[SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

sheep dont have infistar, so no support there.
the public kick shouldnt be hard to solve
the new snapping is strange, but i think he will fix this ;)
found this:
#0 "DonorListBase" "10332294", //ebay "0", "0"
#0 "remExField" = [<NULL-object>,,"JIPrequest"]
#0 "donorListClasses" = [["ebay's Loadout","GUE_Soldier_2_DZ",["100Rnd_762x51_M240","100Rnd_762x51_M240","30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD","30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD","30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD","ItemAntibiotic","ItemBloodbag","ItemEpinephrine","ItemMorphine","Skin_GUE_Soldier_Sniper_DZ","ItemBandage"],["Mk_48_DZ","UZI_SD_EP1","Binocular_Vector","NVGoggles","ItemCompass","ItemHatchet","ItemKnife","Itemmatchbox","Itemetool","ItemSledge","ItemWatch","ItemGPS","ItemCrowbar"],"DZ_Backpack_EP1",["5Rnd_86x70_L115A1","5Rnd_86x70_L115A1","5Rnd_86x70_L115A1"],["BAF_LRR_scoped_W"],0,0],[],[]]
Sheep i have not been able to use my server since 04/07/2014 today i thought with the new update it couldn't do any damage to try and see if it works with that, but before i let you know what happened i'll briefly describe what was happening, mind you this was on a completely fresh vilayer epoch/database install with no mods at all.

I would join my servr and i could get in fine first time round, but every time i logged even if it was to lobby i could not get back in as all i could see was the DayZ Epoch loading screen. I could run around and hear my characters movements though, weirdly enough this only affected me on my own server and i join others fine.

So here we are today after installing your repack on my server and voila! it works absolutely perfect, you're a genius man, no tech support could figure out what was going wrong and i was at a wits end.

Thank you for the time and effort you put into this.

The only thing is i don't know how i'd go about running the new.sql on my database any hints please ?
ask on vilayer forum you will need a sql manager to
13.07.2014 00:55:24: boneau( 8680ec6811393135ffd12e03f198cc15 - #0 "donorListBase" = ["10332294","0","0"]
13.07.2014 01:01:46: boneau( 8680ec6811393135ffd12e03f198cc15 - #0 "donorListBase" = ["10332294","0","0"]
after delete the line above line in mpmission init/variables.sqf
13.07.2014 01:06:04: boneau( 8680ec6811393135ffd12e03f198cc15 - #0 "DefaultMagazines" = ["ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller","ItemWaterbottle","FoodPistachio","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17"]
13.07.2014 00:55:24: boneau( 8680ec6811393135ffd12e03f198cc15 - #0 "donorListBase" = ["10332294","0","0"]
13.07.2014 01:01:46: boneau( 8680ec6811393135ffd12e03f198cc15 - #0 "donorListBase" = ["10332294","0","0"]
after delete the line above line in mpmission init/variables.sqf
13.07.2014 01:06:04: boneau( 8680ec6811393135ffd12e03f198cc15 - #0 "DefaultMagazines" = ["ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller","ItemWaterbottle","FoodPistachio","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17"]
ok thats weird , your getting kicked for ESS which shouldnt happen... ill see what i can do

Start Dayz
Hit Multiplayer
Hit the 'New' button on the bottom of the server list screen
Set the Host to LAN and hit OK
Select Chernarus from the map options, and 01: Deathmatch from the mission options. Click Play/Start
Follow the menu screens till you get ingame into Chernarus in some form.
Escape -> Suspend. Head back to main menu. You should now get super quick load-ins to any DayZ server and almost certainly avoid the loading screen freeze.
13.07.2014 00:55:24: boneau( 8680ec6811393135ffd12e03f198cc15 - #0 "donorListBase" = ["10332294","0","0"]
13.07.2014 01:01:46: boneau( 8680ec6811393135ffd12e03f198cc15 - #0 "donorListBase" = ["10332294","0","0"]
after delete the line above line in mpmission init/variables.sqf
13.07.2014 01:06:04: boneau( 8680ec6811393135ffd12e03f198cc15 - #0 "DefaultMagazines" = ["ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller","ItemWaterbottle","FoodPistachio","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17"]
ok make sure you have installed the BE filters correctly as i cant reproduce the issue :(
no you just need to replace it. how to soon :)

Not sure i like your attitude. I know you do all of this work for us for free and ask for nothing in return, and i understand this stuff can be time consuming when trying to figure stuff out, but i really don't appreciate you making me wait for stuff. I'm too important to have to wait!!! :p
Not sure i like your attitude. I know you do all of this work for us for free and ask for nothing in return, and i understand this stuff can be time consuming when trying to figure stuff out, but i really don't appreciate you making me wait for stuff. I'm too important to have to wait!!! :p
you could always do it yourself :) (almost fixed ... its the dam space interrupt :( if i use the one that comes with snap it works, soon as i add the journal and help hotkeys it breaks WTF!!! )
OMG its the dam player_build as well lol anyway hers the fix!

