[Release] DayZChernarus Mission System

having some trouble with the activation message on certain missions i can not find the spot u have to run over for it come up with the "Mission Clear Message" this is only for some missions such as medical and cj130 also novy sobor crates spawn in the air and stuff :/

You have to increase the distance from the trigger point for those missions that don't trip. C130 in Novi is one of the most problematic.

As an example, for the C130, which is in the Major folder (SM2.sqf) I have modified the code to trip the mission as follows:

waitUntil{ {isPlayer _x && ( ( _x distance _hummer < 5 or _x distance _c130wreck < 20) ) } count playableunits > 0};

This trips the mission if you are within 5 meters of the vehicle or 20 meters of the C130.

It is also worth modifying the coordinates for the vehicles so that they do not spawn in the church or other nearby buildings. For our server I have modified the spawns as follows:

_c130wreck = createVehicle ["C130J_wreck_EP1",[(_coords select 0) + 30, (_coords select 1) - 5,0],[], 0, "NONE"];
_hummer = createVehicle [military_unarmed call BIS_fnc_selectRandom,[(_coords select 0) + 20, (_coords select 1) + 20,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_hummer setFuel 0.2;
_hummer1 = createVehicle [refuel_trucks call BIS_fnc_selectRandom,[(_coords select 0) + 10, (_coords select 1) + 15,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_hummer2 = createVehicle [civil_vehicles call BIS_fnc_selectRandom,[(_coords select 0) + 25, (_coords select 1) + 20,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_hummer2 setFuel 0.2;

Hope this helps.
is this still valid or have you updated this, and does this replace all fillboxes?

That looks like it should work nicely and it adds a nice randomization feature that should provide a more varied range of loot. The point is that you need to modify each of the fillBoxes.sqf scripts to load what you feel is an appropriate number of weapons, ammo, etc. These scripts are in the Misc folder in your Missions folder for the AIMissions module. Just change the number of each item added. For example:

Below the script adds one Sa56, and 10 AK47 clips, to any object. This can add things to vehicles, ammo boxes, or building with storage capacity like sheds.

_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["Sa58V_RCO_EP1", 1];
_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["30Rnd_762x39_AK47", 10];
OK, so I have tried and tried and am still stuck. Can anyone help out? Don't mind chatting on skype or something if it makes it easier. It just seems to hang on Authentication still and i have checked and double checked the instructions. I don't know enough about coding to spot what's wrong...

So, you unpacked your server and mission pbos, modified them as instructed, repacked them, and uploaded them ? If you completed each of these steps and it hangs then you made a mistake somewhere. The first thing to do is check your .RPT log which usually tells you if there is an error in a scrpt that is causing this. The second is to realize that server restarts can take some time, especially with Epoch, and that if that is the error, getting a cup of coffee sometimes solves it.
What are the different levels of the AI, they are not clearly defined. it looks like they are almost all zero by default. is like 3 the hardest level... ?
there are two scripts to form AI units that differ in the skill level of the AI spawned. for each script, you can have either bandits or soldiers which differ in loadout and perhaps a few other parameters. Bandits are easier as opponents.

In the code below an AI unit is spawned in at _coords, and moves among 8 waypoints within an 80 meter radius of that location. The unit has six level 1 (hardest) AI. If the units are spawned by add_unit_server2.sqf, the only difference is some differences in loadout and skill levels set for each unit.

_aispawn = [_coords,80,8,6,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
I also noticed that add_unit_server3.sqf is not called by any of the Minor or Major SM1-SM6 scripts...

how do you configure it to have bandit or soldier AI ?
This is what I figured from reading the code

if Level             Amount of Units             Class Type
0                           1                                    Soldier
0                           2                                    Sniper
0                           3                                    Soldier
0                           4                                    Sniper
0                           5                                    Soldier
0                           6                                    Sniper
1                            1                                   Commander
1                            2                                    Sergeant
1                            3                                    Sergeant
1                    4 or more                             Soldiers
As far as I know there are only two difficulty levels. The add_unit_server3.sqf function seems to be unused and was for a planned amphibious assault according to the comments.
Does anyone have or had an issue where the major events don't start? all my minor events work, but i have not seen any major events.
check that you have called the correct init files. I run 4 different sets of dynamic missions based on this original system plus a set of static missions that respawn once all are completed and they all work fine. I have added lines in each mission so allow me to verify that the respective mission systems have been initialized and subsequently spawned missions using something like:

diag_log "MISSION DEBUG ---- >>>> Initialized Major Mission system";

and in SM1.sqf, as an example,

near the top add:

diag_log "MISSION DEBUG --->>>> Spawned Major Mission 1";

I also added a diag_log entry when each mission was complete to help sort out troublesome triggers like the C130 in SM2.sqf.

