[Support] ESS

Gezzunder already made a map image for Panthera here:

It needs more coordinates for each spawn and properly positioned and sized buttons. I planned to convert it to the same style of buttons the other maps in the OP use (with town names). I just did not get around to it yet. If anyone else wants to do it or add similar maps, just submit a pull request on the github. I'll review and accept.
Yea, I saw his, I just wanted to incorporate it into one package if possible. Have Gezzunder's version downloaded, gonna take a look at them in a bit.
So Ebay I am having the issue of getting stuck in the Air with Halo drop on Napf. Is it possible it could be related to the distance you spawn at up in the air? If so can I change how low people will start to drop in at? My server runs and is on Vert. I have no errors or anything happening.
So Ebay I am having the issue of getting stuck in the Air with Halo drop on Napf. Is it possible it could be related to the distance you spawn at up in the air? If so can I change how low people will start to drop in at? My server runs and is on Vert. I have no errors or anything happening.

Zachary kirby said:
Chi -> I got a wild hair up my butt this morning and decided to unpack my pbo - check it out to make sure all my ESS edits were in place - repacked it - re uploaded it and guess what?

ESS/Halo works now....

I'm at a loss but happy none the less. I can't explain it but you must have been right about pbo manager "Gimping" something upon repack.

I'll completely test it later today to make sure all skins are working etc...

I followed this to the T, I only wanted to respawns and not the classes so I deleted the appropriate parts as you listed them... Server is stuck on waiting for host. I can't see anything worthwhile in the server RPT, and I can't seem to locate my client RPT. The directory you provided does not exist on my PC. Here's my RPT. Running Overwatch 0.2.5
Any help would be much appreciated.

server_functions.sqf = http://pastebin.com/4QzSKtCR

server_updateObject.sqf = http://pastebin.com/fXhtm3yF

server_playerSetup.sqf = http://pastebin.com/hST8T9JG

init.sqf = http://pastebin.com/LAt7E1a4

variables.sqf (inside folder "custom") = http://pastebin.com/tpHEfrfP

description.ext = http://pastebin.com/NLFd3SUf
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anyone else getting problems with halo spawn since last infiSTAR update?

Players that click halo say they are getting white screen and kicked.

Have you looked into zupas coin currency this breaks the bank feature if you aren't to busy could u look into it? Would be an awesome update with coin currency
People not getting the spawn menu up.
They just spawn n debug.

