Reality DayZ Inventory Manager (C#)

The hostname/ip I was given is "" I have typed that all in but appears It finds nothing when I save that info.
This is my database from HFB:
Connection name:HFB Private Plus
User:User-xxx(x=Numbers you got in the email)
Pass:(the password you got in the email)
Yea that is what I am using bert but It does not pull anything up on survivor screen does not populate Users list.
Looks like a great looking tool, but I cant seem to get it to connect. I add in my DB info and save it. Go back to the main page and its not loading users. Any idea?

EDIT - NVM Got it working. :)
Is that the "invcust" package? I've got that installed but haven't noticed anyone being able to select it themselves; but maybe that's because we installed it on a 'already live' server and these people had characters already?

I am looking at the DB and I see the cust_loadout and cust_loadout_profile tables; so I'm guessing that I could just make a cust_loadout with the default spawn items, but a female skin, for people that wanted it.. and then assign that to them in the cust_loadout_profile table?

(or using the program of course)

For female skins, there is a fix in the bliss repo that allows your server to have pickable skins. The custom inventory section should allow the users to be assigned a skin and have them log on. I will also make that part of the system for the future builds.
@Strikes - custom inventory is something that is installed and selected when the server is installed. You grant access to a custom inventory for certain members (admins, donators, etc... ) and then when they spawn in they get the custom load out. This only occurs when they die and get a new spawn.

FYI, in the new update I have allowed you to assign skins to players. You will be able to assign female skins to players after the patch is released (later this afternoon).
This looks really intresting :) I'll check it out when you relase the patch later
I use the Taviana map and i'd like to offer donators some basics but it never seems to work doing it manually, fingers crossed this helps
Corrected issues with the inventory space system - clear slots was counting incorrectly
Added ability to use Bliss databases properly - all world id's are now accessible via the gui(load database and then world id)
Added new Survivor Information tab with all users data (profile and survivor)
Began hooking up Map system for player Identification, this is dependent on the proper world being loaded
Added ability to assign skins to players (per request of Strikes)
Added ability to change starting loadout (default)
Added temporary map holders until I can finish the Arma Sat Map Stitcher to restitch all maps
@TorturedChunk its on the github under issue #560
@BertXSmash - thank you for the kind words sir!

@All - any features missing with the tool? Any requests?
Thanks thevisad. I'll look at that issue and see if it works for me.

EDIT: I remember trying this fix once before and never got it to work. Now it works great! Thanks thevisad for the info!
My final wish list would be the ability to click on the map and set a vehicle in-game and/or spawn location for one; and also being able to teleport users to locations on the map with a single-click. (Instead of having to run to the location personally in-game and then record it)

However, I thought that would be impossible because of the Z-Axis... but it's on the Wish List!
@Strikes - I can probably do that without too much of an issue. I have been slowly playing with the locations and have not seen an issue with the z axis so far, players appear where I place them without issue.