Origins Server?

scripts.txt is useless... anyone can bypass that 'filters'.

want everything served? do something yourself, in github are all the superduper filters of be...

Sadly i agree with him on this one

scripts.txt is useless and you're better off getting an anti hack that works.
Anyone knows how to open more than 64slots? when i write 70 in the config it changes to 64 when is start the srever.
Just a heads up.

I changed my max zombies from the post before with the instructions, and I added 5 to each number.
I also changed my time to [4,true,true], and my crash sites started working.
I don't know what I did, but now when I run pMain, I get message that day_orgins.rndspawn doesn't exist.
Looking in the sql, I don't see where it's installed either.
Pain, I had this error. "ERROR 1305 (42000): FUNCTION dayzorigins.rndspawn does not exist."

Fixed it buy running this in Mysql CLI.

mysql> SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1

See if that works for you?
Trying to figure out what's with my auto reboot.

I have it set to 8hrs. Does the time going faster screw this up at all?
Started getting hive crashes today. Only after now having messed with the core time I believe-- or maybe the loot cleanup.

It's always hiveext causing it. Anyone else have this going on?

Other change was that I did edit the amount of zombies, but not many.
Thanks - I applied the fix suggested and will check it out tomorrow.
Bed time. Things have been running smooth all day.

Did notice that the AI don't seem to handle the new choppers very well.
They go too fast and don't seem to correct themselves fast enough and run into hotels and forests.

Would AI shoot rockets if they had the Ka_60 I think it's called.
Hey Does anyone know or have an admin tool that can do 4 hour restarts and run pmain to clear the map of exploded cars? Most admin tools I've tryed don't have a database or a restart timer.
We're having some issues with our server.

Server was working perfect and then all of a sudden on next restart:
1) Repair menu not working
2) Only spawning very few zombies and they aren't attacking survivors
3) Can't pickup loot unless open up gear menu
4) Debug monitor won't stay up permanently, fades in and out periodically
5) The spawn location text (eg, "Tavi, Novi Bor") on spawn is fading away 1 letter per minute.
3 Quick Questions:

-As of today (I've looked back about 10 pages or so of responses), where can I find the most recent, working and stable DayZOrigins server files (all of it, not just the pbo)?
-What server host do you use or recommend, that allows for this custom .zip/pbo file to be uploaded and ran from them?
-Say my first and second question are taken care of, will this server show up in DayZCommander as a DayZ Origins server for people to be able to see and join and play? Or is this more of an offline/lan type deal?

Thanks guys and I am truly impressed with everything I've read and all the work put together by you all.
3 Quick Questions:

-As of today (I've looked back about 10 pages or so of responses), where can I find the most recent, working and stable DayZOrigins server files (all of it, not just the pbo)?
-What server host do you use or recommend, that allows for this custom .zip/pbo file to be uploaded and ran from them?
-Say my first and second question are taken care of, will this server show up in DayZCommander as a DayZ Origins server for people to be able to see and join and play? Or is this more of an offline/lan type deal?

Thanks guys and I am truly impressed with everything I've read and all the work put together by you all.

2) Most people use there own dedicated servers, if you're using a provider, depends on what area/continent you live in...
3) yes
Can anyone tell my why my auto-refuel / fix script wont work?

echo Repairing and Refueling vehicles...
.\@dayzcc\mysql\bin\mysql.exe -h %dbhost% -P %dbport% -u %dbuser% %dbpass% --database=%dbname% -e "UPDATE object_data SET hitpoints = '[]', fuel = '1', damage = '0' WHERE ObjectUID LIKE '0000%'"
timeout 3

Thought I had it down but complaining I haven't passed the Database name through when i try to run it. Running it on the DB manually works fine.
Obviously I've defined %dbname% as at the top of the batch file.
2) Most people use there own dedicated servers, if you're using a provider, depends on what area/continent you live in...
3) yes

For my 2nd Question...for example, I'm in the USA, so Vilayer says they allow full access...but that can always seem 'cloudy' with the real meaning. Do you or anyone else have experience with Vilayer and me being able to host DayZ Origins there?

Thank you. As far as it showing under the DayZ Origins server list in there anything special I need to change in the files you listed as response to my first question? Or is it automatic due to the coding within the file that it's recognized as a Origins server?

Thank you for your prompt response.
Hey Does anyone know or have an admin tool that can do 4 hour restarts and run pmain to clear the map of exploded cars? Most admin tools I've tryed don't have a database or a restart timer.

Look back through this thread. Cortez posted the EPMRcon tool which is a wonderful utility. There is also BEC which has a scheduler that u can use to call external cmd from like a backup, restarts, etc. There was also several times an auto restart for ur server n BEC with built in procedure calls on pCleanup(). Just edit to call pMain() instead.
This is driving us crazy, our debug monitor keeps dropping out. When it drops out zombies stop attacking and loot stops spawning and all of that. So Im guessing the .sqf in the /fixes/ folders are only randomly working.
so with all these new problems popping up here... i guess you guys have fixed it to death...

this is why i dont use the full github files... and do the fixes part by part...
i dont use github, but we've tried github and still happening

AND now we get this

Script z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf not found

and the its ALL there!
you havent set the prefix correctly when packing the pbo...
but this problem was sorted so many times here...

you guys should do more search and read here...