[Support] DZMS DayZ Mission System

ok i testet this a bit now and it seems to work well now ... obviusly i modifyed a bit (you know i cant help it customizing) mostly with loot tho, since i thought it was missing some random loot.
i didnt actually look through how you find the posistion, but i think you got it right now, cause you fixed the problem with the missions spawning "in the water".

however missions do tend to often spawn very close to eachother (sometimes almost on top of eachother) ... mabye do a check if a mission is within 1-2km or something to avoid this?
ok i testet this a bit now and it seems to work well now ... obviusly i modifyed a bit (you know i cant help it customizing) mostly with loot tho, since i thought it was missing some random loot.
i didnt actually look through how you find the posistion, but i think you got it right now, cause you fixed the problem with the missions spawning "in the water".

however missions do tend to often spawn very close to eachother (sometimes almost on top of eachother) ... mabye do a check if a mission is within 1-2km or something to avoid this?

I'll take a look at that.
Yeah usually my missions are close to eachother as well. maybe 1km apart.

Are they all supposed to be red?. or some green as well as with the old system? I know the text isnt working, but wasn't sure if they were supposed to be different colors as well.
Yeah usually my missions are close to eachother as well. maybe 1km apart.

Are they all supposed to be red?. or some green as well as with the old system? I know the text isnt working, but wasn't sure if they were supposed to be different colors as well.

They are the same color so users don't pick and choose which to go on.
The reason to me is that the mission Lazyink had, which atm is the same mission set DZMS has, the green missions were thought as medical, and the smaller missions as weapons based on the colors and the content. I want to get rid of this stigma and mission choice based on it.
Testing new code can be fun at times....
^ that would probably be a cool mission if we were able to drive for gear, and could at least shoot pistols while in the water :p
testing can be hillarius ... rofl ...
            _ai addEventHandler ['Killed',{
                [(_this select 0)] spawn {
                    _ai = _this select 0;
                    _ai setvelocity [0,0,25];//"flying death"
Last edited:
I just updated the github with a Marker fix.

I just updated the Github with a small change. I believe setting the AI CombatMode in DZMSAISpawn to YELLOW instead of RED will cause them to stay and not pursue targets as we discussed.
hi vampire my map markers work fine on panthera epoch and the type of mission is in black text beside it thanks it seems to be steady now will do more testing
hello Vampire
i have dayz epoch namalsk server
Namalsk Crisis, 2.4 (1.15.4)
also have DZAI 1.9.7
DZMS not work, mission marker don't not show for me, but in arma2oaserver.RPT show it
16:55:22 "[DZMS]: Starting DayZ Mission System."
16:55:22 "[DZMS]: DZAI Found! Using DZAI's Relations!"
16:55:22 "[DZMS]: Mission and Extended Configuration Loaded!"
16:55:22 "[DZMS]: namalsk Detected. Map Specific Settings Adjusted!"
16:55:22 "[DZMS]: DayZ Epoch Detected! Some Scripts Adjusted!"
16:55:22 "[DZMS]: Mission Functions Script Loaded!"
16:55:22 "[DZMS]: Major Mission Clock Starting!"
16:55:22 "[DZMS]: Minor Mission Clock Starting!"
16:55:22 "[DZMS]: Mission Marker Loop for JIPs Starting!"
and time after
17:03:00 "[DZMS]: Running Major Mission SM4."
all install correctly.
i also try chernarus map, all works fine. mission marker show fine :)
sorry for my bad english.
thanks for your work man
Release Thread: http://opendayz.net/threads/release-dzms-dayz-mission-system.18470/
Github: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem

Current Version: v1.0

If you have questions or problems, post here.

If you have a bug or suggestion, open an Issue on the Github.

Thanks Vampire installed the new script and works perfect this is the best ever written

Will there be a way to edit specific crates for specific missions like the old system? You have done Excellent work but I don't want random crates, I want specific items in each mission. Also seems like the major medical is a bit hard for the loot that was in the crate.

On another note in panthera the missions always spawn by the bandit vendor and no where else on the map. Can this be edited somewhere.

Again, thanks for all the awesome work and an easy to install script. Things changed drastically with the new 1.0.4 update with the cleanup file.
I've followed the directions on your github, but I get no misisons starting on my Sahrani server. Do I need extra actions?

I've checked the RTP, but they dont even show up there.
I updated to the latest version on your hub, im still not getting any text in the coloured circle grids, i do see a small black dot though, dayz 1.8.3 vanilla
@kidrocksam @Zeehond23
I'm not really sure why it wouldn't be working on those two maps, but my guess would be that the location finding may be starting to get too vigorous for how steep Namalsk is.

Open DZMSFunctions.sqf and look for this line near DZMSFindPos.
sleep 2;

Put this line above it.
diag_log format ["[DZMS]: POS DEBUG: Trying:[%1,%2] / noWater?:%3",_posX,_posY,_noWater];

In your RPT after launching you'll probably see a bunch of this:
[DZMS]: POS DEBUG: Trying:[3523,2352] / noWater?:false

It may help me get an idea of what its doing with the positioning that's failing. Just pastebin.com a large sample and post it.