Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

You know, I never even thought to check if the Mod files had new versions. I am using a downloaded zip from a few weeks ago. Thanks man. Gonna go slap myself now, lol

Ok, I am now confused. variables.sqf looks like this:
[COLOR=#000000]//Daimyo Base Building 1.2 Variables[/COLOR]
These variables are defined to work globally to ONLY CLIENT scripts and not to the server or other players
They help to communicate to other Client scripts etc.
Example: remProc for example stands for remove process. Meaning if your in the process of removing an object
remProc will == true; This way if you try to begin removing it again, remProc will already be true and exit out
with "Your already trying to remove this";
Not all variables are boolean true or false but hopefully you get the idea
    globalSkin             = "";
    allbuildables_class = [];
    allbuildables         = [];
    allbuild_notowns     = [];
    allremovables         = [];
    wallarray             = [];
    structures            = [];
    CODEINPUT             = [];
    keyCode             = [];
    remProc             = false;
    hasBuildItem         = false;
    rem_procPart         = false;
    repProc             = false;
    keyValid             = false;
    procBuild             = false;
    currentBuildRecipe     = 0; [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000] removeObject = false;[/COLOR]
You are confused! Modify \dayz_code\init\variables.sqf that is inside your dayz_code.pbo not your dayz_mission.pbo or change the location of it in your mission init.sqf to point to a copy of variables.sqf inside your dayz_mission.pbo
You are confused! Modify \dayz_code\init\variables.sqf that is inside your dayz_code.pbo not your dayz_mission.pbo or change the location of it in your mission init.sqf to point to a copy of variables.sqf inside your dayz_mission.pbo

Ah yes, I have slapped myself again, lol.
if you want your buildings to reappear after the 1.7.7 update look for this entry in: \dayz_code\init\variables.sqf

SafeObjects = ["Land_Fire_DZ", "TentStorage", "Wire_cat1", "Sandbag1_DZ", "Hedgehog_DZ", "StashSmall", "StashMedium"];

to this

SafeObjects = ["TentStorage", "Hedgehog_DZ", "Sandbag1_DZ", "TrapBear", "Wire_cat1", "StashSmall", "StashMedium", "Grave", "Concrete_Wall_EP1", "Infostand_2_EP1", "WarfareBDepot", "Base_WarfareBBarrier10xTall", "WarfareBCamp", "Base_WarfareBBarrier10x", "Land_fortified_nest_big", "Land_Fort_Watchtower", "Land_fort_rampart_EP1", "Land_HBarrier_large", "Land_fortified_nest_small", "Land_BagFenceRound", "Land_fort_bagfence_long", "Land_Misc_Cargo2E", "Misc_Cargo1Bo_military", "Ins_WarfareBContructionSite", "Land_pumpa", "Land_CncBlock", "Misc_cargo_cont_small_EP1", "Land_prebehlavka", "Fence_corrugated_plate", "ZavoraAnim", "Land_tent_east", "Land_CamoNetB_EAST", "Land_CamoNetB_NATO", "Land_CamoNetVar_EAST", "Land_CamoNetVar_NATO", "Land_CamoNet_EAST", "Land_CamoNet_NATO", "Fence_Ind_long", "Fort_RazorWire", "Fence_Ind"];
No ideas yet on getting newly made things to survive a reboot. Correct me if I am wrong but it looks like dayzPublishObj is now called PVDZ_obj_Publish. Not much but a start.

This worked for me too, thanks for that. But I also cannot get items to save to the DB which is also connected to Codes not working after restart.
Codes not working and new buildings not saving are two unrelated issues. You are very likely running an old copy of the mod as daimyo fixed the codes bug as well as added new removal actions in recent updates. Regardless, until daimyo21 or someone else with a great amount talent comes along to update playerbuild.sqf to 1.7.7 it simply will not work; it is far beyond my abilities.

--UPDATE: add "Land_Fire_DZ" to that array if you used my above fix, it is now also corrected in the post.
Codes not working and new buildings not saving are two unrelated issues. You are very likely running an old copy of the mod as daimyo fixed the codes bug as well as added new removal actions in recent updates. Regardless, until daimyo21 or someone else with a great amount talent comes along to update playerbuild.sqf to 1.7.7 it simply will not work; it is far beyond my abilities.

--UPDATE: add "Land_Fire_DZ" to that array if you used my above fix, it is now also corrected in the post.

I downloaded the ZIP from daimyo21's github yesterday, went through the whole process plus added in the fixes that have been mentioned in this forum. The codes no longer work. I have encountered this before and each time it was fixed it also fixed the saving to database problem. I assumed they were connected. Can I ask, are your codes working?
I think my codes, plus some other issues are down to my server_monitor.sqf. //Stream Objects is now commented out in the 1.7.7 update. The file is too big for this post but here is the file: server_monitor.sqfIf someone would be so kind to look at it for me.
ok sorry about this but could anyone answer a few questions instead of me reading through 36 pages, does basebuilding save after restart, and for how long? I'm running tavi 2.0 and thinking about putting it on but i don't want to if it doesn't save after restart as my server only restarts every 3 hours.
It should if you follow the readme, and add the database files to your database so they will save where they're supposed to
It saves but move the base building stuff a little ,only happens once.
If you could help me add it in my server look at page 35
It should if you follow the readme, and add the database files to your database so they will save where they're supposed to

cool cheers, so when do they get deleted? well i guess they have to disappear sometime otherwise the whole map would get overrun with bases?
They shouldn't delete unless the players deletes them themselves, or an admin of course, and that's saying if it is working correctly.
I am trying to integrate this with Epoch and I would like to keep the standard epoch building in addition to adding the base building mod. I have added base it seems to be working without any issues. The problem I am having is now my standard epoch building doesn't seem to be now. When I try to place a 30 m Plot pole from epoch I receive the message "You need the EXACT amount of whatever you are trying to build without extras." Even though this is not how it worked before adding base building I tried emptying my inventory except the 30 m plot pole. I received the same message. Does anyone have any hints?
So I've installed this on taviana once before, and now I've done it again. Both times I've run into the same problems. The game loads perfectly fine, but once I'm in game, there is no option for base building whatsoever. I'm confused as to what I may have done wrong. Any suggestions?