dayz_mission pbo for custom stuff

zombieforce speed code in dayz_code.pbo

why not just stick it in mission pbo as a hook? that way can change various dayz code and it will download cause missionpbos always autodl.

or am i missing something...
im not sure what you mean either? if you want to make them hit harder its possible, if you want to make them run faster its possible, even if you wanted to change the animation on how it looks is ALSO possible... im not a pro or anything but willing to help if you want.
Any file that is as a directory in the mission or server pbo you can mod.

Zombie speed, damage, and spawning counts can all be modded serverside.
is there a way how I can set the zombie respawn time?
        if (_dis > _spawnZedRadius) then {
            if ((dayz_spawnZombies < _maxControlledZombies) and (dayz_CurrentNearByZombies < dayz_maxNearByZombies) and (dayz_currentGlobalZombies < dayz_maxGlobalZeds)) then {

                _zombied = (_x getVariable ["zombieSpawn",(diag_tickTime + dayz_tickTimeOffset)]);
                _age = ((diag_tickTime + dayz_tickTimeOffset) - _zombied);
                //diag_log format ["%4 - %5: %1, %2, %3", _zombied, diag_tickTime, _age, "spawnCheck", _x];
                if ((_age < 0) or (_age == 0) or (_age > 300)) then {
                    _bPos = getPosATL _x;
                    _zombiesNum = {alive _x} count (_bPos nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",(((sizeOf _type) * 2) + 10)]);
                    if (_zombiesNum == 0) then {  
                        [_x] call building_spawnZombies;
                        _x setVariable ["zombieSpawn",diag_tickTime + dayz_tickTimeOffset,!_islocal];
                        //waitUntil{scriptDone _handle};
                        if (!(_x in dayz_buildingBubbleMonitor)) then {
                            //add active zed to var
                            dayz_buildingBubbleMonitor set [count dayz_buildingBubbleMonitor, _x];
                //diag_log (format["%1 building. %2", __FILE__, _x]);
_zombied is equal to the time that the zombies were spawned.
_age is equal to current time - _zombied so its how long ago the zombies were spawned.
The line if ((_age < 0) or (_age == 0) or (_age > 300)) then { is where it decides whether to spawn zombies. If zombies are all dead and they were spawned more than 5 minutes ago, they are respawned.

So change > 300 to however many seconds you want to wait.

Epochs code is slightly different but follows the same logic
// do not spawn zeds if player is moving faster then 10kmh
        if (!_onTheMove) then {
            if ((time - dayz_spawnWait) > dayz_spawnDelay) then {
                if (dayz_maxCurrentZeds < dayz_maxZeds) then {
                    if (dayz_CurrentZombies < dayz_maxGlobalZombies) then {
                        if (dayz_spawnZombies < dayz_maxLocalZombies) then {
                                _zombied = (_x getVariable ["zombieSpawn",-0.1]);
                                _dateNow = (DateToNumber date);
                                _age = (_dateNow - _zombied) * 525948;
                                if (_age > 3) then {
                                    _x setVariable ["zombieSpawn",_dateNow,true];
                                    [_x] call building_spawnZombies;
                        } else {
                            dayz_spawnWait = time;