Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

Problem #1: Removing objects in-game does not remove them from the database.

Problem #2: Any non-owner can remove an object by scrolling on "Remove objectname". I want it so only the owner/admin can remove the object, unless non owners/non admins have the key-code. If this is not possible, is there a way to change the percentage of losing a toolbox when removing another players buildable?

Problem #3: Removing an object does not refund the owner.

^^^ I'm using the default player_remove.sqf included with the basebuilding.rar file.
@Chalk: Send me your player_remove.sqf and your player_build.sqf here or via PN. I´ll take a look at it :)
Maybe i can find something
@Chalk: Send me your player_remove.sqf and your player_build.sqf here or via PN. I´ll take a look at it :)
Maybe i can find something

I ended up replacing the one I was using with the one provided again, and it seemed to fix the problems....I've done it before, but it never fixed it...odd. But all works now.
My players are reporting that their parachutes deploy when jumping out of helis, but half way down, they disappear, and they die. This only started happening when I installed Base Building 1.2.

My server_cleanup.fsm has this in the parachute line:

if  (!(vehicle _x in _safety) && ((typeOf vehicle _x) != ""ParachuteWest"") && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Sarge"",0] != 1) ) then {" \n
Base Building is there but can't build anything. I have all the supplies and the menu works but can't click build.
Running Taviana
you cant build it because you need the exact amount of material in you inventory! For this fence you must have only !!1!! Wire in your Inventory ;)

EDIT: @Fox: Nein hat er nicht
anyone know why since upgrading to 1.5 epoch patch and also making it so everything is removable is making objects placed either sink into the ground or float in the air on restart?
anyone know why since upgrading to 1.5 epoch patch and also making it so everything is removable is making objects placed either sink into the ground or float in the air on restart?​