[Support] DZGM

Apologies if I am missing this somewhere but for me:

Cannot toggle the Name Tags with the windows key until after you have died and respawned..
How would I go about fixing this ?

SOLUTION: I had to change the uiSleep time to a bit longer due to the fact that I had changed some setting elsewhere to +2 seconds to have the hero / bandit skins spawn on player correctly.

I'm sure a lower seconds would work but I just added +10

waitUntil {uiSleep .25;(!isNil "PVDZ_plr_LoginRecord")};

waitUntil {uiSleep 10.25;(!isNil "PVDZ_plr_LoginRecord")};
Last edited:
added latest updated files however
all looks good I right click on radio, I get player listings but I get no player invite in the middle
any idea where to fix ?
it was I skipped this part

to this:

I am running this on overwatch so I needed to change this...

I was thinking it was spaceinterrupt since overwatch seems not to have one....
Hi, after installing this mod i get this error..

15:05:29 Error in expression < true;
[] spawn admin_do_this_first;
diag_log ("infiSTAR.de - ADDING Publi>
15:05:29 Error position: <};
diag_log ("infiSTAR.de - ADDING Publi>
15:05:29 Error Missing {
15:05:29 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\AH.sqf, line 11860

which is weird cos those lines in AH are not modified by this mod.....
this completely breaks admin tools, but group management works fine...
Pretty sure i've installed it all correctly, I've got the broadcast message coming up saying right click the radio to start group etc and all the files seem to be running fine without causing any errors but I can't seem to open it from the radio?

Any help would be appreciated, I can provide other files if needed.

Edit: Posted the init.sqf to pastebin to cut down the char limit.

class ExtraRc {
class ItemRadio {
class GroupManagement {
text = "Group Management";
script = "execVM 'dzgm\loadGroupManagement.sqf'";
respawn = "BASE";
respawndelay = 5;
onLoadMission= "DayZ Epoch Chernarus";
OnLoadIntro = "Welcome to DayZ Epoch Chernarus";
OnLoadIntroTime = False;
OnLoadMissionTime = False;
disabledAI = true;
enableItemsDropping = 0;

briefing = 0;
debriefing = 0;

onPauseScript = "";
//loadScreen = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\dayz_logo_ca.paa";
loadScreen = "Loading.jpg";

class Header
gameType = COOP; //DM, Team, Coop, ...
minPlayers = 1; //min # of players the mission supports
maxPlayers = 100; //Max # of players the mission supports

aiKills = 1;
diagRadio = 1;
diagHit = 1;

class RscText
type = 0;
idc = -1;
x = 0;
y = 0;
h = 0.037;
w = 0.3;
style = 0x100;
font = Zeppelin32;
SizeEx = 0.03921;
colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
linespacing = 1;
class RscPicture
class RscLoadingText : RscText
style = 2;
x = 0.323532;
y = 0.666672;
w = 0.352944;
h = 0.039216;
sizeEx = 0.03921;
colorText[] = {0.543,0.5742,0.4102,1.0};
class RscProgress
x = 0.344;
y = 0.619;
w = 0.313726;
h = 0.0261438;
texture = "\ca\ui\data\loadscreen_progressbar_ca.paa";
colorFrame[] = {0,0,0,0};
colorBar[] = {1,1,1,1};
class RscProgressNotFreeze
idc = -1;
type = 45;
style = 0;
x = 0.022059;
y = 0.911772;
w = 0.029412;
h = 0.039216;
texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)";
// the loading screen itself
class DayZ_loadingScreen
idd = -1;
duration = 10e10;
fadein = 0;
fadeout = 0;
name = "loading screen";
class controlsBackground
class blackBG : RscText
x = safezoneX;
y = safezoneY;
w = safezoneW;
h = safezoneH;
text = "";
colorText[] = {0,0,0,0};
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1};
class nicePic : RscPicture
style = 48 + 0x800; // ST_PICTURE + ST_KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO
x = safezoneX + safezoneW/2 - 0.25;
y = safezoneY + safezoneH/2 - 0.2;
w = 0.5;
h = 0.4;
text = "img\nicePic.paa";
class controls
class Title1 : RscLoadingText
text = "$STR_LOADING"; // "Loading" text in the middle of the screen
class CA_Progress : RscProgress // progress bar, has to have idc 104
idc = 104;
type = 8; // CT_PROGRESS
style = 0; // ST_SINGLE
texture = "\ca\ui\data\loadscreen_progressbar_ca.paa";
class CA_Progress2 : RscProgressNotFreeze // progress bar that will go reverse
idc = 103;
class Name2: RscText // the text on the top-left
idc = 101;
x = 0.05;
y = 0.029412;
w = 0.9;
h = 0.04902;
text = "";
sizeEx = 0.05;
colorText[] = {0.543,0.5742,0.4102,1.0};

class CfgSounds
sounds[] =
class fox
titles[] = {};