open fixes\dayz_spaceinterrupt.sqf and replace ALL code with this
private ["_dikCode","_handled","_primaryWeapon","_secondaryWeapon","_nearbyObjects","_nill","_shift","_ctrl","_alt","_dropPrimary","_dropSecondary","_iItem","_removed","_iPos","_radius","_item"];
_dikCode =    _this select 1;

_handled = false;

if (_dikCode in[0x02,0x03,0x04,0x58,0x57,0x44,0x43,0x42,0x41,0x40,0x3F,0x3E,0x3D,0x3C,0x3B,0x0B,0x0A,0x09,0x08,0x07,0x06,0x05]) then {
   _handled = true;

   _handled = false;

if ((_dikCode == 0x3E or _dikCode == 0x0F or _dikCode == 0xD3)) then {
   if(diag_tickTime - dayz_lastCheckBit > 10) then {
     dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_tickTime;
     call dayz_forceSave;
   call dayz_EjectPlayer;

// esc
if (_dikCode == 0x01) then {
   DZE_cancelBuilding = true;
   call dayz_EjectPlayer;
// Disable ESC after death
if (_dikCode == 0x01 && r_player_dead) then {
   _handled = true;

// surrender
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "Surrender") then {
   _vehicle = vehicle player;
   _inVehicle = (_vehicle != player);
   _onLadder =   (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> (animationState player) >> "onLadder")) == 1;
   _canDo = (!r_drag_sqf and !r_player_unconscious and !_onLadder and !_inVehicle);
   if (_canDo and !DZE_Surrender and !(player isKindOf  "PZombie_VB")) then {
     DZE_Surrender = true;
     _dropPrimary = false;
     _dropSecondary = false;

     _primaryWeapon = primaryWeapon player;
     if (_primaryWeapon != "") then {_dropPrimary = true;};
     _secondaryWeapon = "";
       if ((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "Type")) == 2) exitWith {
           _secondaryWeapon = _x;
     } forEach (weapons player);
     if (_secondaryWeapon != "") then {_dropSecondary = true;};

     if (_dropPrimary or _dropSecondary) then {
       player playActionNow "PutDown";
       _iPos = getPosATL player;
       _radius = 1;
       _item = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder", _iPos, [], _radius, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
       _item setposATL _iPos;
       if (_dropPrimary) then {
         _iItem = _primaryWeapon;
         _removed = ([player,_iItem,1] call BIS_fnc_invRemove);
         if (_removed == 1) then {
           _item addWeaponCargoGlobal [_iItem,1];
       if (_dropSecondary) then {
         _iItem = _secondaryWeapon;
         _removed = ([player,_iItem,1] call BIS_fnc_invRemove);
         if (_removed == 1) then {
           _item addWeaponCargoGlobal [_iItem,1];
       player reveal _item;

     // set publicvariable that allows other player to access gear
     player setVariable ["DZE_Surrendered", true, true];
     // surrender animation
     player playMove "AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon";
   _handled = true;

if (_dikCode in actionKeys "MoveForward") exitWith {r_interrupt = true; if (DZE_Surrender) then {call dze_surrender_off};};
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "MoveLeft") exitWith {r_interrupt = true; if (DZE_Surrender) then {call dze_surrender_off};};
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "MoveRight") exitWith {r_interrupt = true; if (DZE_Surrender) then {call dze_surrender_off};};
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "MoveBack") exitWith {r_interrupt = true; if (DZE_Surrender) then {call dze_surrender_off};};

//Prevent exploit of drag body
if ((_dikCode in actionKeys "Prone") and r_drag_sqf) exitWith { force_dropBody = true; };
if ((_dikCode in actionKeys "Crouch") and r_drag_sqf) exitWith { force_dropBody = true; };

_shift =    _this select 2;
_ctrl =    _this select 3;
_alt =     _this select 4;

