[Release] Fred's Wardrobe v1.0.2

After adding this to my server my players get teleported to debug 3 or 4 times and some times they spawn in invisible during this time no loot spawns no zombies spawn and sight and sound does not respond against there character and drink and food are stuck

i am wondering if anyone has this issue and what might cause this

The teleporting thing is pretty common. There is a link to a fix listed in the release thread for the wardrobe, check it out and see if that helps, it did for us.

The teleporting thing is pretty common. There is a link to a fix listed in the release thread for the wardrobe, check it out and see if that helps, it did for us.


This would work if i had not already disabled my anti teleport script previously due to a glitch that spawned players under helicopters at times or left them stranded in debug, Since that is disabled i wonder if it is not a db issue causing sync latency i know whenever the skins change you tp to debug and back again, could the wardrobe inadvertently be doing that on log in for some reason.
This would work if i had not already disabled my anti teleport script previously due to a glitch that spawned players under helicopters at times or left them stranded in debug, Since that is disabled i wonder if it is not a db issue causing sync latency i know whenever the skins change you tp to debug and back again, could the wardrobe inadvertently be doing that on log in for some reason.

Ah. Other than the anti teleport script, I'm really not too sure how the wardrobe could cause this I'm afraid. That doesn't mean it's not responsible, but if it is then it's beyond me haha. Have you tried simply rolling back to the files from before adding wardrobe to see if that fixes the problem?
Ah. Other than the anti teleport script, I'm really not too sure how the wardrobe could cause this I'm afraid. That doesn't mean it's not responsible, but if it is then it's beyond me haha. Have you tried simply rolling back to the files from before adding wardrobe to see if that fixes the problem?

I found the issue it was infact my mysql my.ini for my db after tweaking a few settings it stopped and also noticed a more responsive feel guess it was just something that was caused when i added the script thank you for the tips and attempt to help
I found the issue it was infact my mysql my.ini for my db after tweaking a few settings it stopped and also noticed a more responsive feel guess it was just something that was caused when i added the script thank you for the tips and attempt to help

Haha no worries, glad you managed to get it sorted out. :)
has anyone got this working on dayz chernarus? I have followed every instruction to a tee, 10 times..... any help with this would be great!
here are my PBO's

Thanks in advance!

In your init.sqf find
#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf"
and change it to
//#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf"
Or remove it entirely.
thanks for the fast reply mate.... ive made that change but still no good ;(
I went over it again and it all seems ok hmmm... ive tried tabbing out then loading back in the game but that doesn't work, ive tried dying as well... I dont get the wardrobe option come up at all when I scroll, it doesn't shoot any errors, its as ive it isn't even installed although it is.... im out of ideas... although I do have halo spawn and suicide installed, maybe they are affecting it??? if u have time could you have another look for me? cheers bloke
I am also not getting it to work in, and I've had it working on various maps since Fred released it, including 1.7.7. Ugh!
DayZ.ST Chernarus map.
Krix bloodbag/sarge ai/loot fix/crate fix
Time to do some trouble shooting.

A simple re-log fixed the issue.

how did you do the re-log???
So your issue most likely lies in this brennan, here is a snippet from my server
if (!isDedicated) then {
//Conduct map operations
0 fadeSound 0;
waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"};
dayz_loadScreenMsg = (localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING");

//Run auto-refuel
Autorefuel =[] execVM "Scripts\kh_actions.sqf";

//Run the player monitor
_id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death; _nul = [] execVM "playerspawn.sqf";}];
_playerMonitor = [] execFSM "Fixes\player_monitor.fsm";
_void = [] execVM "R3F_Realism\R3F_Realism_Init.sqf";
_nul = [] execVM "playerspawn.sqf";
_nul = [] execVM "scripts\SWS.sqf";

// Fred's Wardrobe
[] execVM "wardrobe\wardrobe_activate.sqf";
here is a snippet from yours
// Logo watermark: adding a logo in the bottom left corner of the screen with the server name in it
if (!isNil "dayZ_serverName") then {
[] spawn {
waitUntil {(!isNull Player) and (alive Player) and (player == player)};
waituntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))};
5 cutRsc ["wm_disp","PLAIN"];
((uiNamespace getVariable "wm_disp") displayCtrl 1) ctrlSetText dayZ_serverName;

