[Release] mmmyum's zed changes - quantity, AI, spawning, permaLoot, permaZeds& more

Did you use my server files? for lowering the "noise-agro" look for"DAYZ_disAudial * 2) > 80" and "_dist < (DAYZ_disAudial * 4" in player_zombiecheck.sqf and delet the "*2" Part. Change this line _dist < (DAYZ_disAudial * 4 TO _dist < (DAYZ_disAudial / 2.
The Number of Zeds you can find in building_spawnzombies.sqf
thanks yea I saw that line but was confused a bit about how to change it I'll take a look at this. Oh and no Im not using your files Im using ones straight out of my dayz_code Im just trying to lower them with that.

This is the block of code Im working with

        if (!(_refObj in _targets)) then {   
            //Noise Activation
            if (_dist < DAYZ_disAudial) then {       
                if (DAYZ_disAudial > 80) then {       
                    _targeted = true;
                } else {
                    _chance = [_group,_dist,DAYZ_disAudial] call dayz_losChance;
                    if ((random 1) < _chance) then {   
                        _cantSee = [_group,_refObj] call dayz_losCheck;
                        if (!_cantSee) then {
                            _targeted = true;
                        } else {
                            if (_dist < (DAYZ_disAudial / 2)) then {
                                _targeted = true;
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look into building_spawnzombies.sqf find this line _num = (round(random _max)) max _min; then change it to _num = 1; for example. That means it will spawn 1 Zed for every lootable building.
look into building_spawnzombies.sqf find this line _num = (round(random _max)) max _min; then change it to _num = 1; for example. That means it will spawn 1 Zed for every lootable building.
yes Ive done that already, Ive also set the global max and local max but Im more concerned about their crazy spawn rate and agro distance when players are shooting. the lootable buildings thing has done almost nothing because as soon as you kill them more spawn in.
Hmm...i m not sure but you can try this

        if (!(_refObj in _targets)) then {   
            //Noise Activation
            if (_dist < (DAYZ_disAudial/4)) then {       
                if ((DAYZ_disAudial/4) > 80) then {       
                    _targeted = true;
                } else {
                    _chance = [_group,_dist,DAYZ_disAudial] call dayz_losChance;
                    if ((random 1) < _chance) then {   
                        _cantSee = [_group,_refObj] call dayz_losCheck;
                        if (!_cantSee) then {
                            _targeted = true;
                        } else {
                            if (_dist < (DAYZ_disAudial / 4)) then {
                                _targeted = true;
Hmm...i m not sure but you can try this

        if (!(_refObj in _targets)) then {  
            //Noise Activation
            if (_dist < (DAYZ_disAudial/4)) then {      
                if ((DAYZ_disAudial/4) > 80) then {      
                    _targeted = true;
                } else {
                    _chance = [_group,_dist,DAYZ_disAudial] call dayz_losChance;
                    if ((random 1) < _chance) then {  
                        _cantSee = [_group,_refObj] call dayz_losCheck;
                        if (!_cantSee) then {
                            _targeted = true;
                        } else {
                            if (_dist < (DAYZ_disAudial / 4)) then {
                                _targeted = true;
I'll give it a shot man, thanks
Hi all,

im trying to install this http://opendayz.net/threads/release...pawning-permaloot-permazeds-more.10345/page-4
however i keep getting an error while logging into game that streamlocation_fill.sqf not found, also in Server RPT i get this:

if (isClass>
17:33:53   Error Undefined variable in expression: dze_missionloottable
17:33:53 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 227
17:33:53 Error in expression <VehicleArea;

BuildingList = [];
if (DZE_MissionLootTable) then {
if (isClass>
17:33:53   Error position: <DZE_MissionLootTable) then {
if (isClass>
17:33:53   Error Undefined variable in expression: dze_missionloottable
17:33:53 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 227
17:33:53 Error in expression <VehicleArea;

i really cant figure this out
what mod you want to use? epoch or regular dayz
I run it for Epoch Chernarus and its working great.
Did you use my files from #114? They are with MissionLoot Tables if you not want to use them, then you need to change the spawn_permaloot.sqf about line 13
_config = missionConfigFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> _type;
_config = configFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> _type;
I ll make you a mission and server.pbo for Yums Master files wont work without modding a few lines. Just give me some minutes.
Alright, I'll have to merge your variables.sqf and compiles.sqf with mine however! Also I'm on server version


Here you go, i hope its working and i dont forget something. There is no chance for me to test it. I have slowed down the zeds in the fsm so you dont need to run the undead_skin.
Im using a time acceleration with 2,5 hours day and 1,5 hours night. if you dont like it change the init file like this: [1,true,10,1,true,1] execFSM "fixes\core_time.fsm";
If it is working and you like what yum has done i can make a cleanup.fsm without the time acceleration.
Here you go, i hope its working and i dont forget something. There is no chance for me to test it. I have slowed down the zeds in the fsm so you dont need to run the undead_skin.
Im using a time acceleration with 2,5 hours day and 1,5 hours night. if you dont like it change the init file like this: [1,true,10,1,true,1] execFSM "fixes\core_time.fsm";
If it is working and you like what yum has done i can make a cleanup.fsm without the time acceleration.

Hey could you possibly teach me how to accelerate time? Ive had a thread open about this for some time but no luck getting any real help. Thanks in advance if you can help man. If not I'll keep searching

sure i can. you need to run the core_time.fsm from your init. In my case [5,true,10,1,true,7] execFSM "fixes\core_time.fsm";
This means you will skip 5 minutes every 1 minute at daytime and 7 minutes every 1 minute in nighttime and you will sync it every 10 minutes.
So with every sync you will skip 50 min daytime and 70 min nighttime. You can change it to what you want.

Important: You need to delete the "sync Time" Part in your server_cleanup.fsm.
sure i can. you need to run the core_time.fsm from your init. In my case [5,true,10,1,true,7] execFSM "fixes\core_time.fsm";
This means you will skip 5 minutes every 1 minute at daytime and 7 minutes every 1 minute in nighttime and you will sync it every 10 minutes.
So with every sync you will skip 50 min daytime and 70 min nighttime. You can change it to what you want.

Important: You need to delete the "sync Time" Part in your server_cleanup.fsm.
Will I need to change hive time from local to custom or anything?
Oh ok great and what about the client side mods rmod etc, do I need to load them client side?


just making sure i cover merging all files in my server and mission pbo. All affected files are: (?)


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rmod is only for vehicles and not necessary for epoch i think. Yums undead_skin you dont need because i slowed down the zeds in the .fsm.