Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

Installed and working on Tavi 2.0 with Very easy if you follow the instructions. The only thing that isn't working is the code locks and removing objects/buildings. There is simply no option to interact with them. I could remove the code lock recipe and manually delete buildings if necessary, but I don't know how much use this will server without a locking mechanism. These buildings don't exactly make your base hidden.

Once there is a fix I'll give it another go.
hello. I have a problem. I'm using your script, I edited it but it is still the same. the problem was. on a clean server I installed the "bass building 1.2​
I put your anti hack​
I twist the mouse wheel​
with the emergence of the "building recipes" that window immediately disappears​
Anti hack is blocking it​
in what line I need to add an exception that would not be?​
battleye disconnect. still all the same​
i use
Ok I have had it with this error WHAT DOES IT MEAN rpt.log
if (typeOf(_object) in allbuildables_class) then {
diag_log ("S>
6:22:51  Error position: <allbuildables_class) then {
diag_log ("S>
6:22:51  Error Undefined variable in expression: allbuildables_class
6:22:51 File z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf, line 146
6:22:51 "OBJ: 89 - Ka52"
6:22:51 Error in expression <D2, true];
I have this for nearly every vehicle. And this aswell
_inventory >
6:25:15  Error Undefined variable in expression: allbuildables_class
6:25:15 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_updateObject.sqf, line 63
6:25:15 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:306:"6":[["wheel_2_1_steering",1]]:0.701:""
6:25:15 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:305:"7":[211,[9073.84,2852.55,0.121323]]:0.726:""
6:25:15 Error in expression <vious","_key"];
_inventory >
6:25:16  Error Undefined variable in expression: allbuildables_class
6:25:16 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_updateObject.sqf, line 63
6:25:16 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:306:"138":[]:0.0319254:""
6:25:16 Wrong text element 'null'
Anyone have a solution
It's working on my server perfectly, it writes to hive, removed objects are deleted instantly. Just the control panels (and others objects) remove/access codes stopped working after restarts (ACCESS DENIED). May be some issue with spawning and initialization of these objects? Anyone looking into this?

For now I am just keeping depl. owners ids updated to match with their living survivor, so owners are always able to remove their stuff (old tents included) and need to rebuild keypanels after restart to get it to work again. At least. Maybe some limiting parameter for a maximum amount of buildables for one person would be nice to prevent objects in DB going out of control.
UPDATE instance_deployable d LEFT JOIN (
SELECT DISTINCT d.owner_id, s.unique_id
FROM instance_deployable d
LEFT JOIN survivor s ON = d.owner_id
WHERE s.is_dead =1
) AS dead ON dead.owner_id = d.owner_id
LEFT JOIN survivor live ON live.unique_id = dead.unique_id
SET d.owner_id = WHERE live.is_dead =0

running this SQL will update all survivor ID's in a single query, I tried to find a spot in the scripts to execute this during boot so that its done automatically but i couldnt figure it out.

I hope some one can figure out a fix for the info panels after a restart.
Yep Tai, this sql works superb, recommending to all – solving lot of pain in the ass with binded corpses to dpl. Able to clean it completly. I suggested my hosting to add it as a feature to ACP so you can run the sequence then in scheduler before restarts > reassign owners ids > remove corpses > DB keeps clean and tidy. (Vilayer - watch out, their installations of mods BB including seems to be broken and I needed to repair the code manually a lot). Hope someone will bring solution for the codes soon. If I found out, will contribute immediatly...
Apologies if this has been asked before, but has anyone got w4rgos smelting installed with 1.2 and would you mind explaining what you did about the player_addActions.sqf part from w4rgos instructions?
Apologies if this has been asked before, but has anyone got w4rgos smelting installed with 1.2 and would you mind explaining what you did about the player_addActions.sqf part from w4rgos instructions?
Ya I got it .....this is from memory as im at work so,,,,I belive I took the files from w4rgo's download named
(guessing here) player_smelt.sqf and smelt_recipes.sqf and put them in
Dayz_code\actions in my mission file....that's all I had to do as Diamyo has already included the rest.
Like I said from memory and at work I will post clearer instructions on what I did when I get home today...6pm pst
Ya I got it .....this is from memory as im at work so,,,,I belive I took the files from w4rgo's download named
(guessing here) player_smelt.sqf and smelt_recipes.sqf and put them in
Dayz_code\actions in my mission file....that's all I had to do as Diamyo has already included the rest.
Like I said from memory and at work I will post clearer instructions on what I did when I get home today...6pm pst

Thanks very much! I'll give this a go now.

