[Support] DZGM

Some of my players use only one Radio to create a group by invite a player and give him the radio so he can accept it. This way they can see the Icons without having a Radio.
To stop this i just made a little check if the player has a radio and if not, no icons for him:

in icons.sqf
if (tagname) then {call dzgm_Icons_Name;} else {call dzgm_Icons_Clear;};

change to:
if (tagname && "ItemRadio" in items Player) then {call dzgm_Icons_Name;} else {call dzgm_Icons_Clear;};

This will disable Icons as soon as the player drops his Radio :)

Same idea, just add currentInvites as an exception on the first line that kicks for everything.

For Epoch the first line would look like this:
5 "" !="currentInvites" !"PVDZE_" !"norrn" !"usec" !="remExField" !="remExFP" !="drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs" !="norrinRAlie" !="BIS_effects_gepv" !="dayzPlayerLogin" !="dayzPlayerLogin2" !"PVAHR_" !="PVAH_AdminReq" !="PVAH_WriteLogReq"

Thanks :)

Some of my players use only one Radio to create a group by invite a player and give him the radio so he can accept it. This way they can see the Icons without having a Radio.
To stop this i just made a little check if the player has a radio and if not, no icons for him:

in icons.sqf
if (tagname) then {call dzgm_Icons_Name;} else {call dzgm_Icons_Clear;};

change to:
if (tagname && "ItemRadio" in items Player) then {call dzgm_Icons_Name;} else {call dzgm_Icons_Clear;};

This will disable Icons as soon as the player drops his Radio :)


I have been looking to sort this for a while. Thank you!
OK so when I send a request it goes through but when you try to accept its sooooo fast you cant hit accept? Its so fast it almost appears that you dont have the option I only discovered this when I would go into group management.
OK so when I send a request it goes through but when you try to accept its sooooo fast you cant hit accept? Its so fast it almost appears that you dont have the option I only discovered this when I would go into group management.

That sounds like it could be antihack issue, something like that was happening before I added the changes to ah.sqf
Thanks RichyM92 but I have checked those as well, I see the buttons very briefly so I know the option is there just not fast enough to click any of them. But this is what I did with Infistar

I did however add 55510 to the AH.sqf since it was checking allowed dialog, maybe this is my problem?
if (isNil '_ALLOWED_Dialogs') then {_ALLOWED_Dialogs = [-1,106,6900,6901,6902,6903,420420,41144,55510];_cconfig=true;};

Normal install steps performed
/* ALLOWED Dialogs */ _ALLOWED_Dialogs = [-1,106,2200,6900,6901,6902,6903,420420,41144,55510];

2. In AH.sqf find and delete these statements:
playableUnits = [player];

Replaced adminESPicons function with this one assuming since it said function to only go as far down as admin_fnc_esp = { leaving this one and replacing everything above this function all the way to ESPicons?

Hi im having troubles with this. I hope someone can help me out when i really want this script to work on our server! :)

I keep getting this error:
File mpmission\DayZ_Epoch_24.Napf\description.ext, line 186: .RscTitles: Member already defined.

This is the bottom of my description.ext:


#include "dayz_code\gui\ATD_Hud.h"

#include "custom\extra_rc.hpp"

#include "dzgm\defines.hpp"

class RscTitles {
#include "dzgm\icons.hpp"

#include "dzgm\groupManagement.hpp"
Thx Ebay now i got the server up and running. Everything seems to be working fine but when i try to invite my friend or he tries to invite me. We dont get an accept or decline button. though a text message appears and says you have recived an grup invite right click on radio to view. or something like that but i cant see anything. How do i fix this?
Ok i get everything working except the invite and disband stuff doesn't show on the dialog it all looks correct and no errors?

Any help Ebay
Good morning,

I have installed DZGM - No mistakes in Log! But Ingame I cant make Right click on radio. It doesen't work!
No Menue.
Wheres the mistake?
Since updating to Infistar 335E/F the player list when trying to invite is empty. It works fine for admins though.

Theres also new new feature that needs to be disabled otherwise it spams warnings about restoring the removed functions:
playableUnits = [player];

If not disabled it will flood the logs causing the server to die a painful death.
Last edited:
Is there a way to disable the messages like "RETURN TO FORMATION" or whatever is says, without setting enableRadio false;? Setting it to false seems to disable death messages.
Getting the same problem as RamAthorn - no option appears when I right click the radio.
I followed the instructions to the letter but I do have many other mods running on the server so there could be some problems there. I'm also not getting any obvious errors in the rpt or logs.


class ExtraRc {
class ItemRadio {
class GroupManagement {
text = "Group Management";
script = "execVM 'dzgm\loadGroupManagement.sqf'";


// Epoch Custom scripts
#include "dzgm\defines.hpp"
class RscTitles
#include "dzgm\icons.hpp"
#include "dzgm\groupManagement.hpp"
//#include "admintools\dialog.hpp"
#include "custom\snap_pro\snappoints.hpp"
#include "custom\extra_rc.hpp"

//#include "plotManagement\defines.hpp"

#include "plotManagement\plotManagement.hpp"

admin_list_thingy = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "admintools\AdminList.sqf";
player_build = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_pro\player_build.sqf";
snap_build = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_pro\snap_build.sqf";
dayz_spaceInterrupt = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_pro\dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf";
player_switchModel = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\player_switchModel.sqf";
player_selectSlot = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\ui_selectSlot.sqf";

I followed all the steps that you have given in your installation thread, yet I am still having an issue. When I attempt to connect to the server, I get to the player screen, hit continue, then it goes and times out at 120 seconds.

I've installed this 3 times, to no avail. Any ideas? (Installing it on a DayZ OverPoch server)