Help. How to remove grass from dedicated server


Well-Known Member
Just as the title suggests, I'm looking to remove just the grass from my dedicated server to test differences in player's fps. I know it has something to do with setting terrain grid to 50 but where is the question. Ive seen on other server files that they have set

setTerrainGrid 50;

into their missions init file. I tried this on my dedicated server and I don't see grass any more but anyone connecting is still seeing the grass. Any help would be great, thanks.
Just as the title suggests, I'm looking to remove just the grass from my dedicated server to test differences in player's fps. I know it has something to do with setting terrain grid to 50 but where is the question. Ive seen on other server files that they have set

setTerrainGrid 50;

into their missions init file. I tried this on my dedicated server and I don't see grass any more but anyone connecting is still seeing the grass. Any help would be great, thanks.
You would think that if its in the mission.init and its working for you, it would work for everyone. Soooo, there must be something else affecting that?

Here is the single code line inserted into my mission init.sqf .. so it should work for everyone. Maybe they are all hackers and have grass disabled all the time so they dont notice the difference?

That's what im looking for. I tested it with 3 other people that connected to my dedicated server and the grass still showed for them and not for me. Ill post my init file for you guys ...did you forget to include your line of code, ShootingBlanks?

//Server Settings

//Add the insttance id of this server
dayZ_instance = 1; // The instance
//Tag info this is shown to all players in the bottom left hand side of the screen
dayZ_serverName = ""; // Servername (country code + server number)

dayz_antihack = 0; // DayZ Antihack / 1 = enabled // 0 = disabled
dayz_REsec = 0; // DayZ RE Security / 1 = enabled // 0 = disabled
dayz_enableGhosting = false; //Enable disable the ghosting system.
dayz_ghostTimer = 120; //Sets how long in seconds a player must be dissconnected before being able to login again.
dayz_spawnselection = 1; //Turn on spawn selection 0 = random only spawns, 1 = Spawn choice based on limits
dayz_spawncarepkgs_clutterCutter = 2; //0 = loot hidden in grass, 1 = loot lifted and 2 = no grass
dayz_spawnCrashSite_clutterCutter = 2; // heli crash options 0 = loot hidden in grass, 1 = loot lifted and 2 = no grass
dayz_spawnInfectedSite_clutterCutter = 2; // infected base spawn... 0: loot hidden in grass, 1: loot lifted, 2: no grass
dayz_enableRules = true; //Enables a nice little news/rules feed on player login (make sure to keep the lists quick).
dayz_quickSwitch = true; //Turns on forced animation for weapon switch. (hotkeys 1,2,3) False = enable animations, True = disable animations
dayz_bleedingeffect = 2; //1= blood on the ground, 2= partical effect, 3 = both.
dayz_ForcefullmoonNights = false; // Forces night time to be full moon.
dayz_POIs = false;
dayz_infectiousWaterholes = true;

diag_log 'dayz_preloadFinished reset';
onPreloadStarted "diag_log [diag_tickTime, 'onPreloadStarted']; dayz_preloadFinished = false;";
onPreloadFinished "diag_log [diag_tickTime, 'onPreloadFinished']; if (!isNil 'init_keyboard') then { [] spawn init_keyboard; }; dayz_preloadFinished = true;";

with uiNameSpace do {RscDMSLoad=nil;}; // autologon at next logon

if (!isDedicated) then {
enableSaving [false, false];
startLoadingScreen ["","RscDisplayLoadCustom"];
progressLoadingScreen 0;
dayz_loadScreenMsg = localize 'str_login_missionFile';
progress_monitor = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\progress_monitor.sqf";
0 cutText ['','BLACK',0];
0 fadeSound 0;
0 fadeMusic 0;

enableRadio false;
enableSentences false;

initialized = false;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "variables.sqf";
progressLoadingScreen 0.05;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf";
progressLoadingScreen 0.1;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf";
progressLoadingScreen 0.15;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\compiles.sqf";
progressLoadingScreen 0.2;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\BIS_Effects\init.sqf";
progressLoadingScreen 0.25;
initialized = true;

if (dayz_REsec == 1) then { call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf"; };
execVM "Scripts\DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf";

if (isServer) then {
execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf";

setTerrainGrid 50;

if (!isDedicated) then {
if (dayz_POIs) then { execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\mission\chernarus\poi\init.sqf"; };
if (dayz_infectiousWaterholes) then { execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\mission\chernarus\infectiousWaterholes\init.sqf"; };
if (dayz_antihack != 0) then {
execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\mission\chernarus\security\init.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";
if (dayz_enableRules) then { execVM "rules.sqf"; };
if (!isNil "dayZ_serverName") then { execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\watermark.sqf"; };
execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\client_plantSpawner.sqf";
//execFSM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.fsm";
execFSM "player_monitor.fsm";
execVM "dzgm\init.sqf";
waituntil {scriptDone progress_monitor};
cutText ["","BLACK IN", 3];
3 fadeSound 1;
3 fadeMusic 1;
[] execVM "Scripts\Vehicles.sqf";
I just put this on my remote server to test if it was a locality issue. Still works for me remotely, and I am not an admin nor do i have any admin hacks installed there so i am just a regular player. So since it works for you, it works for me, it works locally, it works remotely. I would have to say the error is in your friends ...
UNLESS .. you are running some script that resets the setterraingrid setting afterwards. And for some reason its not getting run on your computer ..
Ill remove myself from admin and add it to the end of the init below everything and see if that works...could have just been the placement position inside the init.
He is saying,to write this script named loopie.sqf
// this executes the code block forever,in,a,loop
While {true} do {
Setterraingrid 50;
//pause for 15 seconds to not burden the server
Sleep 15;
And in init.sqf
Execvm "loopie.sqf"

The,purpose is to run the script after,the terrin has been reset by whatever is doing it ....,assuming that is what,is happening.

What is your server ip and mod? Let me join and see?[/Code]
vanilla 1.8.3

I haven't added the loop script yet, but from what I can tell it shouldn't be necessary.
it should be working for all.. I had just a default dayz install and put that one line at the bottom.
I am at work for another hour, but if any body could test that before , i get home that would be great.
if using infistar, there is a line in the ahconfig.sqf where the terraingrid is defined, just for information
Well there you go .. infistar is probably resetting it. I dont run infistar so it worked for me, you are admin so it doesn't affect you.