[Support] DZMS DayZ Mission System

Will there be a way to edit specific crates for specific missions like the old system? You have done Excellent work but I don't want random crates, I want specific items in each mission. Also seems like the major medical is a bit hard for the loot that was in the crate.

On another note in panthera the missions always spawn by the bandit vendor and no where else on the map. Can this be edited somewhere.

Again, thanks for all the awesome work and an easy to install script. Things changed drastically with the new 1.0.4 update with the cleanup file.

You would need to create your own box filling scripts, and either change the mission files to call to your new scripts, or add them at the top of DZMSFunctions.sqf to be called.

However if you wanted to stick with random crates, the contents can be adjusted in WeaponCrateList in the ExtConfig and DZMSBox.sqf. Inside of DZMSBox.sqf is where you can edit how much of anything is added to the crates. Halv pointed out to me how empty the crates feel, and full of guns, and I plan to fix that soon. Currently how they get added looks like this in DZMSBox.sqf.

// Medical Crates
if (_type == "medical") then {
    // load medical
    _scount = count _medical;
    for "_x" from 0 to 16 do {
        _sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
        _item = _medical select _sSelect;
        _crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [_item,(round(random 2))];

If the crate type is medical then it runs this code. The for makes it choose 16 random items from the medical array, and the roundRandom farther down makes it randomize how many of that item to add. So it chooses 16 items, some of which could be the same item, and then for each of those times, it randomly adds between 0 and 2 of each of those items. If you want to increase the medical count, I would recommend making that 2 larger.
@kidrocksam @Zeehond23
I'm not really sure why it wouldn't be working on those two maps, but my guess would be that the location finding may be starting to get too vigorous for how steep Namalsk is.

Open DZMSFunctions.sqf and look for this line near DZMSFindPos.
sleep 2;

Put this line above it.
diag_log format ["[DZMS]: POS DEBUG: Trying:[%1,%2] / noWater?:%3",_posX,_posY,_noWater];

In your RPT after launching you'll probably see a bunch of this:
[DZMS]: POS DEBUG: Trying:[3523,2352] / noWater?:false

It may help me get an idea of what its doing with the positioning that's failing. Just pastebin.com a large sample and post it.

trying this now.

edit: No mention whatsover. I did find an error in the servermonitor 6 lines above the execvm line, maybe that is the cause.
trying this now.

edit: No mention whatsover. I did find an error in the servermonitor 6 lines above the execvm line, maybe that is the cause.

If you have a syntax error before DZMS is launched, that can prevent it from running entirely.
figured as much. Uploading new files in a bit

22:28:48 "[DZMS]: Running Minor Mission SM6."
22:28:48 "[DZMS]: POS DEBUG: Trying:[13698.7,8511.02] / noWater?:false"
22:28:51 "[DZMS]: POS DEBUG: Trying:[10363.3,5101.79] / noWater?:false"
22:28:54 "[DZMS]: POS DEBUG: Trying:[9422.75,6965.58] / noWater?:true"
22:28:57 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BanditW2_DZ,
22:28:57 No speaker given for Jonas Schwarz
22:28:58 No speaker given for Alexander Richter
22:28:58 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BanditW2_DZ,
22:28:59 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Bandit2_DZ,
22:28:59 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BanditW2_DZ,
22:28:59 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BanditW2_DZ,
22:29:00 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BanditW2_DZ,
22:28:48 "[DZMS]: Running Minor Mission SM6."
22:28:48 "[DZMS]: POS DEBUG: Trying:[13698.7,8511.02] / noWater?:false"
22:28:51 "[DZMS]: POS DEBUG: Trying:[10363.3,5101.79] / noWater?:false"
22:28:54 "[DZMS]: POS DEBUG: Trying:[9422.75,6965.58] / noWater?:true"
22:28:57 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BanditW2_DZ,
22:28:57 No speaker given for Jonas Schwarz
22:28:58 No speaker given for Alexander Richter
22:28:58 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BanditW2_DZ,
22:28:59 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Bandit2_DZ,
22:28:59 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BanditW2_DZ,
22:28:59 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BanditW2_DZ,
22:29:00 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BanditW2_DZ,

non-ai vehicle must be the issue thats erroring it. I'll make a fix real fast for that.
first mission tagged and in the bag ;)

Great work vampire!

