Animated Helicrashs 0.1 - Release

Every time the zombies spawn dead, how can i fix that?

//Adding 5 dead soldiers around the wreck, poor guys
for "_x" from 1 to 5 do {
_lootPos = [_pos, ((random 4)+3), random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
_deadBody = createVehicle[["Body1","Body2"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom,_lootPos,[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_deadBody setDir (random 360);

Those lines in the server_spawnCrashSite.sqf add a number of dead zombies around the crash site, but if you get out of a vehicle (not too close) or walk up to the site zombies will spawn too. Just like a regular crash site.

Any news on when the next version/update is due? I would really love to get a maximum limit on the number of crash sites that can appear before the next restart. Does anyone have some of their own code for this to work?
//Adding 5 dead soldiers around the wreck, poor guys
for "_x" from 1 to 5 do {
_lootPos = [_pos, ((random 4)+3), random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
_deadBody = createVehicle[["Body1","Body2"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom,_lootPos,[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_deadBody setDir (random 360);

Those lines in the server_spawnCrashSite.sqf add a number of dead zombies around the crash site, but if you get out of a vehicle (not too close) or walk up to the site zombies will spawn too. Just like a regular crash site.

Any news on when the next version/update is due? I would really love to get a maximum limit on the number of crash sites that can appear before the next restart. Does anyone have some of their own code for this to work?
Will try to release it tomorrow :)
I see, thanks!

And I was wondering, does this affect the server performance much?
Not that much, but the Helis can have problems if the servers fps are to low (< 5)
i want to send a servermessage when the heli spawns and from then on every 3-5 minutes while it's airborne. any ideas on how to do that?
Hey, would it be possible to add a global txt msg that all can read each time a chopper spawns and is on route to the crash site ?
7 dayz -_- then my world goes to shit again, I literally just finished putting all my addons in, was just polishing things up, trying to learn how to do sub scroll menus and what not.
I saw a video from ARMA 2 of crates being airdropped from a C130, the parachute animations looked really awesome.

Do you have any plans to expand carepackages to be animated too grafzahl? I guess the C130 is not a possibility at least on Chernarus, but even if I can get them dropping from the sky I will be happy. I am going to attempt it myself later this week using your helicopter code as a base will share it if I make any progress.

This is where I got the idea,
I saw a video from ARMA 2 of crates being airdropped from a C130, the parachute animations looked really awesome.

Do you have any plans to expand carepackages to be animated too grafzahl? I guess the C130 is not a possibility at least on Chernarus, but even if I can get them dropping from the sky I will be happy. I am going to attempt it myself later this week using your helicopter code as a base will share it if I make any progress.

This is where I got the idea,

I tried some things... problems are:
  1. The cool bro's of dayz banned ALL Parachutes, except the one that is used when you jump out of a heli, so you cant just drop a parachute over a location and can be sure that the cargo-drop will land where you want it
  2. You cant use C130, only on taviana i think.
I will do some more tests... but it doesnt look that cool when a Bi-Plane drops a massive cargo-pack on a sterable parachute that is made for humans.
I tried some things... problems are:
  1. The cool bro's of dayz banned ALL Parachutes, except the one that is used when you jump out of a heli, so you cant just drop a parachute over a location and can be sure that the cargo-drop will land where you want it
  2. You cant use C130, only on taviana i think.
I will do some more tests... but it doesnt look that cool when a Bi-Plane drops a massive cargo-pack on a sterable parachute that is made for humans.

Ah I should have realised it would be a banned class shame because that animation looks really cool, I should play some ARMA 2 instead lol.

Will let you know if I get anything cool going with the carepackages anyway, I also like the idea of some plane crashes so I might try those with the AN2 :D

Edit: Just realised the A10 is unbanned too I think I will try that first...
Ah I should have realised it would be a banned class shame because that animation looks really cool, I should play some ARMA 2 instead lol.

Will let you know if I get anything cool going with the carepackages anyway, I also like the idea of some plane crashes so I might try those with the AN2 :D

Edit: Just realised the A10 is unbanned too I think I will try that first...

Why not have them drop out from MV22's? - Kind Sir has a script for the rear door to swing open I believe... Iunno just a thought.
Well Grafzahl,

I added your script to my server last night. Today, I saw my first animated crash. Just happened to be flying when one of the AI piloted aircraft flew past me. I turned and followed, my heart racing because I thought I would loose site of it. Then, it happened and it was SO FREAKING AWESOME. I had a friend with me in the helo and there was a player on a the ground who also saw it. When the helo exploded and fireballed into the ground I was awestruck! We landed as the crater disapeared. Then the loot appeared. Everything perfect..even dead bodies. I have received soooo many compliments on that feature. Players could not stop talking about it. Those who did not see it are hanging out on my server in hopes of witnessing the event for themselves. Other players are standing ready to try and shoot one down. I passed the credit to you my friend, because YOU DA MAN ! Great work, well done, absolutley incredible.

Thanks for making DayZ more fun to play! ;)

Hi guys,
Awesome mod Grafzahl, but we have yet to see the helicopters.

From the server rpt below am I right in thinking that they are crashing into the sea ?
I have spent hours flying along between Electro and Cherno and as yet no luck.

20:18:45 "CRASHSPAWNER: UH-1H started flying from [6993.7,173.053,300] to [5728.59,7137.18] NOW!(TIME:2511||LT:MilitarySpecial)"
20:19:06 "CRASHSPAWNER: Adding Pre-POC-Waypoint #1 on [7749.07,10978.4]"
20:19:06 "CRASHSPAWNER: UH-1H just exploded at [7024.72,191.353,143.236]!, "
20:19:25 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[7034.88,199.876,0]' with loot table '15.3165'"
20:19:31 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[7044.1,191.89,0]' with loot table '15.3165'"
20:19:31 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[7035.56,200.753,0]' with loot table '15.3165'"
20:19:31 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[7032.83,190.882,0]' with loot table '15.3165'"
20:19:31 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[7032.68,198.141,0]' with loot table '15.3165'"
20:19:31 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[7043.6,191.66,0]' with loot table '15.3165'"
20:19:38 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[7042.81,190.575,0]' with loot table '15.3165'"
20:19:44 "CRASHSPAWNER: Crash completed! Wreck at: [7038.45,194.029,-144.373] - Runtime: 50 Seconds || Distance from calculated POC: 7080 meters"