Origins Server?

Did you executed the pMain in the fuctions tab ?
Yes, it didn`t help. Probably problem in hive
2013-05-30 17:50:13 HiveExt: [Debug] Original params: |CHILD:308:1:large_shed_lvl_1:0:9885956:[22,[3342.43,21213,0],[0.0510374,0.0170124,0.998552]]:[]:[["stage_1",0],["stage_2",1],["player",1e+007]]:0:33424212130022:|
2013-05-30 17:50:13 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 308 Params: 1:large_shed_lvl_1:0:9885956:[22,[3342.43,21213,0],[0.051,0.017,0.999]]:[]:[["stage_1",0],["stage_2",1],["player",1e+007]]:0:33424212130022:
2013-05-30 17:50:13 HiveExt: [Error] Error executing |CHILD:308:1:large_shed_lvl_1:0:9885956:[22,[3342.43,21213,0],[0.0510374,0.0170124,0.998552]]:[]:[["stage_1",0],["stage_2",1],["player",1e+007]]:0:33424212130022:|
2013-05-30 17:50:13 HiveExt: [Debug] Original params: |CHILD:307:|
2013-05-30 17:50:13 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 307 Params:
2013-05-30 17:50:13 HiveExt: [Information] Result: ["PASS",[2013,5,30,10,50]]
Yes, it didn`t help. Probably problem in hive
2013-05-30 17:50:13 HiveExt: [Debug] Original params: |CHILD:308:1:large_shed_lvl_1:0:9885956:[22,[3342.43,21213,0],[0.0510374,0.0170124,0.998552]]:[]:[["stage_1",0],["stage_2",1],["player",1e+007]]:0:33424212130022:|
2013-05-30 17:50:13 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 308 Params: 1:large_shed_lvl_1:0:9885956:[22,[3342.43,21213,0],[0.051,0.017,0.999]]:[]:[["stage_1",0],["stage_2",1],["player",1e+007]]:0:33424212130022:
2013-05-30 17:50:13 HiveExt: [Error] Error executing |CHILD:308:1:large_shed_lvl_1:0:9885956:[22,[3342.43,21213,0],[0.0510374,0.0170124,0.998552]]:[]:[["stage_1",0],["stage_2",1],["player",1e+007]]:0:33424212130022:|
2013-05-30 17:50:13 HiveExt: [Debug] Original params: |CHILD:307:|
2013-05-30 17:50:13 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 307 Params:
2013-05-30 17:50:13 HiveExt: [Information] Result: ["PASS",[2013,5,30,10,50]]


you'r house is not finished
tell me is you're house just a grey ground? without the walls
Yes, just grey ground. After building with L1 blueprint with cementmixer. Аfter restart it dissapear.

If its just grey ground its normal that it does not get saved.
House inventory just get saved at stage 2
You basicly have to get the stuff for stage 2 put it in there and build stage 2.

But you say after building it after restart the stage 1 building(grey ground) disappears?
If its just grey ground its normal that it does not get saved.
House inventory just get saved at stage 2
You basicly have to get the stuff for stage 2 put it in there and build stage 2.

But you say after building it after restart the stage 1 building(grey ground) disappears?

Yes! Disappears first stage(grey ground)! In DB just nothing changes after build.
by deleting this part of the server_cleanup file the spawned loot will not disappear even if you are miles away...
i have tested this on m testserver...
drove about 8km away... and flew the whole way back...
tada... the exact same loot was still lying on the floor as before...
we (or at least me for my part) cant call this a fix... sorry mates...

and isnt it fact that no new loot can spawn when the old isnt removed (cleanup) first?
otherwise the loot would collect and after a bit of time it would swell out of the door ^^

another question...
some of you guys have added a fix\variables.sqf into your missionfile...
i tried that too... got some very bad bugs and errors... server was unstable like hell...

why dont just edit the existing line in the init.sqf to the new path instead of adding a new one?
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";                //Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early)
i tried this way... and it works... without any problems...
Well was updating git, but seems their site crashed.
Have to wait for it to come back.

Git seems to be back now. Is there any chance you could un-pbo the server files? It's far easier to track your changes and apply them to my server that way. I've added a lot to my server.pbo and can't just over write it. I realize it is one more step for new folks but I suspect it would be appreciated by anyone running their own modded server.

Thanks for taking the time to keep that updated. I really appreciate it.
I made no grid configuration for sector b. All AI is static. Disabled dynamic spawning completely.