Essentially what you need to do for the correct number of AI is to open DZMSAIConfig.sqf in the ExtConfig folder and remove "BanditW2_DZ" and "Bandit2_DZ". These skins are Epoch specific, a mistake on my part.
small edit i realized after you left my channel last night ...
_centerPos = [0,0,0];
should be:
_centerPos = getMarkerPos "center";
and then re-use _centerPos in default case
(dosnt make any diffrence really, just looks better that way)
small edit i realized after you left my channel last night ...
_centerPos = [0,0,0];
should be:
_centerPos = getMarkerPos "center";
and then re-use _centerPos in default case
(dosnt make any diffrence really, just looks better that way)

Or I could just remove the first line, as _centerPos doesn't even need defined at the moment if it defaults.
Its like the code that looks like its doing something really sophisticated that we talked about.

I'll probably remove it the next time I need to update Functions.

Yes, your server is doing what I assumed it was doing. Its failing to find a position so its forcing it to keep looping.

This position is coming back with no water nearby, which would normally pass, but since those coordinates are the same as the ones sent into it, this means it failed to find a safe position.
"[DZMS]: POS DEBUG: Trying:[4352,7348] / noWater?:true"

The problem with the rest of them is that there is water nearby. Ex.
"[DZMS]: POS DEBUG: Trying:[8034.65,7521.7] / noWater?:false"

So here's the options. Both of these are in DZMSFunctions.sqf.
You can find this block of code:
            //Water Feelers. Checks for nearby water within 50meters.
            _feel1 = [_posX, _posY+50, 0];
            _feel2 = [_posX+50, _posY, 0];
            _feel3 = [_posX, _posY-50, 0];
            _feel4 = [_posX-50, _posY, 0];

And replace it with this:
            //Water Feelers. Checks for nearby water within 50meters.
            _feel1 = [_posX, _posY+20, 0];
            _feel2 = [_posX+20, _posY, 0];
            _feel3 = [_posX, _posY-20, 0];
            _feel4 = [_posX-20, _posY, 0];

If that doesn't work, try finding this line:
_pos = [_centerPos,0,5500,100,0,20,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

and replace it with this:
_pos = [_centerPos,0,5500,40,0,20,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
This would be reducing the distance from the nearest object. If its still not working, the next step would be to allow steeper terrain, but that could have some weird consequences as far as where they spawn.
Coming soon for v1.1, Reworked missions!

No more X amount of vehicles, X amount of base objects placed a certain number of meters from the position center.

The missions will now be more realistic looking and more advanced feeling!

method change 100 on 40 work! mission work perfectly
_pos = [_centerPos,0,5500,40,0,20,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
thank you so much :)
I thought I would post here that I have given Fox/The Fuchs permission to use my code as a base to move EMS Missions over to.

This does not mean that DZMS will not support Epoch. DZMS will have Epoch missions that are unique from EMS.
Vamp, great work. I'll be incorporating this into my server when I update. Can i please just ask that you stay focused, lol. some other systems change their mind every other day.
Users running Taviana should no longer have missions spawning on mountains in the newest update.

Also due to @kidrocksam issues, I reduced the distance to the nearest object when searching for a pos from 100meters to 60 meters. No mission is 100meters from the center to the edge, and this may help missions spawning in the same fields as they should now be able to fit into smaller crannies than was allowed before.
you made a small mistake:
        if (DZMSWorldName = "tavi") then {
            _isTavi = true;
needs an extra = ... but could also be set inside the switch ;)