is not respawning at the moment, will be part of a next release and will be configurable. In theory i can let em respawn already, but then they are missing their weapon loadout :) Static heli patrols should not need to respawn, they rarely die anyhow. Too many respawns will lead to people farming these ...

c) whitelist - you could in theory. if more people request this, i might put it in.

c) whitelist sounds good, could have ai protecting admin base!
Anybody able to help? after 6 players have joined the server (max 50) everyone else who joins keep spawning as birds after I have enabled this mod

Cannot figure it out myself
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