Please if you like my mod and want updates then send a link to as many people as you can that links to the opendayz post because i do updates by popularity and not demand unless 100% necessary.
Я так понимаю это где то тут править

_checkKnownbody = _x getVariable["KnownDeadbody",0];
if ((_checkKnownbody == 0) and (_x isKindOf "Man") and !(_x isKindOf "Animal") and !(_x isKindOf "zZombie_base")) then
_money = random 30;
_totalmoney = round _money;
_x setVariable["Deadsmoney",_totalmoney, true];
_x setVariable["KnownDeadbody",Enddead, true];
} forEach allDEAD;
When you kill, the money that you killed someone does not take away

when you kill some their money goes to 0 and you don't loot their money off of them and you get a random 1000 dollars from the player. Plus to be able to loot them for money they have to be higher then level 5 witch is default but you might of changed it.
when you kill some their money goes to 0 and you don't loot their money off of them and you get a random 1000 dollars from the player. Plus to be able to loot them for money they have to be higher then level 5 witch is default but you might of changed it.

Thanks for the reply.
In my case, the money is not taken away killed.
Excellent, I'm looking foward to it! Any way to make scripts like self bloodbag purchasable instead of unlocked through levels? Just out of curiousity.
in the debug.sqf there is these lines

if (r_player_blood <= 0) then
sleep 2;
mymoneyz = 0;
profileNamespace setVariable ["money",myMoneyZ]; saveProfileNamespace;
for "_i" from 0 to 40 do {deletevehicle _spawnAIS;};
endmission "LOSER";

where it says

mymoneyz = 0;

is where it makes you lose money on death.
in the debug.sqf there is these lines

if (r_player_blood <= 0) then
sleep 2;
mymoneyz = 0;
profileNamespace setVariable ["money",myMoneyZ]; saveProfileNamespace;
for "_i" from 0 to 40 do {deletevehicle _spawnAIS;};
endmission "LOSER";

where it says

mymoneyz = 0;

is where it makes you lose money on death.

Yes it is well spelled out, I'll try to find out about the results unsubscribe.
Thanks for the answers. And sorry for my English