#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf"

// Fred's Wardrobe
[] execVM "wardrobe\wardrobe_activate.sqf";

you should move your line for wardrobe_activate upto just after the part for player monitor and playerspawn as is mine so for your server it should look like

if (!isDedicated) then {
[] spawn {
waitUntil { !isNil ("dayz_animalCheck") and
!(player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 5000 and
typeOf player == "Survivor2_DZ") and
!(player getVariable ["humanity",0] < -2000 and
(typeOf player == "Survivor2_DZ" or
typeOf player == "SurvivorW2_DZ") ) and
!(player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 0 and
(typeOf player == "Bandit1_DZ" or
typeOf player == "BanditW1_DZ") )

if (dayzPlayerLogin2 select 2) then
_pos = position player;
_mkr setMarkerPos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1];
player spawn MC_BIS_halo_spawn;
_nul = [] execVM "addons\halo_spawn\altimeter.sqf";
//Conduct map operations
0 fadeSound 0;
waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"};
dayz_loadScreenMsg = (localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING");

//Run the player monitor
_id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];
_playerMonitor = [] execFSM "fixes\player_monitor.fsm";
//[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";

// Fred's Wardrobe
[] execVM "wardrobe\wardrobe_activate.sqf";

ALSO comment out the line #include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf" just set it to //#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf"
Thought I'd share this in case it's of use to anybody.
I've seen people mention having a menu for humanity level, but it only ever has one check and then everything else. I wanted a system to have a standard menu, a hero menu (humanity > 5000), and a bandit menu (humanity <2500) so I set it up like this in wardrobe_main.sqf

At the top of the file add
_humanity = player getVariable ["humanity",0];

Then set your menu options like this
if (_humanity > 5000) then {
wardrobe =
        ["DayZ Clothing", [2], "#USER:WardrobeDayZ", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        ["Custom Clothing", [3], "#USER:WardrobeCustom", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        ["Oring Clothing", [4], "#USER:WardrobeOring", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        ["Hero Clothing", [5], "#USER:WardrobeHero", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
            ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
];} else {
if (_humanity < -2500) then {
wardrobe =
        ["DayZ Clothing", [2], "#USER:WardrobeDayZ", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        ["Custom Clothing", [3], "#USER:WardrobeCustom", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        ["Oring Clothing", [4], "#USER:WardrobeOring", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        ["Bandit Clothing", [5], "#USER:WardrobeBandit", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
            ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
];} else {
wardrobe =
        ["DayZ Clothing", [2], "#USER:WardrobeDayZ", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        ["Custom Clothing", [3], "#USER:WardrobeCustom", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        ["Oring Clothing", [4], "#USER:WardrobeOring", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
            ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]

Now you can customise each menu as you want for standard survivors, heroes, and bandits.

Oh, also for anybody running Oring I've put together a complete collection of ready to use scripts for every piece of clothing available with the map. All you'll need to do is add them to your 'clothing' folder and link to them from a menu in wardrobe_main.sqf :)
Is there a method to continue the Menu Color Text throughout the entire sub-menu's? Would like to have the original "Wardrobe" color text inside the sub menus that follow..;)

Sorry for the delay, I thought I'd already replied to your post about the colour of menu options haha.

What you need to do is change the menu names to look like this
parseText format ["<t color='#ff8810'>yourmenu</t>"]

Example (Before)
        ["DayZ Clothing", [2], "#USER:WardrobeDayZ", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        ["Custom Clothing", [3], "#USER:WardrobeCustom", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#ff8810'>DayZ Clothing</t>"], [2], "#USER:WardrobeDayZ", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#ff8810'>Custom Clothing</t>"], [3], "#USER:WardrobeCustom", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],

There may be a way to list it at the top of the page and simply call it with each string, but I'm still learning so haven't figured a way to do that yet. But this will get it working for you like that. :)

You sir are a genius....Thank You so much for finally answering my long desired question of the text color. Works like a charm. This is one of those OCD type issues I desired for my server that just add's a little touch of difference.

