server_cleanup.fsm & Epoch 1.0.4


New Member
Due to the changes of the server_cleanup.fsm I always get killed with "Killing a Hacker".
Does somebody know how to fix it?
It's not that i didn't find where it's written now. But how ;)
i commented it out but that cant be the only solution
@ebay did any of you guys found a fix for AI missions vehicles not saved?


You would have to change the way the mission system spawns vehicles and add a hive call function.

I'm currently working on a logic and usability rework for the DayZChernarus Mission System that will include optional database saving. If the saving is turned off, it will instead warn the user everytime they enter the vehicle that it will disappear on restart.
hi All

I'm having issues too with the AI vehicles from Sarge & Missions, as they disappear when trying to enter, this is since I upgraded to epoch 1.0.4.
the section that was changed in 1.0.3 Server_cleanup was as follows, in red:-

name = "group_cleanup";
init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"//Check for hackers" \n
" {" \n
" if(vehicle _x != _x && (vehicle _x getVariable ["Sarge",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) !=
" diag_log (""CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER "" + (name _x) + "" "" + str(_x) + "" IN "" + (typeOf vehicle _x));" \n
" (vehicle _x) setDamage 1;" \n
" _x setDamage 1;" \n
" };" \n

But in the new 1.0.4 Server_cleanup, this section of code is completely different as below:-

name = "group_cleanup";
init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"[] spawn server_checkHackers;" \n
"[] spawn server_cleanupGroups;"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/;
class Links

I know a bit of coding, but this has lost me, any help would be brilliant.
What the line does is check that the vehicle a player enters is a server spawned vehicle, and if not, it kills them and blows it up. Aka "Killing a Hacker" in the log.

If you were to comment it out, anyone could enter an invalid vehicle and be fine.

It still has a use, although the majority of scripts hackers use already bypass it.
Hey Vampire

because I cannot insert that line in to the server_cleanup (Below)
" if(vehicle _x != _x && (vehicle _x getVariable ["Sarge",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) !=

everytime I get in a car, it kills me, any ideas on what it would be for 1.0.4?

Hi Ebay

in the server cleanup for sarge, I used to edit this section, with the line in red:-

name = "group_cleanup";
init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"//Check for hackers" \n
" {" \n
" if(vehicle _x != _x && (vehicle _x getVariable ["Sarge",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) !=
" diag_log (""CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER "" + (name _x) + "" "" + str(_x) + "" IN "" + (typeOf vehicle _x));" \n
" (vehicle _x) setDamage 1;" \n
" _x setDamage 1;" \n
" };" \n

But in the new 1.0.4 Server_cleanup, this section of code is completely different as below:-

name = "group_cleanup";
init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"[] spawn server_checkHackers;" \n
"[] spawn server_cleanupGroups;"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/;
class Links
and I don't know where to insert the line, and it is killing me everytime I enter a AI vehicle.
