Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

I can't actually get on to TS just now man, got a lot of noise around me and keep having to nip off from the PC. If you send me your files though (mission file and server file) I can take a look at them. Also, check your server and local RPT logs, they will probably have the problem listed in them. It's most likely that their is still code in description.ext that shouldn't be, or a BE filter kick that just isn't telling you it's kicking you. I'm happy to look through it though. :)

Brilliant thankyou mate I'll send it to you in about 10-15 gotta drop into my estate agent and I'll be back! :) Really appreciate all the help!
*sigh :(
same problem here. Everyone gets stuck on "Wait for Host". Joining massages appear and Player names are shown in the upper right corner in red, but nothing else :confused:
yrs it is

So when you put your old server_monitor.sqf back in, the server loads and you can join? Sorry, I don't mean to sound like I'm asking silly questions, I'm just confused why that one file alone would cause that problem. Have you checked your RPT log for errors? Usually it's pretty helpful.
Hi Rosska I am getting kicked everytime I build something it sais Restriction #0 - I added the BE filters as you provided did I add them correctly? Here are my BE filters.

Player $toney kicked off by BattlEye: SetVariable Restriction #0


1 "" !"Parachute" !"_DZ" !"DZ_" !"z_" !"WeaponHolder" !"Cow" !"Box" !"Smoke" !"Chem" !"40mm" !="CZ_VestPouch_EP1" !="R_M136_AT" !="SeaGull" !="SmallSecondary" !="StashSmall" !="TentStorage" !="HelicopterExploSmall" !=HelicopterExploBig" !="Wire_cat1" !="JackDaniels" !="TinCan" !="SodaCan" !="RoadFlare" !="WoodenArrowF" !="zZombie_Base" !="WildBoar" !="Rabbit" !="Sheep" !="Goat" !="Hen"
5 "SeaGull" //set to its own line so we know which kick we have here with out looking in the logs
5 "Chem" !="ChemGreen" !="ChemRed" !="ChemBlue"
1 "Smoke" !"40mm" !="SmokeShell" !="SmokeShellRed" !="SmokeShellGreen"
1 "Cow" !="Cow01" !="Cow02" !="Cow03" !="Cow04"
1 "z_" !"CZ_" !"DZ_" !="z_villager1" !="z_new_villager2" !="z_villager2" !="z_new_villager3" !="z_villager3" !="z_new_villager4" !="z_worker1" !="z_new_worker2" !="z_worker2" !="z_new_worker3" !="z_worker3" !="z_new_worker4" !="z_teacher" !="z_hunter" !="z_suit1" !="z_suit2" !="z_soldier" !="z_soldier_pilot" !="z_soldier_heavy" !="z_policeman" !="z_doctor" !="z_priest"
1 "WeaponHolder" !="WeaponHolder" !=WeaponHolder_ItemCamoNet !=WeaponHolder_ItemCrowbar !=WeaponHolder_ItemFuelcan !=WeaponHolder_ItemHatchet !=WeaponHolder_ItemJerrycan !=WeaponHolder_ItemTent !=WeaponHolder_MeleeBaseBallBat !=WeaponHolder_MeleeBaseBallBatNails !=WeaponHolder_MeleeBatBarbed !=WeaponHolder_MeleeMachete !=WeaponHolder_PartEngine !=WeaponHolder_PartFueltank !=WeaponHolder_PartGeneric !=WeaponHolder_PartGlass !=WeaponHolder_PartVRotor !=WeaponHolder_PartWheel
1 "DZ_" !="DZ_British_ACU" !="DZ_Czech_Vest_Puch" !="DZ_TK_Assault_Pack_EP1" !="DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1" !="DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1" !="DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1" !="DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1" !="DZ_Backpack_EP1"
1 "_DZ" !="Land_Fire_DZ" !="SurvivorW2_DZ" !="Camo1_DZ" !="Survivor2_DZ" !="Survivor1_DZ" !="Bandit1_DZ" !="Survivor3_DZ" !="Sniper1_DZ" !"BanditW1_DZ"
5 "Parachute" !="ParachuteWest"
5 "Box" !="MedBox0" !="MedBox1" !="AmmoBoxSmall_556" !="AmmoBoxSmall_762" !="ItemMatchbox" !="ItemToolbox" !=equip_pvc_box !=FoodBox0 !=FoodBox1 !=FoodBox2
1 "40mm" !="G_40mm_HE" !="G_40mm_Smoke" !="F_40mm_White" !="F_40mm_Green"

