Having trouble with custom skins

Omenrai - let's start with the easy question.

which database version are you running? That's important, because each handles your question slightly differently.
i am currently running PHP MYadmin and it is a bliss server...i have attempted to do this but dont know enough a out what im looking at to feel comfortable trying to change it so any help i can get would be appreciated
Ok - that should be easy to do.

There's a table in your database that is used for assigning custom load outs. You'd simply build a few of those load outs, and then on the table where you have each player's stuff, assign the specified load out to them.

So like, I'd build custom load out ID = 1, and assign that to my UID. Every time I die, I load in with whatever custom load out 1 is. Everyone else would default to the DayZ standard of (Survivor2_DZ, flashlight, patrol pack, painkiller).

I haven't used bliss in a while tho, I'm using the Pwonzor version of the database (where the setup is slightly different).
ok... do you have skype ? if so i would like to chat with you tomorrow when im not at work... but let me get this straight if i assign a custom loadout the person assigned tha custom loadout will always recieve whatever is in that custom loadout for example if i only assign them a model in the custom load out they will start with jack shit! so essentially what i need to do is assign the model and all the equiptment i wish for the me to start with IE machete, painkillers ,watch and a patrol pack. if i do not assign gear they will not recieve it. correct? this will only take effect when they die and respawn in to server NOT when they load in normally?
Um. I know I left it around here somewhere - I generally don't use skype tho.

In essence, you're right. If giving a custom loadout it won't also give the default items. It's like an over-ride.
so im working on map, which i porting to dayz and trying to add a few "own" skins....
i want to take a clothing skin and want to combine it with a headscarf ( helmet?! )

class Bandit_Ti : Soldier_Crew_PMC {
        displayName = "Bandit (Masked)";
        model = "\Ca\characters2\opforins\Ins_Lopotev";
        portrait = "\bb_mercs_desert\faces\Terrorist3_co";
        identityTypes[] = {"Terrorist"};
        side = 1;
        hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ca\characters2\civil\citizen\data\Citizen_v4_co.paa"};
        weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"};
        backpack = "";
        magazines[] = {};
        respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"};
        respawnMagazines[] = {};
        weaponSlots = "1    +    4    + 12*        256    + 2*    4096    +    2    + 8*    16  + 12*131072";
        canHideBodies = 1;
        class Wounds {
            tex[] = {};
            mat[] = {"ca\characters\data\hhl.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\us_hhl_wound1.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\us_hhl_wound2.rvmat", "ca\characters2\OpforIns\data\ins_lopotev.rvmat", "ca\characters2\OpforIns\data\W1_ins_lopotev.RVmat", "ca\characters2\OpforIns\data\W2_ins_lopotev.RVmat"};

but i cant get it to work with my helmet/face/glasses/whatever....i see only the skin with my selected "face" from the edit profile section :/
Hey everyone,

I just wanted to confirm the problem with skins and vehicles. It seems that some skins pose no problems but others won't allow anyone in the same vehicle as the skin (not even the same skin).

Specifically, I am using TK_INS_Soldier_EP1, which displays in red as "Militiaman" when you mouse-over. It seems anyone with TK_INS_Soldier_EP1 cant get in a vehicle with anyone else, and nobody else can get in if they are in one.

Is there a fix for this? Thanks in advance!
the answer to your question is actually on the first page of this thread... shin kicker actualy said you have to inherit the base class from the dayz models....
there is a fix for it give me a few and ill look for the post for you!

Thank you!

the answer to your question is actually on the first page of this thread... shin kicker actualy said you have to inherit the base class from the dayz models....

I read that but I'm not 100% sure how that works (I am pretty new at this). The way I understood is that I'd have to modify dayz_code and make all my clients/players download my version of it. I'm trying to avoid this for obvious reasons--am I able to transplant the classes into the mission file or some other workaround?

(For example, I bypassed dynamic weather by putting it into the mission file and executing it from there.)
Thank you!

I read that but I'm not 100% sure how that works (I am pretty new at this). The way I understood is that I'd have to modify dayz_code and make all my clients/players download my version of it. I'm trying to avoid this for obvious reasons--am I able to transplant the classes into the mission file or some other workaround?

(For example, I bypassed dynamic weather by putting it into the mission file and executing it from there.)

As far as I'm aware its not something you can do anything about without a client download
Is it the same problem with the inventory/loadout tied to the skins? Currently, the skins seem to add a radio which I'd like to get rid of.
why he radio seves no purpose
but if you want rid of it you have to port the skins over as i directed earlier ...