private ["_counter","_donorBase","_donorUID","_dragee","_findSpot","_isNear","_isPZombie","_isZero","_nearPlayers","_position","_seldLoc","_seldRandom","_unit","_waitScript"];
cutText ["","BLACK OUT",0];
waitUntil {!dialog};
locArray = [
   [[4388.23,2263.44,0], [5683.43,3004.63,0], [4517.41,2420.66,0], [5171.99,2070.86,0], [4253.29,2533.43,0]], //Balota
   [[11936.1,8870.28,0], [12287.3,8471.17,0], [12263.7,9160.7,0], [11702.7,9172.23,0], [12618.5,9560.67,0]], //Berezino
   [[6686.8,2290.11,0], [7235.6,2233.5,0], [6288.59,2574.14,0], [6827.66,3168.46,0], [6960.53,2550.45,0]], //Cherno
   [[7067.91,11220.7,0], [7085.3,11522,0], [6733.72,11662.2,0], [6572.46,11495.4,0], [6403.32,11352.8,0]], //Devils
   [[10845.3,2701.37,0], [9479.41,1960.8,0], [10497.3,2016.5,0], [10214.1,2411.58,0], [10432.7,2047.76,0]], //Elektro
   [[9711.25,8962.2,0], [9756.47,8715.15,0], [9401.49,8953.64,0], [9240.9,8802.83,0], [9867.63,8751.83,0]], //Gorka
   [[5939.45,10195.3,0], [6194.16,10372.5,0], [6089.6,10558,0], [5865.1,10132,0], [5296.89,10556,0]], //Grishino
   [[8420.79,6643.23,0], [8526.51,6638.72,0], [8402.09,6852.75,0], [8443.92,6490.79,0], [8223.76,6513.61,0]], //Guglovo
   [[8812.16,11642,0], [8785.82,11557.9,0], [8577.39,11664.9,0], [8775.45,11734.5,0], [8642.73,11862.9,0]], //Gvozdno
   [[5300.83,8547.84,0], [5216.97,8646.67,0], [5294.96,8437.37,0], [5194.68,8584.59,0], [5794.95,8698.89,0]], //Kabanino
   [[1244.61,2614.59,0], [1047.04,2268.01,0], [1787.07,2441.89,0], [2030.73,2235.37,0], [1166.07,2299.62,0]], //Kamenka
   [[12070.5,3591.06,0], [11972.7,3831.11,0], [11962.1,3567.45,0], [12245.1,3529.93,0], [11929.7,3472.91,0]], //Kamyshovo
   [[3608.21,2151.49,0], [3666.51,2642.1,0], [3523.99,2415.42,0], [3468.39,2547.6,0], [3824.01,2589.4,0]], //Komarovo
   [[11052.5,12361.2,0], [11764.1,12147.6,0], [12086,11991,0], [10804.7,12483.5,0], [11073.3,12468.8,0]], //Krasnostav
   [[13407.3,4175.05,0], [13549.1,4134.78,0], [13457.9,3969.57,0], [13270.3,3957.48,0], [13140,4152.19,0]], //Krutoy
   [[2718.47,10093.8,0], [2795.18,9938.02,0], [2885.53,9745.21,0], [2498.82,9624.49,0], [2823.92,9955.97,0]], //Lopatino
   [[4983.64,12492,0], [5084.98,12428,0], [4917.56,12554.6,0], [4957.25,12593.5,0], [5220.36,12409,0]], //Petrovka
   [[4582.06,6457.02,0], [4736.47,6376.42,0], [4537.43,6382.02,0], [4373.46,6221.47,0], [4785.58,6592.75,0]], //Pogorevka
   [[7952.16,3204.92,0], [7699.07,3215.19,0], [7804.76,3554.8,0], [8048.21,3360.93,0], [7445.66,3325.2,0]], //Prigor
   [[9153.26,3900.56,0], [9128.73,4106.21,0], [9200.91,3983.34,0], [9147.2,3741.96,0], [9391.94,4077.68,0]], //Pusta
   [[13387.5,6617.4,0], [13285,6115.62,0], [13310.1,6331.05,0], [13401.9,5995.73,0], [13513.4,6326.69,0]], //Solnichny
   [[3625.72,8976.06,0], [3685.59,8564.4,0], [4197.1,8917.17,0], [3870.38,8997.64,0], [3729.86,8869.19,0]], //Vybor
   [[6586.86,6025.5,0], [6526.81,6119.04,0], [6438.74,6203.53,0], [6570.06,6097.29,0], [6576.22,6270.58,0]], //Vyshnoye
   [[2692.22,5284.11,0], [2712.73,5068.33,0], [2564.45,4882.19,0], [2602.18,5700.61,0], [2502.53,5549.57,0]] //Zelenogorsk
haloSelect = -1;
hidePlayers = [];
spawnSelect = -1;
statusSelect = -2;
_unit = vehicle player;
_dragee = "Survivor1_DZ" createVehicleLocal (getPosASL vehicle player);
_dragee allowDamage false;
_dragee attachTo [_unit,[0.1, 1.01, 0]];
_waitScript =  [] spawn {
   private ["_bodies","_bodyCheck","_bodyPos","_donorBase","_donorUID","_hidePlayers","_i","_idc","_pos"];
   _bodyCheck = {
     if (ctrlVisible 1001) then {
       _donorUID = (getPlayerUID player);
       {if (_donorUID == _x) then {_donorBase = _forEachIndex;};} forEach donorListBase;
       locArray = locArray+[[(donorListBases select _donorBase)]];
     _bodies = [];
     {if ((_x distance [-7245.377,19535.367,0]) < 15) then {deleteVehicle _x};if (!isNull _x) then {if ((_x getVariable["bodyName",name _x]) == (name player)) then {_bodyPos = (getPosATL _x);_bodies set [count _bodies,_bodyPos];};};} count allDead;
     if (count _bodies != 0) then {
         _bodyPos = _x;
           _pos = (locArray select _forEachIndex) select 0;
           if ((_bodyPos distance _pos) <= 4000) then {
             _idc = (1600+_forEachIndex);
             ctrlShow [_idc,false];
         } forEach locArray;
       } count _bodies;
       if !(ctrlVisible 1624) then {ctrlShow [1001,false];};
   while {statusSelect < 2} do {
     dayz_temperatur = 36;
     DZE_InRadiationZone = false;
     fnc_usec_damageHandler = {};
     _hidePlayers = [-7245.377,19535.367,0] nearEntities ["CAManBase", 80];
     {if !(_x in hidePlayers) then {hidePlayers set [count hidePlayers,_x];_x hideObject true;};} count _hidePlayers;   
     uiSleep 1;
     if (!dialog) then {
       cutText ["","BLACK OUT",0];
       if (statusSelect == 0) then {
        disableUserInput true;disableUserInput true;disableUserInput true;
        _i="createDialog";createDialog "spawn_dialog";
        if !((getPlayerUID player) in donorListBase) then {ctrlShow [1001,false];ctrlShow [1624,false];};
        if !((getPlayerUID player) in donorSpawn) then {ctrlShow [1600,false];ctrlShow [1601,false];ctrlShow [1602,false];ctrlShow [1603,false];ctrlShow [1604,false];ctrlShow [1605,false];ctrlShow 1606,false];ctrlShow [1607,false];ctrlShow [1608,false];ctrlShow [1609,false];ctrlShow [1610,false];ctrlShow [1611,false];ctrlShow [1612,false];ctrlShow [1613,false];ctrlShow [1614,false];ctrlShow [1615,false];ctrlShow [1616,false];ctrlShow [1617,false];ctrlShow [1618,false];ctrlShow [1619,false];ctrlShow [1620,false];ctrlShow [1621,false];ctrlShow [1622,false];ctrlShow [1623,false];};
        call _bodyCheck;
        uiSleep 1;
        disableUserInput false;disableUserInput false;disableUserInput false;
       if (statusSelect == 1) then {_i="createDialog";createDialog "halo_dialog";};
_isPZombie = player isKindOf "PZombie_VB";
statusSelect = 0;
closeDialog 0;
waitUntil {spawnSelect != -1};
statusSelect = 1;
closeDialog 0;
if (!_isPZombie) then {waitUntil {haloSelect != -1};};
statusSelect = 3;
closeDialog 0;
terminate _waitScript;
{_x hideObject false;} count hidePlayers;
hidePlayers = [];
_dragee = [-7245.377,19535.367,0] nearEntities ["Survivor1_DZ",10];
{if (!isNull _x) then {deleteVehicle _x;};} count _dragee;
fnc_usec_damageHandler = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandler.sqf";
cutText ["","BLACK IN"];
if (spawnSelect == 40) exitWith {
   _donorUID = (getPlayerUID player);
   {if (_donorUID == _x) then {_donorBase = _forEachIndex;};} forEach donorListBase;
   _position = donorListBases select _donorBase;
   if (haloSelect == 1) then {player setPosATL [_position select 0,_position select 1,2000];[player,2000] spawn BIS_fnc_halo;} else {player setPosATL _position;};
if (spawnSelect == 41) then {spawnSelect = floor (random 23)};
_seldLoc = locArray select spawnSelect;
_seldRandom = _seldLoc call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_findSpot = true;
_isNear = false;
_counter = 0;
while {_findSpot && _counter < 20} do {
   _position = ([_seldRandom,0,700,1,0,20,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos);
   _nearPlayers = (_position nearEntities ["CAManBase",100]);
   {if ((!isNull _x) && (getPlayerUID _x != "")) then {_isNear = true;};} count _nearPlayers;
   _isZero = ((_position select 0) == 0) && ((_position select 1) == 0);
   _counter = _counter + 1;
   if (!_isNear && !_isZero) then {_findSpot = false};
_position = [_position select 0,_position select 1,0];
if (haloSelect == 1) then {player setPosATL [_position select 0,_position select 1,2000];[player,2000] spawn BIS_fnc_halo;} else {player setPosATL _position;};
So you think the zombie check is breaking the halo jump on napf? As in is this the reason people are just hanging in mid air sometimes?
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I have just installed this based off instructions; and I am running into an issue where when I spawn I get taken to debug area, but the screen just keeps flashing black - normal - black - normal, no dialog or anything comes up.

