[SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

got the issue again with cars exploding when you enter them !
iv herd sum-thing about editing a line out in the ini.sqf but not got a clue what line to delete can anyone help?
on my server it counts slowly to 20 then takes me back to the lobby on waiting for server to start authentication.

Edit: i noticed these in the rpt the weren't all right next to each other but i dont know were they are being called from to fix it:
4:29:17 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf not found
4:29:17 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\dynamic_vehicle.sqf not found
4:29:17 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\mission.sqf not found
Warning: z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\compass.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 863, 853, 852
4:29:19 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf not found

Edit2: all the places that are being called are there but it says they arnt
thats weird i dont get any RPT errors

delete the old MPMission and @dayZ_Epoch_Server folders

download the zip file from the release thread and use the PBO's,
dont use the folder versions just the PBO's only

see if that helps
i have 1 now but i am currently reverted back to my old files, ur files just has something called prefix not pboprefix
i fixed it up sorry about that i also updated the download link in the release forum
you can just rename $PREFIX$ to $PBOPREFIX$ if you still have the files downloaded
edit reloaded page and sheep had already answered :p

simon i think the line your thinking of is the HACKERS line thats usually edited in serverfunctions below where you add the MalSar line

i usually just edit the damage dealt to 0 so nothing blows up but you still get the checks so you can check logs to see if anything has been hacked.

my whole section looks like this
    // 666 added malsar line , changed killing hacker setdamage to 0 to avoid blowing up vehicles Epoch Admin Tools
    if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle) && (vehicle _x getVariable ["MalSar",0] !=1)) then {
            diag_log ("CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER " + (name _x) + " " + str(_x) + " IN " + (typeOf vehicle _x));
            (vehicle _x) setDamage 0;
            _x setDamage 0;
            sleep 0.25;
        sleep 0.001;
    } forEach allUnits;
    DZE_DYN_HackerCheck = nil;

i outline all changes i do and mark them with an easily searchable number if your wondering whats going on there in the first commented out line , that way i can find any change ive made with ease by searching // 666 in any file i edit. just a helpfull tip !
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also theres a really easy fix for everyone with the prefix file use your old one you should be keeping backups , its literaly just a file with one line to tell the server what the default path is its not an essential file to the server pack
Hey i'm pretty new to addons and adding them to servers in general, now i got your pack working pukka and btw thanks for such a great pack and all the effort you put into it, it's made my server and my game experience exactly what i wanted.

I'm on a vilayer server so obviously i'm using the folders. now the only problem is i also seem to be getting vehicles exploding that i spawn. I'm wondering what i need to do next, it seems only tanks are exploding and the other vehicles are ok. i have both files named $pboprefix$ aswell.
ok this might fix exploding cars (NOT TESTED AT WORK)

open admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf

find this line
_veh setVariable ["MalSar",1,true];
add this under neath it
_veh setVariable ["Sarge",1,true];
so it look like this
_veh setVariable ["MalSar",1,true];
_veh setVariable ["Sarge",1,true];

i will post the proper fix later but try the above and let me know if it works
that worked for the explosions - the only other thing im noticing is towing doesn't work (or at least it's not showing in the menu when i scroll - using spawned in temps) and when you die you lose the admintools menu. However if you close then re-open your CLIENT you get them back. Restarting the server doesn't do anything ( I alt-tab'ed out of my client, restarted the server, reconnected and still no admintools). I had to reload the client for some reason. The last thing is plot poles can't be removed and replaced after death, it gives the option to maintain the area but none to remove the plot pole. Try to build and its says needs a plot pole so i lost ownership.

other than that, everything else i have tested works great. since this is a conversion to Napf im working on i still need to add new spawn locations for the spawn selector.

i am using your latest release .10 org / 103718
edit reloaded page and sheep had already answered :p

simon i think the line your thinking of is the HACKERS line thats usually edited in serverfunctions below where you add the MalSar line

i usually just edit the damage dealt to 0 so nothing blows up but you still get the checks so you can check logs to see if anything has been hacked.

