DayZ Mission System

ummmm Ive got bluephoenix's admin tools, Ive got dayz.ah, Ive got SARGE, auto refuel, self bb, debug monitor, Ive edited the dynamic weather and cleared the roads, Ive added weapons to the biplane and little birds.. that's about it off the top of my head. I might have fixed it because I ended up quoting out the kill a hacker area so maybe that's why, similar to how the cars were despawning.

Edit- nah still despawning, oh well
quick question - can someone tell me how to get the message notification for the currently running missions to display when a player connects? From what I've found so far its something to do with rHINT parameters? thx
quick question - can someone tell me how to get the message notification for the currently running missions to display when a player connects? From what I've found so far its something to do with rHINT parameters? thx
Would love to know this as well, if you find out please let me know thanks!
hi, i have two or three question because i'm lost in the code ... and after few day, i need help and sorry for my english, i'm not.

i have install the mission in epoch server and no problem but in my server, lot of player drive armored car and just ram the ai for kill and loot ... i need to make a surprise for us but i need to know if its possible and how because i try and try and try but definitively, i'm "weak" ...
i would that: -ai wear heavy weapon like a launcher or as50etcc and deleting when they kill. i have try to just down the time in bodyclean and its work but not cool ...
- ai wear nvgoggles. cause in the night its freekill ...

and one more time sorry for my english.
Unless you coded it yourself, or paid someone to do it, I doubt there is a way. Good luck

why would he have to pay some one ?

hi, i have two or three question because i'm lost in the code ... and after few day, i need help and sorry for my english, i'm not.

i have install the mission in epoch server and no problem but in my server, lot of player drive armored car and just ram the ai for kill and loot ... i need to make a surprise for us but i need to know if its possible and how because i try and try and try but definitively, i'm "weak" ...
i would that: -ai wear heavy weapon like a launcher or as50etcc and deleting when they kill. i have try to just down the time in bodyclean and its work but not cool ...
- ai wear nvgoggles. cause in the night its freekill ...

and one more time sorry for my english.

add a killed event handler to the AI that calls a script that checks the ai's body for the weapon/item you want to remove and if it is there then remove it from the body / delete the body
have ago at it yourself and if you get stuck i will help you out more just send me a PM
why would he have to pay some one ?

add a killed event handler to the AI that calls a script that checks the ai's body for the weapon/item you want to remove and if it is there then remove it from the body / delete the body
have ago at it yourself and if you get stuck i will help you out more just send me a PM

I suppose because most people charge for custom scripts. Hell some people charge for adding simple mods to your server for you as a service. If you're willing to help him for free that's pretty cool I just didn't think many people would step up for that.
Unless you coded it yourself, or paid someone to do it, I doubt there is a way. Good luck
i understand that but i have read a lot of post and i have a lot of little setting like fnc time, ai skill and bug for novy but i dont see anything like what i need.

why would he have to pay some one ?
add a killed event handler to the AI that calls a script that checks the ai's body for the weapon/item you want to remove and if it is there then remove it from the body / delete the body
have ago at it yourself and if you get stuck i will help you out more just send me a PM

like the call for bodyclean ?

_aiunit addEventHandler ['killed',{_this execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\Missions\bodyclean.sqf"},{_this execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\Missions\weaponclean.sqf"}];

and in the weaponclean

_ai = _this select 0;
removeAllWeapons _aiunit;
i understand that but i have read a lot of post and i have a lot of little setting like fnc time, ai skill and bug for novy but i dont see anything like what i need.

like the call for bodyclean ?

_aiunit addEventHandler ['killed',{_this execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\Missions\bodyclean.sqf"},{_this execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\Missions\weaponclean.sqf"}];

and in the weaponclean

_ai = _this select 0;
removeAllWeapons _aiunit;

not far off

_aiunit addEventHandler ['killed',{_this execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\Missions\bodyclean.sqf";_this execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\Missions\weaponclean.sqf"}];

and then in weaponclean

_ai = _this select 0;
removeAllWeapons _ai;

but that would remove all the weapons from all the ai that die
I suppose because most people charge for custom scripts. Hell some people charge for adding simple mods to your server for you as a service. If you're willing to help him for free that's pretty cool I just didn't think many people would step up for that.

why anyone would charge for a script that will be less than 10 lines long is beyond me and this is a community forum its for sharing and helping people not for selling text
why anyone would charge for a script that will be less than 10 lines long is beyond me and this is a community forum its for sharing and helping people not for selling text

I agree with your statement but other see their time = $$.. its irrelevant since you're kind enough to help the guy out :D
So I've got the mission system working nicely (

I tried to add Sarge last night to get some roaming AI in, but as yet none have spawned. I've followed the instructions here ( to the letter but I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Ive trawled through most of the posts for each release to find conflicts between the two systems and iron them out but no luck yet.

Here is my server_cleanup section:

" if(vehicle _x != _x && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Sarge"",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != ""ParachuteWest"") then {" \n //**MISSIONS**
" // diag_log (""CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER "" + (name _x) + "" "" + str(_x) + "" IN "" + (typeOf vehicle _x));" \n // ** COMMENTED OUT FOR SARGE **

Is that right? (sorry not sure how to paste code).

Ive got everything in the init files, removed faction.sqf, updated objectupdate etc, changed all the mission bits to 'sarge' where needed, configured where i want the AI to spawn and at what frequency... I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Would anyone be willing to take a look or help me fix? It's the last thing before the server is finally up to scratch
Hi - it's Version 1.1.0.

The problem is, no AI are there. The mission AI seem fine and all is as it should be, but I have no roaming groups. I've set every area to 100% chance of spawn so I can test, and I've spent a good 2 hours walking / driving / flying around - but they aren't spawning. No sign of anything apart from the missions. Any ideas?
have you tried to enable the sarge-debug monitor and see if there are no npcs?
What about your RPT? Is there something that can give you an idea where to look at?
I set the debugs but not sure what or where this tells me if anythings wrong - i'll paste the RPT log is its any help....

No idea why it's waffling on about the VIL cars, all the files are from

You can see it says AI are spawning, but these could just be the mission AI?!