Hope this helps.
I did something like that already. Do the major missions start on a timer like the minor mission, or are they triggered by players actions, like being in a certain place.
they start based on a timer in the fnc_hTime.sqf. you can set the values where this function is called to be very small so the major missions spawn immediately. for example, in SMGoMajor.sqf,

change something that should look like this:
_wait = [1200,600] call fnc_hTime;

to this
_wait = [200,100] call fnc_hTime;
That is what I thought, but for some reason I am not getting any major events. I have followed the code from beginning and compared with the minor event files, and I don't see any thing wrong. I have just set to 200,100 and nothing.... The only thing in my rpt is the marker error, but this should not affect it, and even so the minor events work.

9:44:05 "--------------------------------"
9:44:05 "SAR_AI - special UPSMON version started"
9:44:06 "HIVE: Starting"
9:44:06 Error in expression <ebug\addmarkers75.sqf"

_MainMarker75 = createMarker["MainMarker75", MCoords];
9:44:06 Error position: <createMarker["MainMarker75", MCoords];
9:44:06 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
9:44:06 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\debug\addmarkers75.sqf, line 2
9:44:06 Error in expression <us\debug\addmarkers.sqf"

_MainMarker = createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords];
9:44:06 Error position: <createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords];
9:44:06 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
9:44:06 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\debug\addmarkers.sqf, line 2
9:44:06 "----------------------------------------"
9:44:06 "Starting SAR_AI version 1.5.0 on a dedicated Server"
9:44:06 "----------------------------------------"
I found my problem, but don't know how this happened. My Major SMFinder.sqf was pointing to my miner folder.
I thought I would post here that Lazyink has allowed me to take over the development of the DayZChernarus Mission System.

I'm working on recoding the logic, adding usability in the form of better commenting and configuration, remocing unused and junk code, moving repetitive calls into their own functions, and adding new features that were not included in the current system.

The DayZChernarus Mission System using BIS_fnc_findSafePos works on every DayZ map that I know of, and I'm keeping that functionality. To remove the idea that it is only for Chernarus, I'm renaming it to the DayZ Mission System.

Because I have changed all the logic and formatting behind the Mission System, I have decided not to fork from Lazyink's github and instead have started my own repository.

The mission system is currently not done, but you can view the code on my github. If you have any additions, edits, or want to reccomend certain features be added, feel free to send me a pull request or open an issue.

That is great Vampire. Suggestions - part from our players and part from looking at other Mission systems are:

Randomization of Vehicles spawned, crate types, and loot added to crates.
Fill some crates or vehicles with building supplies
Smarter AI. Adding some of the intelligence of DZAI might be a plus.
Reposition the items in the C130 mission so that vehicles and crates are not inside buildings when this mission spawns at Novi.

Hope these suggestions are helpful.
That is great Vampire. Suggestions - part from our players and part from looking at other Mission systems are:


Hope these suggestions are helpful.

1. Randomization of Vehicles spawned in missions

I currently have them spawn in static as not to mess up the "layout" the original mission designer wanted, but I can easily add an array of vehicles per mission for it to select from in a later version.

2. Fill some crates or vehicles with building supplies, and random crate contents.

I currently have it randomizing the crate contents from a configuration file of arrays that the user can customize. After the initial release I can add an array of building supplies and have it include those based on whether or not the server is running Epoch or not, which the mod detects.

3. Smarter AI. Adding some of the intelligence of DZAI might be a plus.

I have completely recoded the current AI system to use less junk code and be used specifically for missions. They are currently on par with the past mission AI as far as I know, but hopefully this can be made better in the future. Planned features include adding some AI with launchers and static 50cal turrets, both toggleable in the configuration.

I could use DZAI calls but I don't want to make the mod dependent on another mod.

4. Reposition the items in the C130 mission so that vehicles and crates are not inside buildings when this mission spawns at Novi.

Instead of repositioning objects, I have instead recoded the logic so it loops the findSafePos call checking it against the map center which indicates no safe position found, so that the Novy Sobor issue should not occur anymore.
That all sounds great and I look forward to trying the updated missions on our server.

Two other suggestions, which perhaps you already have planned are:

1) consolidate all of the calls for initialization of arrays and SMGoMajor etc into an init.sqf.

2) add two things to bodyclean.sqf :

a) something to update humanity for AI Kills, perhaps with a user-configurable variable.

b) code to strip bodies of loot if they were not killed by shots from a player (not sure where i got this originally but I found a link just now as shown below):