// log explosions (optional)

// log box (optional)

// log vehicle parts (optional)

// log character creation (optional)

//not in dayz
//Set to 1 to log only for the sake of people using older dayz versions, will set to 5 or remove at a later time.
1 "R_M136_AT"
1 "CZ_VestPouch_EP1"

//will remove everything below later once we are kicking for everything but whats filtered
5 "AAV"
5 "T90"
5 "M1A2_TUSK_MG"
5 "AV8B2"
5 "Mine"
5 "ARTY_"
5 "LASER_"
5 "WP_"
5 "_MLRS"
5 "_81"
5 "_82"
5 "_105"
5 "_120"
5 "_122"
5 "_227"
5 "_AA"
5 "_AT" !="R_M136_AT"
5 "_AP"
5 "_80"
5 "_57"
5 "_85"
5 "_100"
5 "_125"
5 "_30"
5 "_ied"
5 "_CRV7"
5 "_MEEWS"
5 "_SMAW"
5 "_GRAD"
5 "_SABOT"
5 "_SH"
5 "KORD"
5 "MK19"
5 "AGS"
5 "Nest_" !"Land_fortified_nest_big" !"Land_fortified_nest_small"
5 "R_PG"
5 "R_OG"
5 "B_" !"Land_CamoNetB_EAST" !"Land_CamoNetB_NATO"
5 "_YakB"
5 "cock"
5 "BBarracks"
5 "_LHD_
5 "_acr"
5 "MASH_"
5 "Fort_" !"Fort_RazorWire" !"Land_fort_bagfence_long" !"Land_Fort_Watchtower" !"Land_fort_rampart_EP1"
5 "BasicWeapons"
5 "SpecialWeapons"
5 "_uav"


5 !="remExField" !="remExFP" !="drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs" !="BIS_effects_gepv" !="dayzLoad" !"PVDZ_" !"dayz_updateNearbyObjects"
5 PVDZ_ !="PVDZ_obj_Delete" !="PVDZ_getTickTime" !="PVDZ_obj_Publish" !="PVDZ_plr_Death" !="PVDZ_plr_Discorem" !="PVDZ_plr_Login1" !="PVDZ_plr_Login2" !="PVDZ_plr_LoginRecord" !="PVDZ_plr_Save" !="PVDZ_sec_atp" !="PVDZ_send" !="PVDZ_Server_changeOwner" !="PVDZ_Server_Simulation" !="PVDZ_veh_Save" !="PVDZ_receiveVar" !="PVDZ_serverStoreVar" !="PVDZ_veh_SF" !="PVDZ_hlt_Bleed" !="PVDZ_obj_RoadFlare" !="PVDZ_drg_RaDrag" !="PVDZ_drg_RaLW" !="PVDZ_drg_RLact" !="PVDZ_objgather_Delete"
////////////////////////// From server only: Broadcast PV without EH (no code executed on change)
////////////////////////// Broadcast PV with EH
//1="PVDZ_obj_Fire" // not in 178?
////////////////////////// From server only: Broadcast PV with EH
////////////////////////// Unicast PV ->Server
//1="PVDZ_Server_Simulation" // very verbose
//1="PVDZ_serverStoreVar" // verbose
////////////////////////// Unicast PV Client<-
////////////////////////// BIS libs


5 "" !"FunctionsManager" !"Shot" !"z_doctor" !"z_hunter" !"z_new_villager1" !"z_new_villager2" !"z_new_villager3" !"z_new_villager4" !"z_new_worker1" !"z_new_worker2" !"z_new_worker3" !"z_new_worker4" !"z_policeman" !"z_priest" !"z_soldier_heavy" !"z_soldier_pilot" !"z_soldier" !"z_suit1" !"z_suit2" !"z_teacher" !"z_villager1" !"z_villager2" !"z_villager3" !"z_worker1" !"z_worker2" !"z_worker3" !"zZombie_Base" !"Concrete_Wall_EP1"
1 " "
// Don't ban for BattleFieldClearance, it's injected by cheaters to legit players in order to disable clientside security.
Sorry for the long post I don't know how to attach files!
Hi Rosska I am getting kicked everytime I build something it sais Restriction #0 - I added the BE filters as you provided did I add them correctly? Here are my BE filters.

