help with adding walking zombies to a vilayer server, Please!!

Okay .. enough of the zombie garbage and onto important issues ...

Ok so i will pop this back in here and see if anyone can help because i had it in wrong thread earlier,

Hi guys i just set-up the repack on my vilayer server and it was running fine until i decided to add walking zombies. I have gotten help here before and the guy did it for me but im not 100% sure if i am doing it right myself because it just hangs now after character create. What i did was i went into the zombie_generate and wild_zombies and changed the paths to match the zombies walk folder that i added to my missions root. Any advice would be great, thanks.
But the code to make them walk is in zombie_agent.fsm so you have to add that to your mission to. But that file is not referenced in compiles, its at the bottom of zombie_generate.sqf which is why that file needs to be there (and wild_zombies.sqf, I assume)
in zombie_agent.fsm change forcespeed from 10 to 2

Ironically, I am trying to INCREASE the speed of the zombies but that doesnt seem to be possible.
Just read that post again .. did you change the location of zombie_generate and wild_zombies in your compiles.sqf?
So you have all three files in your mission, right? You didnt edit those two files and leave them in your @dayz_epoch/dayz_code right? You can NEVER edit files directly in that folder, those must be copied into your mission folder to be edited.
Actually now i got past the load screen with a bit of work, now i have the error i had when i tried it originally,
script walkingzombies\zombie_generate.sqf not found