//diag_log format["Keypress: %1", _this];
if ((_dikCode in actionKeys "Gear") and (vehicle player != player) and !_shift and !_ctrl and !_alt && !dialog) then {
       createGearDialog [player, "RscDisplayGear"];
       _handled = true;

if (_dikCode in (actionKeys "GetOver")) then {
   if (player isKindOf  "PZombie_VB") then {
     _handled = true;
     DZE_PZATTACK = true;
   } else {
     _nearbyObjects = nearestObjects[getPosATL player, dayz_disallowedVault, 8];
     if (count _nearbyObjects > 0) then {
       if((diag_tickTime - dayz_lastCheckBit > 4)) then {
         [objNull, player, rSwitchMove,"GetOver"] call RE;
         player playActionNow "GetOver";
         dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_tickTime;
       } else {
         _handled = true;
//if (_dikCode == 57) then {_handled = true}; // space
//if (_dikCode in actionKeys 'MoveForward' or _dikCode in actionKeys 'MoveBack') then {r_interrupt = true};
if (_dikCode == 210) then {
     _nill = execvm "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\playerstats.sqf";

if (_dikCode in actionKeys "ForceCommandingMode") then {_handled = true};
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "PushToTalk" and (diag_tickTime - dayz_lastCheckBit > 10)) then {
   dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_tickTime;
   [player,50,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "VoiceOverNet" and (diag_tickTime - dayz_lastCheckBit > 10)) then {
   dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_tickTime;
   [player,50,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "PushToTalkDirect" and (diag_tickTime - dayz_lastCheckBit > 10)) then {
   dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_tickTime;
   [player,15,false,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "Chat" and (diag_tickTime - dayz_lastCheckBit > 10)) then {
   dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_tickTime;
   [player,15,false,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
if (_dikCode in actionKeys "User20" and (diag_tickTime - dayz_lastCheckBit > 5)) then {
   dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_tickTime;
   _nill = execvm "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\playerstats.sqf";

// numpad 8 0x48 now pgup 0xC9 1
if ((_dikCode == 0xC9 and (!_alt or !_ctrl)) or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User15")) then {
   DZE_Q = true;
// numpad 2 0x50 now pgdn 0xD1
if ((_dikCode == 0xD1 and (!_alt or !_ctrl)) or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User16")) then {
   DZE_Z = true;

// numpad 8 0x48 now pgup 0xC9 0.1
if ((_dikCode == 0xC9 and (_alt and !_ctrl)) or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User13")) then {
   DZE_Q_alt = true;
// numpad 2 0x50 now pgdn 0xD1
if ((_dikCode == 0xD1 and (_alt and !_ctrl)) or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User14")) then {
   DZE_Z_alt = true;

// numpad 8 0x48 now pgup 0xC9 0.01
if ((_dikCode == 0xC9 and (!_alt and _ctrl)) or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User7")) then {
   DZE_Q_ctrl = true;
// numpad 2 0x50 now pgdn 0xD1
if ((_dikCode == 0xD1 and (!_alt and _ctrl)) or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User8")) then {
   DZE_Z_ctrl = true;

// numpad 4 0x4B now Q 0x10
if (_dikCode == 0x10 or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User17")) then {
   DZE_4 = true;
// numpad 6 0x4D now E 0x12
if (_dikCode == 0x12 or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User18")) then {
   DZE_6 = true;
// numpad 5 0x4C now space 0x39
if (_dikCode == 0x39 or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User19")) then {
   DZE_5 = true;

   if (_dikCode == 0x24) then {
      createDialog "horde_journal_front_cover";
   if (_dikCode == 0xD2) then {
      _hndl = createdialog "help_dialog";

   if ((_dikCode == 0xDB) or (_dikCode == 0xDC)) then {
    if (tagname) then {tagname = false;} else {tagname = true;};

   if (_dikCode == 0x9D) then {
    if (dialog) then {closeDialog 0;groupManagementActive = false;} else {createGearDialog [player, "RscDisplayGear"];[] execVM "scripts\dzgm\loadGroupManagement.sqf";};

// F key
if ((_dikCode == 0x21 and (!_alt and !_ctrl)) or (_dikCode in actionKeys "User6")) then {
   DZE_F = true;
   if(!(isNil "DZE_SNAP_PRO_COMMAND_MENU")) then {
     showCommandingMenu "#USER:DZE_SNAP_PRO_COMMAND_MENU";

if(_dikCode == 0x0C) then {
     _message = "SNAP PRO: now using COMMANDING MENU";
   } else {
     _message = "SNAP PRO: now using SCROLL MENU";
   systemChat _message;
   DZE_cancelBuilding = true;

replace all code in fixes\player_build with this (was to big to post)


this also fixes the up/down movement of buildables :)
also buildings drop on restart (always forget that fix :p) heres how to fix it
in server_monitor.sqf there is a line

if ((_object isKindOf "Static") && !(_object isKindOf "TentStorage")) then {
Change too

if (typeOf(_object) in allbuildables_class) then {
Everything lifted back up where it should be and no more dropping on restarts..

updating main download link now with both fixes
iam the only one with this problem?:
So all buildable things we put in air was on ground after restart.

Nobody blow it up or anything else, it was just on ground.