#include "custom\snap_pro\snappoints.hpp" //Snap Build Pro
#include "admintools\dialog.hpp" //Epoch Admin Tools
#include "spawn\defines.hpp"
#include "spawn\class.hpp"
#include "spawn\halo.hpp"
#include "spawn\spawn.hpp"
#include "custom\extra_rc.hpp"
#include "dzgm\defines.hpp"
#include "dzgm\groupManagement.hpp"
Thanks for looking into it :)

private ["_control","_button","_parent","_group","_pos","_item","_conf","_name","_cfgActions","_numActions","_height","_menu","_config","_type","_script","_outputOriented","_compile","_array","_outputClass","_outputType"];
_control = _this select 0;
_button = _this select 1;
_parent = findDisplay 106;

//if ((time - dayzClickTime) < 1) exitWith {};
if (!DZE_SelfTransfuse && ((gearSlotData _control) == "ItemBloodBag")) exitWith {};
if (_button == 1) then {
//dayzClickTime = time;
_group = _parent displayCtrl 6902;

_pos = ctrlPosition _group;
_pos set [0,((_this select 2) + 0.48)];
_pos set [1,((_this select 3) + 0.07)];

_item = gearSlotData _control;

_conf = configFile >> "cfgMagazines" >> _item;
if (!isClass _conf) then {
_conf = configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _item;
_name = getText(_conf >> "displayName");

_cfgActions = _conf >> "ItemActions";
_numActions = (count _cfgActions);
_height = 0;

//Populate Menu
for "_i" from 0 to (_numActions - 1) do
_menu = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _i);
_menu ctrlShow true;
_config = (_cfgActions select _i);
_type = getText (_config >> "text");
_script = getText (_config >> "script");
_outputOriented = getNumber (_config >> "outputOriented") == 1;
_height = _height + (0.025 * safezoneH);
_compile = format["_id = '%2' %1;",_script,_item];
uiNamespace setVariable ['uiControl', _control];
if (_outputOriented) then {
This flag means that the action is output oriented
the output class will then be transferred to the script
&& the type used for the name
_array = getArray (_config >> "output");
_outputClass = _array select 0;
_outputType = _array select 1;
_name = getText (configFile >> _outputType >> _outputClass >> "displayName");
_compile = format["_id = ['%2',%3] %1;",_script,_item,_array];

_menu ctrlSetText format[_type,_name];
_menu ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick",_compile];
_erc_cfgActions = (missionConfigFile >> "ExtraRc" >> _item);
_erc_numActions = (count _erc_cfgActions);
if (isClass _erc_cfgActions) then {
for "_j" from 0 to (_erc_numActions - 1) do
_menu = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _j + _numActions);
_menu ctrlShow true;
_config = (_erc_cfgActions select _j);
_text = getText (_config >> "text");
_script = getText (_config >> "script");
_height = _height + (0.025 * safezoneH);
uiNamespace setVariable ['uiControl', _control];
_menu ctrlSetText _text;
_menu ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick",_script];
_pos set [3,_height];
//hint format["Obj: %1 \nHeight: %2\nPos: %3",_item,_height,_grpPos];

_group ctrlShow true;
ctrlSetFocus _group;
_group ctrlSetPosition _pos;
_group ctrlCommit 0;
@calamity - Overwatch is using DayZ 1.8.1 code. In that dayz_spaceInterrupt is a function already in compiles.sqf instead of a separate file. I had directions for Overwatch in the dayz_spaceInterrupt step, but I took them out because I didn't think that many people still ran Overwatch stand alone.

For Overwatch:
dayz_spaceInterrupt is already a function inside compiles.sqf, so just copy it to your custom compiles.sqf and do the last part of the Epoch dayz_spaceInterrupt directions.
I think Overwatch is using dayz files. It stopped being updated long before 1.8.1

I have a problem (running overwatch) where groups aren't always persistent through death. You have to constantly reinvite group members its frustrating.