Did you touch your init.sqf to include the player_smelt/recipes.sqf files?

Edit: Didn't work unfortunately.
Allright, I took a swing at this. With some help, I have it all installed.

I have the problem that some others have. The buildings created do not survive a restart, they disappear.

I am on a server. I took a look at the database after creating the buildings and notices that the buildings are NOT showing up in the database.

I think, therefore, that the problem is somewhere in the script. I've checked it twice, but I will recheck it again when I get home.

I am a noob at this, so I am just going to go over it from start to finish and see if I made a mistake. Anyone that could tell me where to focus my attention would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks very much! I'll give this a go now.

Did you touch your init.sqf to include the player_smelt/recipes.sqf files?

Edit: Didn't work unfortunately.
The file i saw the lines in was fn_selfActions.sqf. I checked github and Diamyo has removed the smelt lines.(see his comment).
I did put player_smelt.sqf and player_smeltBook.sqf from W4rgo's smelt 1.3 in dayz_code\actions .
i am running Taviana 2.0 . Thats 1.7.4 code so thats the fn_selfActions i used from the basebuilding instructions.
here are the smelt lines from my file...check to see if yours has the same. If not, i guess you could just c&p them in.
Hope this helps works pretty good.
    // Remove Object from code
    if((typeOf(cursortarget) in allbuildables_class) && _canDo && removeObject && !procBuild && !remProc) then {
        _validObject = cursortarget getVariable ["validObject",false];
        if (_validObject) then {
            if (s_player_codeRemove < 0) then {
                s_player_codeRemove = player addaction [("<t color=""#8E11F5"">" + ("Base Owners Remove Object") +"</t>"),"dayz_code\actions\player_remove.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""];
        } else {
            player removeAction s_player_codeRemove;
            s_player_codeRemove = -1;
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_codeRemove;
        s_player_codeRemove = -1;
    // Smelt Items/Smelt Recipe Menu Action - W4rGo
    if((inflamed cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 5) && _canDo && !remProc && !procBuild) then {
        if (s_player_smeltItems < 0) then {
            s_player_smeltItems = player addaction[("<t color=""#ffb000"">" + ("Smelt Items") +"</t>"),"dayz_code\actions\player_smelt.sqf","",1,true,true,"", ""];
        if (s_player_smeltRecipes < 0) then {
            s_player_smeltRecipes = player addaction[("<t color=""#00adeb"">" + ("Smelt Recipes") +"</t>"),"dayz_code\actions\player_smeltBook.sqf","",1,true,true,"", ""];   
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_smeltItems;
        s_player_smeltItems = -1;
        player removeAction s_player_smeltRecipes;
        s_player_smeltRecipes = -1;
    // Disarm Booby Trap Action
    if(_hasToolbox && _canDo && !remProc && !procBuild && (cursortarget iskindof "Grave" && cursortarget distance player < 2.5 && !(cursortarget iskindof "Body" || cursortarget iskindof "GraveCross1" || cursortarget iskindof "GraveCross2" || cursortarget iskindof "GraveCrossHelmet" || cursortarget iskindof "Land_Church_tomb_1" || cursortarget iskindof "Land_Church_tomb_2" || cursortarget iskindof "Land_Church_tomb_3" || cursortarget iskindof "Mass_grave"))) then {
        if (s_player_disarmBomb < 0) then {
            s_player_disarmBomb = player addaction [("<t color=""#F01313"">" + ("Disarm Bomb") +"</t>"),"dayz_code\actions\player_disarmBomb.sqf","",1,true,true,"", ""];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_disarmBomb;
        s_player_disarmBomb = -1;
one more piece from the bottem
/ ### BASE BUILDING 1.2 ### Add in these:
// ### START ###
    player removeAction s_player_codeRemove;
    s_player_codeRemove = -1;
