
@Torndeco - Glad your getting back into it :) The bans and spam changes sound good, look forward to seeing them in action. I know you dont get enough praise as it's usually only people posting with issues so keep up the good work :)
How do I go about getting this to work? When I run it, it bans my whole server. I use the most up to date dayz community banlist filters and my unknown files are hugeee.

I also use gcam. How do I get this filter to work? Just copy/paste the contents into the default scripts.whitelist or do I overwrite?
Battleye Filters != pyBEscanner Filters, they are for 2 different things altogether...

Have a look @

Change your settings back to standard for now, github had them on strict + wrong name for default weapon filters, thus the mass banning...
I just changed the settings back to standard on github

So for example in servers.ini u would want something like
Filters = dayz-default, dayz-gcam


What mod / map of dayz are u running ?
Are u using custom weapons ?

Depending on dayz map u are running u will may need to make your own set of weapon filters...
Have a read @ pyBEscanner/filters/README-Filters.txt
And look @ existing weapon filters @ dayz-weapons-default / dayz-weapons-chernarus

Need afew server console log examples of GLOBAL BANS + Game Hack kicks thx...
Should be easy enough to code in & would like to get it done for the weekend commit i.e so there is a reason to turn on server log scanning :)

Atm i have got done following done, just need to test out tomorrow before i upload...

Filters Code Changes = Done
Config Option For IP Ban Duration = Done
i could not fix this error
LockFile Detected
This means another pyBEscanner is either running or the previous instance of pyBEscanner crashed
To start pyBEscanner, Use -f switch to ignore the lockfile

i tried to google it did not find anything :(
All i can say is u are doing something wrong then....

pyBEscanner just checks if the following file exists @ startup or not

If lock file doesn't exist
- Create Lockfile
- Continue with rest of program

If lock file exists
- Exit out with the error u got

The -f switch tells it ignore checking for the lockfile.
Or removing the temp folder, removes the lockfile aswell.


The only way u should be seeing the error after nuking the temp folder, is if u launch more than 1 pyBEscanner.
Or it is crashing on u, and when u relaunch it u see the error..

I need to double check, but if u use the -f switch u shouldn't see the error message ever. 90% certain on this atm

So basicly what u are describing is just not possible to be honest.


Nearly certain pyBEscanner is crashing on u (prob a bad filter rule) with error msgs outputted to the console.
U should be running pyBEscanner in a cmd.exe / console, this way if it crashes u get the error messages from python.
Stable code is the tagged v2.2,
Nothing new, just tagged the code before i started with new commits

Barely have my servers up and running @ last on linux...
So much more work, when u aren't sure if its wine or a typo u made somewhere.
Thx god for PlayOnLinux + its ability to make custom scripts & multiple static compiled versions of wine.

Anyway assuming i haven't created a swarm of bugs
Changes are

Added in option to set default ip ban duration.
Small fix in regards of processing kick filter before ban filter.
Config file renamed from servers.ini -> config.ini
Filters renamed -> Rules (to highlight format change + to help avoid confusion with batteleye filters)
Filter Rules allow to specifically adding in exceptions / commenting / delete a previous loaded Rule ->

will update readmes etc tomorrow
ok i fixed it but now its just stuck on on this
System Platform = Windows
      Loading Config File
Scanning .
this means it works or?
Yes its working, each dot = scan of all the servers
Think of it like a progress bar letting u know the app isn't frozen
More Changes

New Ban Options, so u can add bans to all servers
Also should be more obvious now, when configuring symlinked bans setup

Info @
Version 18 Changes...

Also updated rcon tools + moved into there own directorys...
To avoid any issues with different BATTLENET library versions...

Am still looking for a console log with game hacks / global ban entries, thx
This is still instantly banning my entire server.

Setpos does log sometimes when a player gets gunned down.

I have everything set to standard and my filter s line looks:
Filters = dayz-default, dayz-weapons-chernarus, dayz-gcam

I do use gcam and did restrict weapons to only default.
Create a pull request shinkicker, rather than have multiple forks it's better to have one program that can multipurpose
I just got around to updating my pyBEscanner version (Was still on v13!!). When I started it, it had a massive list of "Ban Added". What bans did it add?