the next Bugfix is live: Version 1.05.02.
Download Bugfix Version 1.05.02
- added some agricultural roads near Osterholz and Schüren
- added the first Waysigns in Fahrenbrecht like "Osterholz 14km ---->"
- missplaced buildings in Meschede fixed
- some unusual roads in Meschede fixed
- missplaced Objects in Seedorf fixed
- Vegetation from road Seedorf <--> Calle removed#
- road from Seedorf to Calle smoothed
- Objects from roads near Schmallenberg removed
- missing road in Fahrenbrecht fixed
- missplaced vegetation in Fahrenbrecht graveyard removed
- missplaced objects in Meschede fixed.
- missplaced road in Meschede fixed
- missing roadtile in Meschede fixed
- some Roads/Places fixed
- Fence in a Barn at Pos 041/119 fixed
- vegetaton in Pub at position 061/107 fixed
- Pole at 090/100 removed
- Meschede: Tulpenweg reworked
- config.cpp for fal_trafficsigns reworked
- config.cpp for buildings3 reworked
Special Thanx to BornPI for spend many Time to find Bugs and made Scripts
Pic01: German Speed Trap
Pic02: German roadnamesigns
Pic03: german village signs
Pic04: german Sidewalks wit bicycleway
More new Models and Bugfixes coming soon.
the next Bugfix is live: Version 1.05.02.
Download Bugfix Version 1.05.02
- added some agricultural roads near Osterholz and Schüren
- added the first Waysigns in Fahrenbrecht like "Osterholz 14km ---->"
- missplaced buildings in Meschede fixed
- some unusual roads in Meschede fixed
- missplaced Objects in Seedorf fixed
- Vegetation from road Seedorf <--> Calle removed#
- road from Seedorf to Calle smoothed
- Objects from roads near Schmallenberg removed
- missing road in Fahrenbrecht fixed
- missplaced vegetation in Fahrenbrecht graveyard removed
- missplaced objects in Meschede fixed.
- missplaced road in Meschede fixed
- missing roadtile in Meschede fixed
- some Roads/Places fixed
- Fence in a Barn at Pos 041/119 fixed
- vegetaton in Pub at position 061/107 fixed
- Pole at 090/100 removed
- Meschede: Tulpenweg reworked
- config.cpp for fal_trafficsigns reworked
- config.cpp for buildings3 reworked
Special Thanx to BornPI for spend many Time to find Bugs and made Scripts
Pic01: German Speed Trap

Pic02: German roadnamesigns

Pic03: german village signs

Pic04: german Sidewalks wit bicycleway

More new Models and Bugfixes coming soon.