    player removeAction s_player_forceSave;
    s_player_forceSave = -1;
    player removeAction s_player_disarmBomb;
    s_player_disarmBomb = -1;
    player removeAction s_player_codeObject;
    s_player_codeObject = -1;
    player removeAction s_player_enterCode;
    s_player_enterCode = -1;
    player removeAction s_player_smeltRecipes;
    s_player_smeltRecipes = -1;
    player removeAction s_player_smeltItems;
    s_player_smeltItems = -1;
// ### BASE BUILDING 1.2 ### Add in these:
// ### END ###
    player removeAction s_player_butcher;
    s_player_butcher = -1;
    player removeAction s_player_cook;
    s_player_cook = -1;
    player removeAction s_player_fireout;
    s_player_fireout = -1;
    player removeAction s_player_packtent;
    s_player_packtent = -1;
    player removeAction s_player_fillfuel;
    s_player_fillfuel = -1;
    player removeAction s_player_studybody;
    s_player_studybody = -1;
The file i saw the lines in was fn_selfActions.sqf. I checked github and Diamyo has removed the smelt lines.(see his comment).
I did put player_smelt.sqf and player_smeltBook.sqf from W4rgo's smelt 1.3 in dayz_code\actions .
i am running Taviana 2.0 . Thats 1.7.4 code so thats the fn_selfActions i used from the basebuilding instructions.
here are the smelt lines from my file...check to see if yours has the same. If not, i guess you could just c&p them in.
Hope this helps works pretty good.
    // Remove Object from code
    if((typeOf(cursortarget) in allbuildables_class) && _canDo && removeObject && !procBuild && !remProc) then {
        _validObject = cursortarget getVariable ["validObject",false];
        if (_validObject) then {
            if (s_player_codeRemove < 0) then {
                s_player_codeRemove = player addaction [("<t color=""#8E11F5"">" + ("Base Owners Remove Object") +"</t>"),"dayz_code\actions\player_remove.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""];
        } else {
            player removeAction s_player_codeRemove;
            s_player_codeRemove = -1;
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_codeRemove;
        s_player_codeRemove = -1;
    // Smelt Items/Smelt Recipe Menu Action - W4rGo
    if((inflamed cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 5) && _canDo && !remProc && !procBuild) then {
        if (s_player_smeltItems < 0) then {
            s_player_smeltItems = player addaction[("<t color=""#ffb000"">" + ("Smelt Items") +"</t>"),"dayz_code\actions\player_smelt.sqf","",1,true,true,"", ""];
        if (s_player_smeltRecipes < 0) then {
            s_player_smeltRecipes = player addaction[("<t color=""#00adeb"">" + ("Smelt Recipes") +"</t>"),"dayz_code\actions\player_smeltBook.sqf","",1,true,true,"", ""]; 
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_smeltItems;
        s_player_smeltItems = -1;
        player removeAction s_player_smeltRecipes;
        s_player_smeltRecipes = -1;
    // Disarm Booby Trap Action
    if(_hasToolbox && _canDo && !remProc && !procBuild && (cursortarget iskindof "Grave" && cursortarget distance player < 2.5 && !(cursortarget iskindof "Body" || cursortarget iskindof "GraveCross1" || cursortarget iskindof "GraveCross2" || cursortarget iskindof "GraveCrossHelmet" || cursortarget iskindof "Land_Church_tomb_1" || cursortarget iskindof "Land_Church_tomb_2" || cursortarget iskindof "Land_Church_tomb_3" || cursortarget iskindof "Mass_grave"))) then {
        if (s_player_disarmBomb < 0) then {
            s_player_disarmBomb = player addaction [("<t color=""#F01313"">" + ("Disarm Bomb") +"</t>"),"dayz_code\actions\player_disarmBomb.sqf","",1,true,true,"", ""];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_disarmBomb;
        s_player_disarmBomb = -1;

You.. are an absolute legend. Thanks so much!
hey guys
i try add bb on origins files ,problem is building wont safe after restart
on not edit files sandbags etc not safe hmm any tips?