[Support] DZMS DayZ Mission System

The coordinates are the hardest part. How I redid all the major missions so far as by adding a plot pole as my center point and building it on the NWAF. Then I could place the scenery, put trucks down for vehicle spawns, atv's for AI spawns, and then the crate where I wanted. Then I had to figure out the meter offset to put it in the code to be dynamic. Glad you are liking the mission system. You're not the first person who I've inspired to start making custom missions. :)
That is pretty much how I decided to do the coordinates as well, but instead of making a center I just used one object as the center and offset all the coords for everything else.

It does look like you have missed fixing the offset for a few things in a couple of the major missions. Thats what was throwing me off when I was looking at how you did it, then realized it was just not fixed yet.
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There's your problem.
20:33:53 Error in expression <Z_CivilBackpack_EP1",
20:33:53 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\ExtConfig\DZMSAIConfig.sqf, line 161

You're missing a comma in your bag array.

Oh fgs -.- Haha yeah that sorted it, thanks for that i completely missed it!
That is pretty much how I decided to do the coordinates as well, but instead of making a center I just used one object as the center and offset all the coords for everything else.

It does look like you have missed fixing the offset for a few things in a couple of the major missions. Thats what was throwing me off when I was looking at how you did it, then realized it was just not fixed yet.

All of the major missions should be complete. If you spot anything incorrect, could you send me the info? I'd hate to see a mission spawn a loot box at NWAF instead of at the mission.
Well I downloaded the mission files about a day and a half ago and I noticed when I was looking through everything I saw a couple things that were like (select 0) + 4000 or (select 1) + 9000 ect. I'm at work right now so I can't see exactly which missions were like that but I remember one being a Camo net And a uaz.
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Hey Vampire,

Just put DZMS on my server and it is great, but I was wondering if it was possible to turn down the number of AI that spawn... Went to a cargo drop and there were about 20 AI, whereas I would rather have a much smaller group w/ higher skill level (like 4-5 tops). I know how to adjust skill, but I cannot figure out how to adjust the number--I did some Google searching and looked through some of the code and found some stuff about _unitcount as well as mission specific spawn amounts, however, I simply cannot understand what I need to do to alter it. My apologies in advance if this has already been discussed on this thread, I didn't see anything though.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

You will find lines of these in each mission.
//Usage: [_coords, count, skillLevel]
[[0,0, 0],6,1,1] ExecVM DZMSAISpawn;

The 6 in this case is the AI count.
Sorry, just to clarify, because there are multiple sets of brackets, and if mine says:

//DZMSAISpawn spawns AI to the mission.
//Usage: [_coords, count, skillLevel]
[[(_coords select 0) + 0.0352,(_coords select 1) - 6.8799, 0],6,1] ExecVM DZMSAISpawn;
sleep 5;
[[(_coords select 0) + 0.0352,(_coords select 1) - 6.8799, 0],6,1] ExecVM DZMSAISpawn;
sleep 5;
[[(_coords select 0) + 0.0352,(_coords select 1) - 6.8799, 0],4,1] ExecVM DZMSAISpawn;
sleep 5;
[[(_coords select 0) + 0.0352,(_coords select 1) - 6.8799, 0],4,1] ExecVM DZMSAISpawn;
sleep 5;

does that mean the mission is spawning 6+6+4+4, meaning there is total of 20 AI?
I already committed the fixes to Github ;)
I guess the repetitive math was too much for me.
The math is terrible lol, its simple math but its so repetitive it makes it hard. I'm gonna try and add 2 more of my own missions in tonight and make one of them a shore mission to see how that goes.

Also did you ever have any issues with setDir? I seem to have things spawning in the wrong direction...

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The math is terrible lol, its simple math but its so repetitive it makes it hard. I'm gonna try and add 2 more of my own missions in tonight and make one of them a shore mission to see how that goes.

Also did you ever have any issues with setDir? I seem to have things spawning in the wrong direction...

I haven't seen an issue except for the time I used the wrong setDir from the wrong object lol.
Sorry, just to clarify, because there are multiple sets of brackets, and if mine says:

does that mean the mission is spawning 6+6+4+4, meaning there is total of 20 AI?

You're spot on.
I installed it on my server infistar and you mission. Periodically the server shuts down. I can not understand under what conditions, to test each mission separately. Unsuccessfully. Please help me.
I installed it on my server infistar and you mission. Periodically the server shuts down. I can not understand under what conditions, to test each mission separately. Unsuccessfully. Please help me.

If you are hosting with DayZ.st they are having issues with that right now.