Private Hive Tools [PHP]

None I know of. Gotcha has it, but their tool is in Alpha still, and they only have a Chernarus map installed.
It's hard coded in from what I can see and we can't add new ones.
ahh i c, i was using nibs admin map from his superhive and he had the map that had player paths and updated every 10secs or so, just thought id ask
Dayz Mapper and Bliss Admin both do movement trails. Bliss Admin uses Dayz DB maps so it's fast and looks good, but they're still not making the top km of the Chernarus map available for some weird reason.
I assume for Bliss Admin to work, it must use Rcon connection to track.
I could never figure out how to get it to work since I don't use their Start_Server.bat so it thinks the server is offline all the time.
The only thing that I can see that is missing is the ability to expand/decrease x and y.
Otherwise I have to resize the map to suit.

With Bliss admin, they have 3 options.
x,y placement
x expansion +/-
y expansion +/-

This allows to stretch the vehicles/players positions to fit the map.

Your code was also missing the +$ADDX and -$ADDY for players positions.
You have it for vehicles but players must have been overlooked.
I tried skynetdevs pack and it said server is online but the it said something about my ip being, not sure why, i tried that and ny router ip
Been working with Skynetdev updating his admin pack, but if that other one is better then I am switching over.
Seems to be more activity with updates there.
One Issue and One Feature Request.

Issue: When you are running two servers from the same DB (different maps) and you use this tool you see the players that are in both maps when you select the drop down. It does prevent you from moving forward when you select a player that was on the other map, but never on the current one...but it would be nice if it just did not show them at all.

Request: I like that it has a Clean Up tool...but there is no Spawn Vehicle tool in it. Would be very nice to be able to click "Spawn Vehicles" and have vehicles spawn in at their normal spawn points.

Also it would be cool if you could add a "Set Vehicle Spawn" to the map tool so we can set additional vehicle spawns.

Other wise this is great! Love it!

my new private hive tools will be done soon, maybe next week.... or so..

- support for all serverpack/hive schemas
- comes with own db table / for customisable object/location entrys
- optional admin login

some screens:


