Krixes - Self Bloodbag Script

Hello I'm having issues getting this mod working on my epoch server. of i add to the compile line some functions in the game go derp, I can post my init.sqf if needed.
If it's the same issue as me, you might have used the wrong compiles and fn_selfaction. These need to be taken from the correct place, your @dayz_epoch folder. I initially used the ones from the server which is what was causing my final issue. The rest of the problems I was having was just me being dim.
Okay I am new at all of this I can not find \DayZ\@DayZ_Epoch\addons\dayz_code.pbo. Does it matter that I dowloaded Arma from steam?
Okay I am new at all of this I can not find \DayZ\@DayZ_Epoch\addons\dayz_code.pbo. Does it matter that I dowloaded Arma from steam?

You're looking for your arma 2 operation arrowhead install\@dayz_epoch\addons\dayz_code.pbo

If it's done through steam it should be in your steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead
I found it but is it going to change if i update to the epoch version that can out today

It may, not all files change when updates are released, so I can't tell for sure if fn_selfActions will be updated in the new Epoch version or not. However, your mission files probably will be so you'd need to reinstall any scripts you're running on updated mission files anyhoo. :)
If it's the same issue as me, you might have used the wrong compiles and fn_selfaction. These need to be taken from the correct place, your @dayz_epoch folder. I initially used the ones from the server which is what was causing my final issue. The rest of the problems I was having was just me being dim.
Thanks I'll give that a go.