Player $toney kicked off by BattlEye: SetVariable Restriction #0

The SetVariable there means it's in the setvariable.txt restrictions. I didn't have any added that that because I have that set to 1. If you look in setvariable.log it should have listed what it kicked you for. If you post that I'll tell you what to add. :)

Edit: It's most likely you'll need to add this to the end of the first line in setvariable.txt

This is the server_monitor which work, except for the traps after restart:

and this is the new one from you:

i will now check my RPT.

The only thing I can see that's different between our two files, is that on line 44 you have this and I don't
#include "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fa_hiveMaintenance.hpp"

You are running aren't you? I didn't just imagine you saying you'd updated? haha
The SetVariable there means it's in the setvariable.txt restrictions. I didn't have any added that that because I have that set to 1. If you look in setvariable.log it should have listed what it kicked you for. If you post that I'll tell you what to add. :)

Edit: It's most likely you'll need to add this to the end of the first line in setvariable.txt

The only thing I can see that's different between our two files, is that on line 44 you have this and I don't
#include "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fa_hiveMaintenance.hpp"

You are running aren't you? I didn't just imagine you saying you'd updated? haha

Rosska mate you are just too blady good! Thanks now I learnt something new about BE filters I can probably give it ago at fixing something in the future myself with all the stuff I've learnt from you! And you were correct it is !"startcombattimer" that I need to add!

+1 BOSS ;)
The only thing I can see that's different between our two files, is that on line 44 you have this and I don't
#include "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fa_hiveMaintenance.hpp"

You are running aren't you? I didn't just imagine you saying you'd updated? haha

Yes i'm running I will try to include this code to it and see if this works

just checked my RPT and there is this code, maybe you can tell me something about it :D:
16:21:13 Error in expression <yFunc;
if (!_found) then {_path resize ((count _path) - 1)};
16:21:13  Error position: <resize ((count _path) - 1)};
16:21:13  Error Zero divisor
16:21:13 File ca\modules\functions\arrays\fn_findNestedElement.sqf, line 72
16:21:15 Error in expression <yFunc;
if (!_found) then {_path resize ((count _path) - 1)};
16:21:15  Error position: <resize ((count _path) - 1)};
16:21:15  Error Zero divisor
16:21:15 File ca\modules\functions\arrays\fn_findNestedElement.sqf, line 72
16:21:17 "Ping Pong"
16:21:17 Error in expression <yFunc;
if (!_found) then {_path resize ((count _path) - 1)};
16:21:17  Error position: <resize ((count _path) - 1)};
16:21:17  Error Zero divisor
16:21:17 File ca\modules\functions\arrays\fn_findNestedElement.sqf, line 72
16:21:17 "DEBUG FPS  : 8.61605"
16:21:19 Error in expression <yFunc;
if (!_found) then {_path resize ((count _path) - 1)};
16:21:19  Error position: <resize ((count _path) - 1)};
16:21:19  Error Zero divisor
16:21:19 File ca\modules\functions\arrays\fn_findNestedElement.sqf, line 72

This is fa_hiveMaintenance.hpp:
Rosska mate you are just too blady good! Thanks now I learnt something new about BE filters I can probably give it ago at fixing something in the future myself with all the stuff I've learnt from you! And you were correct it is !"startcombattimer" that I need to add!

+1 BOSS ;)

Thanks man, glad it was the right one. I'll add it to the list. :)
How did you get your server going again btw, last I heard you were stuck on wait for host?