    // Sector B FoodUral
    _this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb1", [22460.6,19470.8]];
    _this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
    _this setMarkeralpha 1;
    _this setMarkerType "Flag";
    _this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _this setMarkerSize [100, 100];
    SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb1 = _this;
    // Sector B Airfield Hangars
    _this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb2", [22785.1,19330.2]];
    _this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
    _this setMarkeralpha 1;
    _this setMarkerType "Flag";
    _this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _this setMarkerSize [300, 300];
    SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb2 = _this;
    // Sector B School
    _this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb3", [22249.3,19536.1]];
    _this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
    _this setMarkeralpha 1;
    _this setMarkerType "Flag";
    _this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _this setMarkerSize [100, 100];
    SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb3 = _this;
    // Sector B Firehouse
    _this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb4", [22368.9,19676.4]];
    _this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
    _this setMarkeralpha 1;
    _this setMarkerType "Flag";
    _this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _this setMarkerSize [400, 400];
    SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb4 = _this;
    // Sector B SupplyUral
    _this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb5", [22171.2,19839.1]];
    _this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
    _this setMarkeralpha 1;
    _this setMarkerType "Flag";
    _this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _this setMarkerSize [50, 50];
    SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb5 = _this;
    // Sector B Hospital
    _this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb6", [22248.1,20006.1]];
    _this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
    _this setMarkeralpha 1;
    _this setMarkerType "Flag";
    _this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _this setMarkerSize [100, 100];
    SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb6 = _this;
    // Sector B Weaponurals
    _this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb7", [22491.8,20084.9]];
    _this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
    _this setMarkeralpha 1;
    _this setMarkerType "Flag";
    _this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _this setMarkerSize [100, 100];
    SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb7 = _this;
    // Sector B AirfieldTower
    _this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb8", [22791.4,19936.9]];
    _this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
    _this setMarkeralpha 1;
    _this setMarkerType "Flag";
    _this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _this setMarkerSize [500, 500];
    SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb8 = _this;
    // Sabinia Bandit Roam
    _this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_patrol_sabinia1", [15121.3,9644.7]];
    _this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
    _this setMarkeralpha 1;
    _this setMarkerType "Flag";
    _this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _this setMarkerSize [1000, 1000];
    SAR_marker_patrol_sabinia1 = _this;
    // Sabinia Labor
    _this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_patrol_sabinia2", [14837.8,9928.5,2.8672]];
    _this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
    _this setMarkeralpha 1;
    _this setMarkerType "Flag";
    _this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _this setMarkerSize [50, 50];
    SAR_marker_patrol_sabinia2 = _this;
[SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb1,3,2,13,"patrol",true] call SAR_AI;
[SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb2,3,2,8,"patrol",true] call SAR_AI;
[SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb3,3,0,5,"patrol",true] call SAR_AI;
[SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb4,3,3,7,"patrol",true] call SAR_AI;
[SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb5,3,1,9,"patrol",true] call SAR_AI;
[SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb6,3,0,10,"patrol",true] call SAR_AI;
[SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb7,3,1,4,"patrol",true] call SAR_AI;
[SAR_marker_patrol_sectorb8,3,2,8,"patrol",true] call SAR_AI;
[SAR_marker_patrol_sabinia1,3,1,4,"patrol",true] call SAR_AI;
[SAR_marker_patrol_sabinia2,3,0,8,"patrol",true] call SAR_AI;

note that i have configured all AI to be Bandits. And additionally i have changed the aikilled.sqf to substract instead of adding humanity for Bandit kill and set SAR_band_kill_value = 30;

3rd was to change the skins as some of the basic skins for sarge are not supported by origins.

// bandit AI
SAR_leader_band_list = ["Bandit3_1"]; // the potential classes of the leader of a bandit group
SAR_sniper_band_list = ["Sniper1_DZ"]; // the potential classes of the snipers of a bandit group
SAR_soldier_band_list = ["Bandit3_1","Sniper1_DZ"]; // the potential classes of the bandit of a soldier group

to make them aggressive towards everyone i set


now playing arround with some variables to find a good balancing

Thanks very much man, this is awesome. I was working on something very similar.
But im having troubles finding co-ord (ingame --> worldspace)

Do you know worldspace co-ords for prison island?
All the things were gone from the house had an unfinished house. I looked it up in the database.
It seems that this is not a bug, and player mistake.

[["stage_1",0],["stage_2",0],["<playername>",1.0e07],["passwordtut",1111]] - this house is DONE (nothing of it disappears. )
[["stage_1",0],["stage_2",1],["<playername>",1.0e07],["passwordtut",1111]] - This house is not finite.
After the restart things disappear.
Items with an unfinished house disappear even on the official server. So I guess it's not a bug ...
House must be finish. To things do not disappear.
I had this problem on the official server foundation that disappeared after a reboot.

The problem is the player nickname. (special characters)
Fixes the loot issue and adds refuelling if wanted.
Uploading them now.
The 4hr time has me puzzled. Seems to get dark just after 3pm, and then it blinks light than dark off and on.
Gonna have to look into it more.

Thanks for you job and for adding the unpacked PBO files.
But what files are changed for this loot fix in the PBO? So we know what file to write to our server.

Many thanks for your job.
Just download it and open server_cleanup.fsm with notepadd ++ and open your own server_cleanup.fsm. Make sure that these are the only 2 files opened in notepadd ++ and then hit 'ALT D' and it will compare the files and show you the differences.
I just noticed this happening on our server, where the server restarted, and no vehicles are appearing now.
They are all in the db where they should be, but no vehicles in the server at all.

What functions should we be using on restart? pCleanup, pSpawn are the 2 I am using. Tried pMain but got errors.