Krixes - Self Bloodbag Script

Hmm i see you call compiles.sqf at end on other calls, that might make a difference as i was calling it before other .sqf loads !!
Well in Reality there's already a compiles.sqf in either server pbo or code pbo so i did the changes there as per instructions... i did try the 1st time doing everything on the mission file and it did not work, probably the version i have sent is the latest try i did... i'll try you file, if you need a copy of server or code they are also on the ftp server.

Thanks again really appreciated !!

Yeah that's not a Reality thing, that's a DayZ thing in general. The compiles you add is to overwrite/add additional commands. When players connect, they only download the mission file so if you edit things in dayz_code it will not work in fact it will probably prevent players being able to connect to your server because the file on their PC wont match the one on your server. Any edits to files contained in dayz_code.pbo should always be done via the mission file.

For this script you don't need to edit anything in the server.pbo.

Hmm i see you call compiles.sqf at end on other calls, that might make a difference as i was calling it before other .sqf loads !!

That's why he tells you exactly where to put the call, placement is important.
Cool i'll give a try and let you know, i'll also undo any changes to server and code files, always backup those before any changes so it will be easy !!
It is working my friend, thank you so much, ohh by the way, at the beginning i tough it was not working, i got the self-blood menu only like 2 min. after entering server .

Thanks again and regards !!
It is working my friend, thank you so much, ohh by the way, at the beginning i tough it was not working, i got the self-blood menu only like 2 min. after entering server .

Thanks again and regards !!

When you first log in, some actions wont show, you have to move around a few metres to get it to update. That's normal. :)
Glad it's working for you.
This doens't work with Epoch
And it fucks up my trader menu to so i can't trade at all - the menu wont show up.

When will there be a update ?
// (Taviana) Override some of the variables:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\kh\dayztaviana\init\variables.sqf";
// Load in the settings compiles:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\kh\dayztaviana\settingsinit\kh_compiles.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\settings.sqf";
diag_log "Started executing user settings file.";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "settings.sqf";
diag_log "Finished executing user settings file.";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\compiles.sqf"; //Compile custom compiles
progressLoadingScreen 0.1;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf";//Initilize the publicVariable event handlers
progressLoadingScreen 0.2;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf"; //Functions used by CLIENT for medical
progressLoadingScreen 0.4;
// (Taviana) Don't call the regular compile:
// call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf"; //Compile regular functions
// (Taviana) Override some of the variables:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\kh\dayztaviana\init\variables.sqf";
// Load in the settings compiles:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\kh\dayztaviana\settingsinit\kh_compiles.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\settings.sqf";
diag_log "Started executing user settings file.";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "settings.sqf";
diag_log "Finished executing user settings file.";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\compiles.sqf"; //Compile custom compiles
progressLoadingScreen 0.1;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf";//Initilize the publicVariable event handlers
progressLoadingScreen 0.2;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf"; //Functions used by CLIENT for medical
progressLoadingScreen 0.4;
// (Taviana) Don't call the regular compile:
// call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf"; //Compile regular functions

This works for any map. Read the instructions again as you have put the call for compiles.sqf in the wrong place.
It still doesn't work, and i've redownloaded the files from this forum:

dayz_mission.pbo > Init.sqf
//Load in compiled functions
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";                //Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early)
progressLoadingScreen 0.1;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf";                //Initilize the publicVariable event handlers
progressLoadingScreen 0.2;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf";    //Functions used by CLIENT for medical
progressLoadingScreen 0.4;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";                //Compile regular functions
progressLoadingScreen 0.5;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server_traders.sqf";                //Compile trader configs
progressLoadingScreen 0.6;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\compiles.sqf"; //Compile custom compiles
progressLoadingScreen 1.0;

dayz_mission.pbo > custom :
- compiles.sqf
- fn_selfActions.sqf
- player_selfbloodbag.sqf

fnc_usec_selfActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\fn_selfActions.sqf";            // fnc_usec_selfActions - adds custom actions to dayz code

I would like to post the code from "fn_selfActions.sqf" "and player_selfbloodbag.sqf" but then i would mega spam this topic hehe.

Server info:
Map: Chernarus
Mod Verison:
Arma Version: 103718
Hostet by:

When this script is on, the menu for traders won't appear, i can't trade at all.
- And that's my problem.
has anyone got this running on namalsk version 0.75? Its hard to find info on working scripts for namalsk because no one plays it for some reason :(
It still doesn't work, and i've redownloaded the files from this forum:

Yeah, the reason I asked if you used his fn_selfActions.sqf is because that's what's causing your problem. You aren't supposed to use that, you're supposed to take the one for your map from your local install. His one acts as a example of where to put the code.

Wherever you have OA installed, look in
to find your map specific fn_selfActions.

has anyone got this running on namalsk version 0.75? Its hard to find info on working scripts for namalsk because no one plays it for some reason :(

Read the install thread man, Namalsk is listed as one of the confirmed working maps. It should work on any map too, even if it wasn't listed.
Is it? Im pretty sure the only map listed for is Chernarus.... gonna copy paste right from Krixes' thread...

Confirmed working on the listed mods below by Krixes!
DayZ 1.7.7:

*Note - For DayZ 1.7.7 you must copy and use the fn_selfActions.sqf located inside your @DayZ/dayz_code.pbo folder and then follow the custom fn_selfActions.sqf!

Where do you see Namalsk listed?
Is it? Im pretty sure the only map listed for is Chernarus....

READ the post.
Confirmed working on the listed mods below by Dantw!

Lingor Island*
Panthera Island*
Taviana both Version*

DayZ Epoch*
DayZ Origin*

*Note - For most of the other mods other than stock Chernarus you will need to use your own fn_selfActions.sqf located inside your @modnamehere/dayz_code.pbo files and then follow the custom fn_selfAction.sqf tutorial below.

Confirmed working on the listed mods below by Krixes!
DayZ 1.7.7:

*Note - For DayZ 1.7.7 you must copy and use the fn_selfActions.sqf located inside your @DayZ/dayz_code.pbo folder and then follow the custom fn_selfActions.sqf!

When using your map specific fn_selfActions, the version doesn't matter.
ok so Im READING it , even though I READ it originally, and it doesn't say Namalsk under Dayz 1.7.7: so wtf is the point you are trying to make here?
ok so Im READING it , even though I READ it originally, and it doesn't say Namalsk under Dayz 1.7.7: so wtf is the point you are trying to make here?

You asked "Does it work on Namalsk?"... Not, "Does it work on Namalsk with"...

The answer though, is still yes. Just use the fn_selfActions.sqf from your map specific files as it states in the install instructions and it will work.
No, I asked if it works for Namalsk version 0.75 because there is no Namalsk Version However, version 0.75 requires DayZ version to run. I should have been more specific but I was expecting a reply from someone who has tested it on Namalsk and so would naturally know this. That being said, I'll give it a shot thanks.