Again Thanks ;)

Extra Can of Beans for you !!!
Just to show you it in action here's my section from the main's menu list:
pathtoclothing = "wardrobe\clothing\";
EXECscript1 = 'player execVM "'+pathtoclothing+'%1"';

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["#########"]) then {

wardrobe =
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>DayZ Clothing</t>"], [], "#USER:WardrobeDayZ", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Military Clothing</t>"], [], "#USER:WardrobeCustom", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Civilian Clothing</t>"], [], "#USER:WardrobeCivilian", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
            ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
                ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
];} else {

wardrobe =
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>DayZ Clothing</t>"], [], "#USER:WardrobeDayZ", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Military Clothing</t>"], [], "#USER:WardrobeCustom", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Civilian Clothing</t>"], [], "#USER:WardrobeCivilian", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
            ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
                ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
WardrobeDayZ =
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Male Suvivor</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"survivor_male.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Female Suvivor</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"survivor_female.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Male Bandit</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"bandit_male.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Female Bandit</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"bandit_female.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Camo Clothing</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"camo_clothes.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Ghillie Suit</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"ghille.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Soldier Uniform</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"soldier.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
            ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
                ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
WardrobeCustom =
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Rocket Uniform</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"rocket.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Desert Rocket Uniform</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"desert_rocket.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Desert Camo Uniform</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"desert_clothes.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Desert Soldier Uniform</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"desert_soldier.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Desert Green Uniform</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"desert_green_soldier.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>US Soldier Uniform</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"us_soldier.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Czech Soldier Uniform</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"czech_soldier.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>German Soldier Uniform</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"german_soldier.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>BAF Solider</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"baf_soldier.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>BAF Solider Officer</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"baf_officer.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>BAF Solider Sniper</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"baf_sniper1.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
            ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
                ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
WardrobeCivilian =
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>TK Civ 1 DELETES BACKPACK</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"tk_civilian1.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>TK Civ 2 DELETES BACKPACK</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"tk_civilian2.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>TK Civ 3 DELETES BACKPACK</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"tk_civilian3.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Citizen DELETES BACKPACK</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"citizen.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Worker DELETES BACKPACK</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"worker.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
        [parseText format ["<t color='#E06D10'>Villager DELETES BACKPACK</t>"], [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"villager.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
            ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
                ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
showCommandingMenu "#USER:wardrobe";

Thanks again ;)
Please help, its not working on my taviana server ;( I have the wardrobe folder in my dayz_mission folder is that correct ??
directions say mission folder but I dont have a mission fold so I think day_mission is what you mean.
this is top part of my init.............

"filmic" setToneMappingParams [0.153, 0.357, 0.231, 0.1573, 0.011, 3.750, 6, 4]; setToneMapping "Filmic";

// Fred's Wardrobe
wardrobe = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "wardrobe\wardrobe_main.sqf";

player_spawn_2 = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\player_spawn_2.sqf";

if (isServer) then {
hiveInUse = true;
_serverMonitor = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf";
This is bottom part
if (!isDedicated) then {
[] execVM "lights\street_lights.sqf";
//R3F Towing
execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf"
// Fred's Wardrobe
[] execVM "wardrobe\wardrobe_activate.sqf";
Please help, its not working on my taviana server ;( I have the wardrobe folder in my dayz_mission folder is that correct ??
directions say mission folder but I dont have a mission fold so I think day_mission is what you mean.

Yes, that is your mission folder.
You need to add a ; to the end of the towing part, like this
execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf";
ok thankz that didnt work but it did allow me to notice I had it before the last }; and it still didnt work until I added the ; as you mentioned now it workkz great

if (!isDedicated) then {
[] execVM "lights\street_lights.sqf";

//R3F Towing and shit (or whatever you want to title it)
execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf";

// Fred's Wardrobe
[] execVM "wardrobe\wardrobe_activate.sqf"; //this is the verry last line

ok thankz that didnt work but it did allow me to notice I had it before the last }; and it still didnt work until I added the ; as you mentioned now it workkz great

if (!isDedicated) then {
[] execVM "lights\street_lights.sqf";

//R3F Towing and shit (or whatever you want to title it)
execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf";

// Fred's Wardrobe
[] execVM "wardrobe\wardrobe_activate.sqf"; //this is the verry last line


Yeah without the ; it would just stop when it got there and not look for anything after.
Out of curiosity, what is that last closing brace }; from? Normally these calls go in at the very bottom of the init.sqf so there shouldn't be a closing brace after them, I'm just curious haha.