my whole section looks like this
    // 666 added malsar line , changed killing hacker setdamage to 0 to avoid blowing up vehicles Epoch Admin Tools
    if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle) && (vehicle _x getVariable ["MalSar",0] !=1)) then {
            diag_log ("CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER " + (name _x) + " " + str(_x) + " IN " + (typeOf vehicle _x));
            (vehicle _x) setDamage 0;
            _x setDamage 0;
            sleep 0.25;
        sleep 0.001;
    } forEach allUnits;
    DZE_DYN_HackerCheck = nil;

i outline all changes i do and mark them with an easily searchable number if your wondering whats going on there in the first commented out line , that way i can find any change ive made with ease by searching // 666 in any file i edit. just a helpfull tip !
thank you m8 nice one ill get on to adding then zeros cheers!
that worked for the explosions - the only other thing im noticing is towing doesn't work (or at least it's not showing in the menu when i scroll - using spawned in temps) and when you die you lose the admintools menu. However if you close then re-open your CLIENT you get them back. Restarting the server doesn't do anything ( I alt-tab'ed out of my client, restarted the server, reconnected and still no admintools). I had to reload the client for some reason. The last thing is plot poles can't be removed and replaced after death, it gives the option to maintain the area but none to remove the plot pole. Try to build and its says needs a plot pole so i lost ownership.

other than that, everything else i have tested works great. since this is a conversion to Napf im working on i still need to add new spawn locations for the spawn selector.

i am using your latest release .10 org / 103718
I'll fix towing tonight, also testers get ready cause I've already started working on 1.0, that's right, pack is stable enough for a official release!
Hey FallingSheep, first and foremost: thanx for the lovely server-pack!!
I have issues with exploding admin spawned vehicles as well. I tried your solution in the admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf

_veh setVariable ["MalSar",1,true];
_veh setVariable ["Sarge",1,true];

didn't work though. Sometimes vehicles crash immediately, sometimes after a minute or so.

So it's the hacker-issue?
I get this in my .RPT-log:

Client: Object 3:59 (type Type_70) not found.
Client: Object 3:59 (type Type_69) not found.
WARNING: Function 'name' - Soi is dead
"PDEATH: Player Died 107841798"
Client: Object 3:59 (type Type_70) not found.

Also, my .RPT-log is spammed with "Wrong text element 'null'" as well. Any idea how to fix this?
Hey FallingSheep, first and foremost: thanx for the lovely server-pack!!
I have issues with exploding admin spawned vehicles as well. I tried your solution in the admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf

_veh setVariable ["MalSar",1,true];
_veh setVariable ["Sarge",1,true];

didn't work though. Sometimes vehicles crash immediately, sometimes after a minute or so.

So it's the hacker-issue?
I get this in my .RPT-log:

Client: Object 3:59 (type Type_70) not found.
Client: Object 3:59 (type Type_69) not found.
WARNING: Function 'name' - Soi is dead
"PDEATH: Player Died 107841798"
Client: Object 3:59 (type Type_70) not found.

Also, my .RPT-log is spammed with "Wrong text element 'null'" as well. Any idea how to fix this?
Wrong text element is usually from debug monitor. Did you change it?

Yes vehicle blowing is hacker bug I need to fix
I haven't changed the debug-monitor, no.
Installing the 0.10 release right now *siked!!

edit: testing the 0.10 and so far i noticed:

- exploding admin-spawned vehicles :(
- when overburdened, there's no knockout-timer. My charachter stays on the floor. Only when i relog i get the knockout-timer and animation.
- can't lift (i tried the Mi-17 and the UH-60)
- admin menu: vehicle speed boost... How shall i put this... i think it quite resembles the sensation an atom feels when put in the Large Hadron Collider... :D In other words: be very gentle with that speed-button...
- AI @ traders shooting me. As soon as i left the tradezone, i was vulnerable, altough my god-mode was on. Gonna retry this in a couple of different scenarios to see if there's any difference.
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