One error shows up server side in the RPT:
15:39:03 "ERROR: server_playerSync: Cannot Sync Player [Owner]St3v3prim3 [39]. Position in debug! [-7239.46,19539.6,0.19693]"

And this just loops as long as I stay there, if I admin TP away I'm fine but the screen keeps flashing.
Have you looked into zupas coin currency this breaks the bank feature if you aren't to busy could u look into it? Would be an awesome update with coin currency
I had this problem to and I did some random shit to fix it and I have no idea what I did other than changing the atm to the SmallTable that the laptop sits on. The bank works fine but now for some reason ess has completely stopped working. It just spawns you with a g17 and normal spawn gear at a normal random place in the map.

God I hate these situations where you do stuff to fix things thinking you won't need to worry about it again and it comes back and bites you in the ass

Edit: It is something to do with the server_playerSetup.sqf

Zupas coin mod and this mod use the server_playerSetup.sqf.
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Find "2000" in spawn.sqf and replace all four occurrences with the height you would like.

@DangerRuss - You need to enable view hidden files and folders to see app data. Folder and search options > show hidden files, folders and drives. In your variables.sqf you are missing some quotes on:
,"Pilot_DZ, INS_Lopotev_DZ",
I suggest you use syntax highlighting in notepad++ it is easy to see mistakes like that.

Just tested on AH333 without any problems, but I disabled the zombie check. That is most likely the problem.

I went ahead and took it out of the OP files because it is not needed. Zombies should not spawn in the debug, and even if they do players have god mode so they won't get hurt. To remove it just delete these two lines in spawn.sqf:
player_zombieCheck = {};
player_zombieCheck = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_zombieCheck.sqf";
Hi ebay, so if I make those changes, I can turn infiSTAR's zombie check back on?

It sounds like the dialog is not properly defined in description.ext. Post your description.ext.


It sounds like you forgot to redo step #8 in OP after you copied Zupa's server_playerSetup.sqf into your server pbo. This should work fine with Zupas mod, but some of the dialogs might conflict. I haven't looked through every file yet as it is a massive mod with so many changes.
I did do step 8. Someone also made a custom server_playerSetup.sqf for me on the other forum and that one didn't work either.
Hey ebay thnks for your great work!

but i have a problem if i intsall the Script the first Time it works, but if i change after the first run anything at the config(server_functions) like the Name of Skins/Loadouts nothing happens they keep the names from the very first install. The same problem with Donator UIDs
I stoped the Server before i change the Cfg and upload the new Pbo file.
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