Yes i'm running I will try to include this code to it and see if this works

just checked my RPT and there is this code, maybe you can tell me something about it :D:
16:21:13 Error in expression <yFunc;
if (!_found) then {_path resize ((count _path) - 1)};
16:21:13  Error position: <resize ((count _path) - 1)};
16:21:13  Error Zero divisor
16:21:13 File ca\modules\functions\arrays\fn_findNestedElement.sqf, line 72
16:21:15 Error in expression <yFunc;
if (!_found) then {_path resize ((count _path) - 1)};
16:21:15  Error position: <resize ((count _path) - 1)};
16:21:15  Error Zero divisor
16:21:15 File ca\modules\functions\arrays\fn_findNestedElement.sqf, line 72
16:21:17 "Ping Pong"
16:21:17 Error in expression <yFunc;
if (!_found) then {_path resize ((count _path) - 1)};
16:21:17  Error position: <resize ((count _path) - 1)};
16:21:17  Error Zero divisor
16:21:17 File ca\modules\functions\arrays\fn_findNestedElement.sqf, line 72
16:21:17 "DEBUG FPS  : 8.61605"
16:21:19 Error in expression <yFunc;
if (!_found) then {_path resize ((count _path) - 1)};
16:21:19  Error position: <resize ((count _path) - 1)};
16:21:19  Error Zero divisor
16:21:19 File ca\modules\functions\arrays\fn_findNestedElement.sqf, line 72

This is fa_hiveMaintenance.hpp:

Yeah it's ok, I have the file, just it's not linked to from server_monitor.sqf in the original or in my version, which confused me.

Erm, that RPT is strange. Can you upload your mission and server files so I can take a look at them locally please? :)
Thanks man, glad it was the right one. I'll add it to the list. :)
How did you get your server going again btw, last I heard you were stuck on wait for host?

Everything is working fine I followed some instructions to basicaly take out the description.sqf include from my description.ext and replace it with the code from inside the description.sqf then remove what it sais to remove from description.ext (My code wasn't in there so I had to add it from the .sqf file) - It was in this thread some where. But everything is running fine and we've had a good few hours of base building tonight! :)

Not sure if it's easily done or if any one knows how but is it possible to add more buildables? Like for example fuel tanks or lights and stuff? That would be awesome! Also I noticed it's using the old building mechanism is there any way to get it using the new mechanism? It's do able but a bit tricky at times!

Any way just wanna say thanks alot Rosska for all the help man top bloke! :)
I have tried to get this running on my Epoch server but had no joy, any want let me know what files I need to provide and I will be will to pay cash for it install.
Everything is working fine I followed some instructions to basicaly take out the description.sqf include from my description.ext and replace it with the code from inside the description.sqf then remove what it sais to remove from description.ext (My code wasn't in there so I had to add it from the .sqf file) - It was in this thread some where. But everything is running fine and we've had a good few hours of base building tonight! :)

Not sure if it's easily done or if any one knows how but is it possible to add more buildables? Like for example fuel tanks or lights and stuff? That would be awesome! Also I noticed it's using the old building mechanism is there any way to get it using the new mechanism? It's do able but a bit tricky at times!

Any way just wanna say thanks alot Rosska for all the help man top bloke! :)

Haha, yeah I figured it would probably be the description.ext, it usually is. :D

That's quite alright man, just glad to be able to help out and get it working for you. Yeah as umfufu said you can add to the build list pretty easily, I haven't tried adding non buildings to the list yet though so not a hundred percent sure how those would work out since it would place them in the deployables table, but it may still work. You have to edit a couple of different files for it.

If you simply want to add things to build using the same items then it should be a simple case of adding them to the build array in missionfile\dayz_code\external\dy_work\build_list.sqf, then you'd need to copy that same array to replace the one in dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf. You can also add a picture for the item to missionfile\buildRecipeBook\images.

If you wanted to add different recipe items, it would require a bit more work but it is doable. The new items just wouldn't list in the menu without editing that which isn't quite as easy.

I have tried to get this running on my Epoch server but had no joy, any want let me know what files I need to provide and I will be will to pay cash for it install.

As far as I know, nobody has got it to work on Epoch as of yet. I plan on trying to take a crack at it in the next couple of days, I'll let you all know if I have any luck with it.
I made it work with epoch except for gates... I alwayz have a "Access Denied" message even if I entered the key code given by the construction ending message ! Did anyone already had this issue ?
I made it work with epoch except for gates... I alwayz have a "Access Denied" message even if I entered the key code given by the construction ending message ! Did anyone already had this issue ?

Sadly that is completely normal behaviour for this just now.