Recent content by Mekoz

  1. Mekoz

    Accelerated Time

    Hi, I have this working with full moon nights but im no expert so will do my best to explain what i did to get it working for me. For the full moon nights i used this guide Place the Dayz Time folder with core_time.fsm inside...
  2. Mekoz

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    The ai are full of surprises! Would love to see them parachute, easy targets just hanging there in the sky lol
  3. Mekoz

    Krixes - Self Bloodbag Script

    Works perfectly, many thanks!
  4. Mekoz

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    Hey, Been using this a while now and have really grown to love it thanks! I have notice a problem tonight though in my rtp log if anyone can shed some light. 17:48:55 "CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER Sarge SAR_leader_3 IN ParachuteG" 17:48:55 "CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER Rincewind R 1-1-B:3 IN...
  5. Mekoz

    Self Blood Bag

    Im not sure what the problem is but i tried the above script too and again it breaks. I still get the menu option to use bloodbag but clicking it does nothing. Im guessing that i have many other scripts running there may be conflicts?
  6. Mekoz

    Self Blood Bag

    Hi, im trying to add a cooldown and not be available to use in combat but anything i add seems to break it. In combat: if (player getVariable["combattimeout", 0] >= time) then { hintSilent "You can't bloodbag yourself in combat!"; } else { Tried adding to start of player_selfbloodbag.sqf but...
  7. Mekoz

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    Hey, Really love this, having so much fun with it thanks! Question: Is it possible to have the helicopter lights on? heli action ["lightOn", heli]; I think that is the code needed just not sure how to place it?
  8. Mekoz

    Accelerated Time

    Any news on how to edit the server pbo?
  9. Mekoz

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    Hi, To set heli patrols to bandits, go into your mission folder\addons\SARGE\map_config\SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf or which ever map you want to edit. Changing the number 1 to a 3 will set from soldiers to bandits. // Heli patrol south coast [SAR_marker_helipatrol_southcoast,1] call...
  10. Mekoz

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    c) whitelist sounds good, could have ai protecting admin base!
  11. Mekoz

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    How do you make heli patrols respawn endlessly?
  12. Mekoz

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    Yeah will play around with it thanks.
  13. Mekoz

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    // define the type of heli you want to use here for the heli patrols SAR_heli_type="UH1H_DZ"; How to make this choose random from a list of more different types for helicopters? e.g: SAR_heli_type= "UH1H_DZ","Mi17_DZ","MH60S","Mi24_D","AH64D" but didnt work for me. Still only spawn UH1H_DZ...
  14. Mekoz

    dayz mission addin (serverside scripts)

    @piXel, Hey just wanted to say thanks, been having lots of fun with mans best friend. :)
  15. Mekoz

    dayz mission addin (serverside scripts)

    Yeah it actually works with that id, ive just copied everything from dayzAddin_21 into my server and its working. So it must be my editing of the mission file thats the problem...